Topic Search: B


B cells

Memory B cells were discovered more than half a century ago. But scientists are just beginning to understand the crucial role they play in protecting people from serious illness - David Cox

B cells & Covid-19

One of the things which Covid-19 has illustrated to immunologists is that people who have a greater diversity of B cells are much more equipped to fend off a new pathogen, and particularly the ever-evolving variants of Covid-19 - David Cox


You can say that pernicious anemia is vitamin B12 deficiency, taken to the “next level -

B12 Injections

It should be noted that there’s some controversy when it comes to Vitamin B12 as a weight loss tool. However, most of criticism is the lack of scientific studies surrounding it, rather than an actual critique of its effectiveness - Vitagene


Diphenhydramine may not be necessary when using haloperidol + lorazepam to treat agitation in the ED. ED length of stay is increased with the addition of diphenhydramine to haloperidol + lorazepam - Bryan D Hayes PharmD


Viruses like SARS-CoV-2 mutate all the time as they replicate. When a virus acquires enough distinct mutations, it’s categorized as a variant. But if the changes aren’t that drastic, a mutated virus might be described as a subvariant, like BA.2 - Umair Irfan


Even though it's rare, babesiosis is the pathogen most often spread by blood transfusions, according to reports in The New England Journal of Medicine and Infectious Disease in Clinical Practice - Tech Insider

Baby Bottles

Plastic or glass? That is the question for many new parents choosing a baby bottle - Norbert Sparrow

Baby Food Diet

The trendy so-called “baby food” diet — which involves eating pureed fruits and vegetables 14 times a day — is showing signs of staying power. And the real surprise? It’s not that bad for you - Katherine Bindley

Baby Formula

There are formulas for newborns, young infants, older infants, and toddlers. I think in total, there are 7,341 infant formulas to choose from. (I made that number up, but that’s the way it feels. The only time I’ve been more overwhelmed by choices is trying to pick out a decent dog food - Chad Hayes MD

Baby Formula Crisis

If, God forbid, a family member of President Joe Biden or Jeff Bezos or someone influential had one of these diseases, this crisis wouldn’t have made it to Day Two - Phoebe Carter

Baby Health

For many of us, parenthood is like being air-dropped into a foreign land, where protohumans rule and communication is performed through cryptic screams and colorful fluids - Michaeleen Doucleff

Back Injuries

Notably, the ACA reports that the majority of lumbar pain is mechanical in nature. That is to say, it is caused by unusual strain or stress, not disease - Mario McKellop

Back Pain

If you have never suffered from lingering low back pain, you’re lucky or, more likely, young. Up to 80 percent of us will experience low back pain at some point. And for most, there won’t be an identifiable cause - Gretchen Reynolds

Back Pain Acute Management

Lower back pain is one of the most frequent reasons people visit the doctor. Yet doctors are finding drugs should actually often be the last line of treatment for it - Julia Belluz

Back Pain Chronic Management

A growing cadre of specialists are exploring nondrug, noninvasive treatments, some of which have proved highly effective in relieving chronic pain - Jane E Brody

Back Pain Invasive Management

Spinal surgery has a role in alleviating radicular pain and disability resulting from neural compression, or where back pain relates to cancer, infection, or gross instability. Spinal surgery for all other forms of back pain is unsupported by clinical data - Lachlan Evans


Baclofen is primarily used for the treatment of spastic movement disorders and now more ubiquitously for the treatment of chronic back pain - Sarah Joseph MD


For the first half of geological time our ancestors were bacteria. Most creatures still are bacteria, and each one of our trillions of cells is a colony of bacteria - Richard Dawkins

Bacterial Dysentery

The Gram-negative bacterium transmitted via contaminated food or water, does not seem to get the attention it’s due for the worldwide devastation it causes - Food Safety News

Bacterial Vaginosis

BV is not a sexually transmitted infection, but it can develop after sex, and any woman might get it including those in same sex relationships and those who have never had sex - Paul Casey

Bad Breath

Truthfully there are a lot of different causes — food, tobacco, dry mouth, alcohol, poor oral hygiene...the list is almost endless. But truthfully, most of those are precursors to the real culprit — volatile sulfur compounds(VSCs) - Thomas P Connelly DDS

Bad Cholesterol

Bad cholesterol isn't actually always bad. But pinpointing the exact moment it turns against you can be surprisingly tricky - Markham Heid

Baggy Eyes

The important thing for most people is to take good care of the skin to help keep it taut and minimize the bags that can come with aging - Dr. Scot Glasberg

Baker's Cyst

A Baker's cyst is often found incidentally during a physical exam or an ultrasound performed for other reasons. It may cause no symptoms at all or just a bulge at the back of the knee, but it can also cause pain - Celeste Robb-Nicholson MD

Balance of Nature Supplements

Save the $100 and buy some produce at your local farmer’s market if you’re trying to up your fruit and vegetable intake. This company has too many red flags - Calloway Cook & Taylor Graber MD


Balantidiasis is a zoonotic disease caused by Balantidium coli, the largest enteric and only ciliate protozoan parasite that affects humans. Symptomatic balantidiasis affects the large intestine, causing dysentery that rarely complicates with intestinal bleeding, intestinal perforation, or extra-intestinal involvement - VisualDx


Many people mistakenly believe that barbiturates are obsolete drugs that are no longer prescribed - Ashwood Recovery

Barbiturates & Seizures (Phenobarbital)

Phenobarbital, the oldest of the currently available antiepileptic drugs, has lost its popularity in this era of multiple new drugs and is seldom used after infancy in developed countries - Tally Lerman-Sagie MD

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery can solve more than just weight issues, but lifestyle changes are the key to sustained success - Leslie Garisto Pfaff


Baricitinib, a Janus-associated kinase (JAK) inhibitor, reduces mortality and may reduce progression to mechanical ventilation in COVID-19 patients, with no increase in serious adverse events - Amanda K. Hempel


This little grain is often overlooked and forgotten. Wheat, oats, and brown rice are the ones we think of when someone starts talking about grains. Poor barley gets relegated to the occasional soup recipe. To be fair, barley does shine in soups and veggie stews, but it deserves a little more attention than we tend to give it - Sun Warrior


Barre has morphed from a class for nimble dancer-types to become the workout of choice for fitness fiends everywhere - Locke Hughes

Barrett's Esophagus

Barrett’s Esophagus is a gastrointestinal condition that can strike without symptoms—and may even serve as a precursor to esophageal cancer - Shireen Pais MD

Bars: Energy Protein Nutrition

Remember the good old days when your choice in energy bars was between Clif and Powerbar? Yeah, well, those days are gone - Marygrace Taylor

Bartholin Cyst & Abscess

You probably will never hear about this lady part until there’s something wrong with yours - Sara Twogood MD

Bartonella (Bartonellosis)

Bartonella bacteria are highly evolved, survive in multiple insect vectors and in dessicated flea feces, and enter our bodies in a stealth-like manner, switching off our immune response as it takes residence in our tissues - Dr. Lesley Ann Fein

Basal Cell Carcinoma

Basal cell carcinoma typically is the most common type of non-melanoma skin cancer. This type of cancer often looks like a pink waxy bump that may bleed following minor injury - Michael Austin

Basal Ganglia

The diversity in the pathways of the basal ganglia through the cortex suggest the basal ganglia are involved in other functions besides movement, such as learning, attention, habit formation, motivation, and emotion - Know Your Brain

Basal Metabolic Rate

It’s time you know the burning truths about your metabolism - C J Burton, Yahoo Health

Baseball & Softball

Baseball is more than a game. It's like life played out on a field - Juliana Hatfield

Basilar Skull Fracture

Basilar Skull Fracture (BSF) involving one of the five bones that form the base of the skull represents a life-threatening condition with high morbidity and mortality. They are relatively less common due to the resilience of the skull base (occurring in 4% serious head injury cases and up to 21% of all skull fractures)1 and need significant blunt trauma to occur - Saran S. Pillai


Football, the kind that actually uses the feet, may still be the most popular sport among kids globally, but few sports can match the explosive international growth of basketball - Bruce Y. Lee


Basophils are large multi-lobed cells that circulate in the blood of humans and other animals. They are structurally and genetically related to neutrophils and eosinophils and they originate in the bone marrow. They have a variety of clinical functionalities and disease syndromes associated with their presence but perhaps the most important and certainly the most studied surrounds allergic reactions - Clyde Schultz

Bat Bites

Over the last decade, increased surveillance and improved techniques for disease detection have implicated bats as likely reservoirs and vectors for a lengthening list of pathogens that can affect humans and domestic animals -

Bath Salts

Bath salts aren’t likely to cause a dawn of the dead any time soon — if for no other reason than that most Americans still prefer downers - Robert Moor


Suspect a battery ingestion in every presumed “coin” or other foreign body ingestion. Carefully observe for the battery’s double-rim or halo-effect on AP radiograph or step off on the lateral view -


While there is some research linking BCAAs to insulin resistance and diabetes, the long-term effects of taking amino acid supplements really aren’t known - Mark Moyad


Besides being relatively weak, BCG comes with another major disadvantage—it creates a lifelong false-positive skin test. This makes TB tougher to diagnose among the vaccinated, unless their symptoms are severe - Natalie Shure


There are risks associated with hormonal contraception, and these shouldn’t be underplayed - Sarah Byrne

BCPs & Blood Clots

In terms of clotting and contraception, it's important to be clear about the types of contraceptive methods in question. First, it's inaccurate to call out 'the contraceptive pill', because not all pills are created equal - Allie Anderson

BE FAST (Stroke Awareness)

Stroke is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Signs and symptoms can be subtle and easily missed. If something seems wrong, it’s vital to react -


From the Bean Protocol Diet to longevity experts like Dan Beuttner and even the United Nations, beans are taking center stage - The Food Ocracy

Beat Insomnia

Sleep is one of the most important factors contributing to our health and happiness. And yet it’s often the most neglected — or at least the most elusive - Christina Bonnington


Beauty products can be remarkable and magical tools that help you to express your personal identity and style, enhance what makes you unique, and feel your best - Jessica Cruel


For individuals with weakened, suppressed or no immune response to vaccination” prophylactic antibody injections offer “a realistic alternative to perpetual isolation and risk for serious illness or death from Covid-19 - Howard J Huang

Bed Sores

Preventing pressure ulcers and specifically heel ulceration among nursing home residents remains a clinical challenge, often resulting in sub-optimal care - A Bangova


The Internet abounds with so-called miracle cures for bed bugs. But bed bugs are hard to get rid of, so anything that advertises an immediate solution is not accurate—it's snake oil - Scientific American


Accidents and bedwetting are often dismissed with excuses like, “kids get busy and forget to go” or “he’s a deep sleeper.” But these notions are wrong - Steve J Hodges MD

Bee Envenomation

Most reactions to a sting are mild to moderate and do not involve a severe allergy - in children, for example, only about 3% experience any allergic reaction - MNT


Grass-fed beef is all the rage these days. Everyone says it tastes better and is more humane for the cattle. But what about the environment - Brian Palmer


Of course, beer isn’t good for everyone...Few medical experts will suggest that a non-drinker take up the habit just for the health benefits, when exercise and a good diet can produce similar benefits - Allison Van Dusen


It’s hard to imagine a world without honey bees. After all, vast swaths of our agricultural system rely on this amazing pollinator. Food as we know it depends on bees - Randy Verhoek

Beets (Beetroot)

Don’t get mislead by unethical companies or experts trying to sell you on the media hype benefits of nitric oxide from beetroot extract when their products only contain a fraction of the amount cited in studies - Kaged

Behavioral Health

When distinguishing between behavioral health and mental health, it is important to remember that behavioral health is a blanket term that includes mental health. Behavioral health looks at how behaviors impact someone’s health — physical and mental - Alvernia University

Behavioral Therapy

Behavior therapy refers to a set of therapeutic interventions that aim to eliminate maladaptive, self-defeating behaviors and replace them with healthy, adaptive behaviors - Jo Nash PhD

Behcet's Disease

A chronic disease involving inflammation of blood vessels, Behçet’s is so rare and mysterious that there is no standard of care - Celgene

Beliefs Need to Change Before We Enjoy Full Benefits of Flu Vaccination

It’s that time of year again. No, not the holidays—we’re talking about the flu. But with half of parents believing that flu vaccines can cause the flu, call it the season of misinformation.

Bell's Palsy

The conventional wisdom is that if you don’t heal in three months you are not likely to heal, and if you do heal there will always be residual effects - Jonathan FitzGordon

Belly Fat

Whereas other forms of the unwanted substance just sit around and...well...chew the fat, midsection fat causes several serious health problems - Shilo Zylbergold

Benadryl (Diphenhydramine)

Benadryl is no longer recommended as the first-line treatment for any allergic condition (including allergic rhinitis and urticaria) by any recent U.S. or international guideline. It’s not 1946. The time has come for Benadryl to retire - Roy Benaroch MD

Benign Childhood Epilepsy

Although in the past it was considered as a benign and self-limited entity, more and more evidences are accumulating to suggest that this condition may be associated with learning deficits in children - Manish Parakh

Benign Prostate Hypertrophy (BPH)

Up to 90 percent of men in their 70s have benign prostatic hyperplasia, or B.P.H., a nonmalignant growth of the prostate gland - Jane E. Brody

Bentyl (Dicyclomine)

Anticholinergic agents, especially dicyclomine, are commonly used as antispasmodic drugs. Dicyclomine has high central nervous system penetration and produces central anticholinergic effects apart from the peripheral effect - Virendra Vikram Singh


The benzene problem – unsafe at any level - Environmental Working Group

Benzodiazepine Use Disorder

Just as overprescribing opioids contributed to the use of heroin and illicit fentanyl and related deaths, overprescribing benzodiazepines may herald the dawn of a new era of illicit and deadly benzodiazepines - Anna Lembke

Benzodiazepines (Benzos)

Benzodiazepines do not produce euphoria; they leave you indifferent to the world. Benzos are like the drug soma in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, in which “a gramme is better than a damn”.- Lily Lynch


TikTokers have been bringing on a new phrase to describe berberine, a dietary supplement that’s been around for a while. They’ve been calling it “Nature’s Ozempic,” claiming that berberine can help you lose weight like Ozempic can - Bruce Y. Lee


And beriberi is rare, but now treatable with a bit of thiamine - Sarah Laskow

Bernie Sanders

If the political system is broken—a popular notion these days—shouldn't the Americans vote for candidates who fall outside the status quo? Luckily, there's someone running for president who can lead us somewhere better.


Whether there is a single component that is responsible for the benefits of berries or whether there are many phytochemicals that work together to provide benefits is unknown - Beth Fontenot

Best Sources Covid-19

You’ve just got to be humble enough to realize that we don’t know it all from the get-go and even as we get into it - Anthony Fauci MD

Beta 2 Agonists

History suggests β agonists, the cognate ligand of the β2adrenoceptor, have been used as bronchodilators for around 5000 years, and β agonists remain today the frontline treatment for asthma and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). The β agonists used clinically today are the products of significant expenditure and over a hundred year's intensive research aimed at minimizing side effects and enhancing therapeutic usefulness - Charlotte K. Billington

Beta Blocker Toxicity

Many centers throughout the country are becoming much more comfortable with high dose insulin (hyperinsulinemia-euglycemia therapy) - Patrick M. Lank MD MS

Beta Blockers

The cheap and popular heart drugs known as beta-blockers may be overused in many patients, exposing them needlessly to bothersome side effects - Dr. Sripal Bangalore

Beta Lactams

The β-lactam class of compounds is arguably the most important family of microbial natural products ever applied to human medicine. With the discovery of penicillin early in the twentieth century, treatment of infectious diseases entered the modern era in which antibiotics control and eliminate infections that would otherwise be intractable. Even now when our reliance upon antibiotics is threatened by the ever-increasing threat of antibiotic resistance, the β-lactam class of compounds accounts for >50% of all antibiotic prescriptions - Kapil Tahlan

BHB Beta-hydroxybutyrate Supplements

BHB serves as the only alternative fuel that the majority of our brain cells can use to replace sugar. By using BHB, it allows us to conserve muscle mass and experience numerous health benefits - Craig Clarke


Biathlon is the ultimate test of physical and mental stamina - Jen Murphy

Bier Block (Intravenous Regional Anesthesia)

Since Bier’s initial introduction of this method of anaesthesia it has been substantially modified and protocols for Biers block differ depending on the country, local protocols and which limb is undergoing the procedure - Alex Johnson and Mike Cadogan

Big Data

The healthcare industry, perhaps more than any other, is on the brink of a major transformation through the use of advanced analytics and big data technologies - Carol McDonald

Big Tech & Healthcare

Success is going to require talented experts, a beginner's mind, and a long-term orientation - Jeff Bezos

Big Toe (Hallux)

The big toe is the most essential lever in your lower body. When it’s not being pulled, the big toe is a key component of your balance - React Physical Therapy


It was discovered, forgotten, rediscovered, repurposed, rejected, rescued, exonerated and may have further secrets to reveal - Clifford J. Bailey

Bike Helmets

Let's start thinking of biking as a normal, safe activity, like walking — and helmets as an optional accessory for people who are really into it - Joseph Stromberg


Bicycling is a big part of the future. It has to be. There's something wrong with a society that drives a car to workout in a gym - Bill Nye - American Scientist

Biking and Cycling Vacations

If you have decided to go with an operator that will arrange lodging, transport your luggage, and provide you with those all-important backroad routes into the countryside, you have come to the right place -

Bile Acid Sequestrants

These two drugs are not commonly used to treat diabetes, but they’re options. If you’re not at your target A1C and/or blood sugar range - Amy Campbell

Bile Duct Cancer

Although we continue to label CCA according to its anatomic location, we are acquiring knowledge of the genetic underpinnings of the disease, leading to advancements in the field - Cancer Therapy Advisor

Biliary Atresia

A rare and life threatening childhood Liver disease which most medical professionals don't know about -

Binge Drinking

Short-term unhealthiness aside, it’s possible binge drinking also alters us at the basic level of our being – in our DNA - David DiSalvo


Anorexia and bulimia may be the most commonly talked about eating disorders but binge eating (not to be confused with occasional overeating) is actually the most common eating disorder - Michelle Cleary

Biochemist Organizations

In what some faculty call the most radical shift in half a century, schools...are ditching their traditional chemistry programs in favor of interdisciplinary foundational courses...that might woo students with broader interests - Melissa Korn

Biochemistry Journals

What is the point of getting an academic job—or any job in research, for that matter—if you are not going to work on problems that stand to provide significant benefits to mankind - Paul Bracher PhD


Chemists, we’re not known as the most flexible people. But we’ve really got to change, because academia’s changing = Erland Stevens PhD


When a ‘solution’ to an environmental problem triggers a climate disaster. -


Biodiversity supplies the essential infrastructure supporting life on earth and human development - United Nations Decade on Biodiversity

Bioelectronic Medicine

BEM is the most recent medical revolution — not an innovation or an improvement or a step up but a radical reimagining of our understanding that it should be possible to treat human illnesses using electrical signals - Kevin Tracey MD


Bioenergy is often pitched as a trendy solution to our energy needs, but it's a concept that stretches back beyond any other derived energy source, when our cave-dwelling ancestors burned firewood to keep warm - Nils Rokke

Bioengineering (Biomedical)

Advances in 3-D printing and medical technology will soon make it possible to construct human tissue in a lab, implant it in a patient and watch it grow into the body - Peter Mellgard


Governments must seek to discourage any policy or action that promotes the use of food as fuel, whilst encouraging innovation in second generation development - Christopher G. Baker


The “cell lines” used to develop monoclonal antibodies, as well as remdesivir and vaccines, began with fetal tissue decades ago - Apoorva Mandavilli and Nathalia Holt


Some would argue that what began as a multi-disciplinary field of study is now a full-fledged discipline in its own right. Bioethics has a burgeoning literature, with journals and publishers - Center for Practical Bioethics

Bioethics Blogs

Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth - Marcus Aurelius

Bioethics Journals

Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose - Zora Neale Hurston

Bioethics Organizations

You can't build any kind of organization if you're not going to surround yourself with people who have experience and skill base beyond your own - Howard Schultz

Bioethics, Retraction Watch: Providing Information About Bad Information

In a field supposedly peer-reviewed and self-correcting, there is a decided lack of transparency and dissemination when it comes to retractions. Enter Retraction Watch, which aims to change the paradigm.


I call biofeedback “medicine’s best kept secret” because so few people know about it and because it’s so truly amazing in terms of its healing potential - Cindy Perlin LCSW


With the addition of biofuels, the demand for the already limited resource of available agricultural land became even greater. Unfortunately, it’s only going to get worse -


Biogas, also known as renewable natural gas, is “renewable” in the sense that humans and animals will keep producing waste – but we don’t want to encourage generating more waste for the sole purpose of creating more biogas - Tim Juliani

Biogas & Factory Farms

Factory farm gas is a type of “biogas” — gas created from organic waste, like sewage and livestock manure, that can be burned for energy. However, seemingly planet-friendly labels like “biogas” or “renewable natural gas” are greenwashing this dirty energy source - Mia DiFelice


With biohacking you can get better results from the faster feedback loop. With the quantified self, you get amazing knowledge, but you have a harder time getting the knowledge back to the nervous system because of the timing of it - Dave Asprey

BioHacking...The Perils of Progress

If Plato were brought up to speed on the 21st century, he might think twice about labeling necessity as the mother of invention, because in today's world it seems opportunity is at least as driving a force.


Biotoxins that are a threat to human health (and often animals too) are classified as biological hazards. These hazards are often labelled with the well know 'Biohazard' symbol, so that those who might handle the substance, or come into contact with it, will know that it poses a threat and that the correct precautions must be taken - Emma Gray

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT)

Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is a tricky subject for the average person to navigate. Especially since the media has had a field day with both bio-identical hormone therapies and the health repercussions of synthetic hormones - Michael Forbes

Biological Age

Growing interest in biological age is fueled by advances in the field of epigenetics, the study of how gene expression is affected by behaviors and the environment - Betsy Morris

Biological Warfare

Biological weapons specifically involve the use of living organisms, although some expand the definition to include the toxins such organisms can produce. Using living things as a weapon has a long history - The Economist


The good news is that research into the pathogenesis of asthma has led to the development of biologics that target cytokines directly involved in causing severe asthma symptoms - Rosanna Sutherby PharmD


As this promising class of drugs continues to grow in number and popularity, their lifesaving power will be limited if costs make them inaccessible to patients who need them. - Ian Haydon

Biologist Organizations

An idea can only become a reality once it is broken down into organized, actionable elements - Scott Belsky


It is an occupational risk of biologists to claim, towards the end of their careers, that the problems which they have not solved are insoluble - John Maynard Smith

Biology Journals

Research is creating new knowledge - Neil Armstrong


Biomarkers play a vital role in the development of therapies as well as the diagnosis and personalized treatment of diseases. But finding and validating novel biomarkers remains challenging - Biognosys


The conversion to biomass energy has played a key role in reducing our dependence on fossil fuels. But is this renewable energy source really as green as we first thought - Kate Ravilious

Biomedical Careers

Biomedical research can be very changing discoveries and saving lives. Yet, it remains controversial

Biomedical Jobs

The mindset of the people involved in this industry is so much more humanitarian due to the effect on patient care


No matter how counter-intuitive it may seem, basic research has proven over and over to be the lifeline of practical advances in medicine - Arthur Kornberg

Biometrics Business

Biometrics is a slow-moving train, but a train nonetheless. This may accelerate it - Peter Browne


Increasingly, humans are realizing that we may get more bang for our buck by imitating nature than by reinventing the wheel - Greggory Moore

Biomimicry: Letting Nature Show Us the Way(s)

From creating material for building structures to synthesizing energy, for eons nature has invented ways to perform myriad tasks in environmentally sustainable ways. So the more humans learn and emulate these lessons, the better off we'll be.

Bionic Pancreas

They never said it would be easy but with one step at a time and with tomorrow in mind, there is hope - Julie Bernal, Pancreas Tomorrow

Bionics Business

The person who has a disability today may have a superability tomorrow - Daniel H Wilson


Understanding biorhythms is helping doctors direct treatments, including the best times to take various medications. It is also suggesting new treatment strategies - Melinda Beck


The global research community does not need more rules, more layers of oversight, and more intermediary actors. What it needs is more attention and respect to already known biosafety measures and techniques - Ruthanne Huising and Susan S. Silbey


To save as many lives as possible, governments must emphasize investments in biosecurity systems and technologies. The focus should be on expanding monitoring systems to discover biosecurity threats before they become widespread - Project Syndicate


Today, the use of biosignatures to identify individuals has expanded to include everything from iris and facial scans right through to DNA profiling and even the unique shape of a person's arse - George Dvorsky


biosimilars are lower-cost alternatives that compete with originator biologics (akin to generics, but for biologic medicines). Biosimilars have the potential to reduce the cost of high cost biologic medicines - Wayne Winegarden

Biotech Business

The biotechnology wave is similar to the information technology wave of the 1980s and 1990s -Dietmar Hopp


Natural disasters, disease outbreaks and potential bioterrorism attacks do not discriminate based on population or geographic location - John Peterson


Our bodies don’t actually require much biotin to get by, but since it plays a role in cell growth, it’s billed as a way to lengthen hair and strengthen nails. There's a catch, though—the research on the stuff is patchy at best - Arielle Pardes


Biotoxins are substances which are both toxic and have a biological origin. They come in many forms and can be produced by nearly every type of living organism: there are mycotoxins (made by fungi), zootoxins (made by animals) and phytotoxins (made by plants) - Emma Gray


NIPPV improves oxygenation, work of breathing, respiratory mechanics, and cardiac function. It should be considered for any dyspneic patient presenting to the ED assuming no contraindications exist - Julie Dodson MD et al

Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar Disorder, called divine madness in ancient times, enters the era of genomics, proteomics and 21st century medicine. But the most important treatments remain surprisingly old-fashioned - Dora Calott Wang MD ,

Bird Flu (Avian Influenza)

Scientists have long worried that an influenza virus that has ravaged poultry and wild birds in Asia might evolve to pose a threat to humans - The New York Times


There are a variety of diseases that can pass from birds to humans, salmonella, and parrot fever among them, but the reality is that where pet birds are concerned they are more likely to get sick from their human keepers


Giving birth should be your greatest achievement not your greatest fear - Jane Weideman

Birth Control

Deciding how to control one’s reproductive health involves a lot of factors: accessibility of said birth control, finances, convenience, menstrual cycle, how sensitive your body is to hormones and/or to latex... the list goes on - Emma Gray

Birth Control & Blood Clots

In terms of clotting and contraception, it's important to be clear about the types of contraceptive methods in question. First, it's inaccurate to call out 'the contraceptive pill', because not all pills are created equal - Allie Anderson

Birth Control Apps

Contraception technology isn’t foolproof, but doctors must realise why we find the idea so appealing - Dawn Foster

Birth Control Pill Access

Have you ever run out of pills on the weekend or forgot to bring them on a trip? Wouldn't it be nice to pick up a pack of pills as easily as getting toothpaste or aspirin - Free The Pill

Birth Control Pills

There are risks associated with hormonal contraception, and these shouldn’t be underplayed - Sarah Byrne

Birth Defects

Major birth defects come as a surprise for most parents, but they don’t have to - Darshak Sanghavi

Birth Injuries

When it comes to childbirth, vaginal delivery is often assumed to be the best thing – women have, after all, done it for thousands of years. But natural birth actually comes with risks - Mairead Black

Birth Tourism

Whatever the number of birthright children born each year of undocumented immigrants, border crossers, and nonimmigrant visitors, we must ask ourselves: is it reasonable to assume that those individuals will share our societal values - WD Reasoner

Bismuth Subsalicylatel (Pepto Bismol)

Launched in 1919 and currently produced by Procter & Gamble, this pink liquid has spent nearly a century acting as a medicine cabinet staple that treats and provide relief for the five symptoms of overindulgence including nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, and diarrhea - Heather Taylor

Bisphenol A (BPA) is Everywhere - Are We Safe?

Plastics are everywhere and so is BPA. Is it a real environmental hazard or just another scare?

Bisphosphonates Fosamax

Standard treatments, drugs called bisphosphonates, stop the loss of bone but do not build it - Gina Kolata


Human and animal bites have their own issues such as infection and disfigurement, but bug bites are in a class by themselves with the possibility of severe allergic reactions as well as serious bio-hazards such as malaria and lyme disease...HWN

Biventricular Pacemakers

A biventricular pacemaker is generally used for cardiac resynchronization therapy in patients with severe heart failure who are not controlled well on maximal medical therapy and who have a prolonged QRS duration on ECG (i.e. bundle branch block) - Joachim Feger

Black Death

Anyone who was alive during the outbreak of the bubonic plague in the 14th century experienced something terrifyingly close to the widespread death and chaos of an apocalyptic event - Alan Huffman

Black History Month

We hear stories of struggle all the time — in February, let's uplift stories of celebration - A. Rochaun Meadows-Fernandez

Black Lives Matter

Black Lives Matter protests are not anti-American, but as American as one can get - Myisha Cherry

Black Mold

Sometimes, people are unaware that they are breathing mold spores and mycotoxins until they are very sick

Black Widow Envenomation

Unlike bites from the brown recluse, black widow spider bites often lead to more pronounced systemic symptoms. These symptoms typically start within a few minutes to two hours - Alexa Van Besien

Blacks & Covid-19

It is past time to fix a glaring disparity - The Economist

Bladder Cancer

When diagnosed and treated at an early stage, 95% of bladder cancer patients survive more than five years. But, bladder cancer isn’t just a man’s disease - Stacy Matson

Bladder Cancer & Women

Patti Hansen has now partnered with Sloan-Kettering to spread the word that bladder cancer isn’t just a man’s disease

Bladder Prolapse

One common type of prolapse is a prolapse of the bladder, called a cystocele. A cystocele occurs when the tissues supporting the wall between the bladder and vagina weaken and a portion of the bladder pushes into the vaginal walls, which then bulge into the vagina. Some women with this type may experience urinary problems including involuntary leaking of urine and urinary infections - Amie Newman


We estimate that at least 1 billion people worldwide are colonised by this parasite, most of whom probably experience no more episodes of intestinal upset, e.g. diarrhoea, than the average individual - Christen Rune Stensvold


It usually is a disease of “normal” persons, unlike many other fungal pathogens which cause opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients - Robert W Bradsher Jr MD

Bleach & Ammonia

You should never mix bleach and ammonia together because the end result is a dangerous/deadly combination of toxic vapors. The chemical reaction releases toxic vapors called chloramines, and these chloramines can potentially react with other chemicals to form a toxic, flammable substance known as hydrazine - Daniel Nelson

Bleeding Disorders

The three most common diseases that will present to the ED are Hemophilia A, Hemophilia B, and Von Willebrands. The hemophilias are further subcategorized by severity. You should at the very least know (if you can) the severity of hemophilia or sub-type of von Willebrands - Brad Sobolewski MD


Blepharitis is one of the most common reasons patients seek care when they have issues with dryness or their ocular surface - Guillermo Amescua MD


Blepharoplasty consistently ranks among the most common facial plastic surgery procedure sought by both men and women...there has been little research focused on quantifying how eyelid surgery changes facial perceptions - Kristin L Bater BA et al


Stigmas, misperceptions and deep feelings about blindness lead us to marginalize and exclude this highly capable population. It’s time to create a BlindNewWorld - BlindNewWorld

Blockchain & Crypto Health

Will blockchain and crypto health help solve healthcare interoperability? Crypto Health Summit


Putting a directory together covering health and medical blogs was quite a challenge and to our knowledge, no one had tried to accommodate them all in one site. We hope we have succeeded - HWN

Blood Based Colorectal Cancer Screening

Unfortunately, a blood-based test won't be completely replacing colonoscopies any time soon. Colonoscopies are still the gold standard of colorectal cancer screening, despite involving sedation and hours of unpleasant physical preparation -

Blood Brain Barrier

The blood-brain barrier (BBB) is the specialised system of brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMVEC) that shields the brain from toxic substances in the blood, supplies brain tissues with nutrients, and filters harmful compounds from the brain back to the bloodstream - Dr Yvonne Couch

Blood Cancer

Hematological malignancies have long been testing grounds for leading-edge therapies, but innovation has accelerated in recent years. Many more advances could be on the way - AbbVie

Blood Clot Filters

Although IVC filters are an established therapy for DVT and PE, the evidence base for their benefits is thin - PulmCCM

Blood Clots

Thrombosis remains a major cause of death... yet many people have little or no understanding about the causes and effects of thrombosis, and how it can be prevented - Thrombosis UK

Blood Donation

A single pint can save three lives, a single gesture can create a million smiles - World Blood Donors Day 2012

Blood Donations, Sexual Orientation, and Societal Health

The FDA is considering lifting restrictions on blood donation based on sexual orientation. If they do, increasing the blood supply will be only the most straightforward benefit.

Blood Doping

Blood doping does not sound like one of the more salubrious ways of enhancing performance. Unlike many other practices, however, it does have sound physiological reasoning behind it. What it provides is a relatively simple means of enhancing an athlete's endurance by increasing the amount of oxygen-carrying red cells in the blood stream - William Fotheringham

Blood Glucose Meters

There are more than 30 different glucometers available from more than a dozen manufacturers. And they're all typically frustrating to use, unforgiving, and clumsily designed - Thomas Goetz

Blood in Stool

After initial resuscitation, the diagnosis and treatment of LGIB remains a challenge for clinicians; identifying the source of bleeding is a clinical priority, and can be challenging in comparison with UGIB - British Society of Gastroenterology

Blood in Vomit

Acute upper gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding remains one of the most common encounters in emergency medicine - Zongyu John Chen

Blood Plasma

Plasma — the golden liquid that transports red and white blood cells and proteins through our bodies — is something of an elixir. It’s used to create lifesaving medicines for people with hemophilia, immune disorders, burns and other painful conditions, and it cannot be replicated in a lab - Zoe Greenberg

Blood Pressure Drugs

Millions are on more medication than they need and are suffering unnecessary adverse effects, such as fatigue, dizziness and even fainting, and unneeded extra costs - Samuel J Mann MD

Blood Thinners

Will Coumadin with all its hardships and risks finally be replaced by the new blood thinners or are we destined have it around for another 60 years

Blood Transfusions

Scientists are now recommending a more conservative approach to transfusions. But changing decades of established medical practice is not easy - Ian Roberts

Blood Types

It takes all types to save lives - The Blood Connection

Bloody Diarrhea

The responsible diseases range from relatively mild infections that typically get better with minimal treatment to conditions that may be life-threatening - Livestrong


BLS Is more than basic, It’s fundamental to good care - Erin Brennan MD MPH

Blue Baby Syndrome

Everyone knows that newborn babies are just different... One time-honored complaint, “my baby is blue”, is guaranteed to get your attention - EP Monthly

Blue Light

Virtually every device we own has light-emitting diodes that give off blue wavelength light - Michael Grothaus

Blue Light: Bad for Sleep but Good for Heart Health?

Blue light has gotten a bad rap in recent years, but new research suggests that a different sort of exposure than you get from your electronic devices may help with high blood pressure and more.

Blue Zones

What the Blue Zones tell us is that we need to do more than just touch our healthy elements a few times a week. We need to embrace healthy habits in a more full-fledged manner - Wm. Scott Page

Blunt Abdominal Trauma

When it comes to managing blunt abdominal trauma in stable patients, let your clinical exam be your guide - Kylie Suwary

Blunt Cardiac Injury

Blunt cardiac injury (BCI) is ill-defined but refers to injury to the myocardium from blunt chest trauma - Mina Ghobrial MD

Blunt Chest Trauma

Chest trauma may be blunt (90% of cases) or penetrating. Blunt thoracic injuries are the third most common injuries in polytrauma patients - Radiology Key

Blunt Trauma

Missed injuries are fortunately rare, yet the injured trauma patient may present a unique diagnostic challenge - Carling Macdonald


Before you contemplate a crash diet because your BMI classifies you as overweight, consider what the index really represents and what is now known about its relationship to health and longevity - Jane E Brody


It’s time you know the burning truths about your metabolism - C J Burton, Yahoo Health

Body Composition

Like everything else in nutrition and fitness, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach in improving body composition - Kyjean Tomboc

Body Contouring

Today, the audience for superficial fat-zapping is largely composed of people hoping to transform themselves without the medical risks and recovery time entailed by invasive surgeries like tummy tucks and liposuction - Natasha Singer

Body Dysmorphic Disorder

While eating disorders have been widely publicized for decades, far less attention has been given to a related condition called body dysmorphic disorder, or BDD - Eva Fisher

Body Fat

Alternative methods exist to determine body composition. Using body fat percentage is a better indicator of overall health, especially when we know where the fat is located - Athletic-Minded Traveler's Blog

Body Image

Body image is a subjective experience of appearance. It's an accumulation of a lifetime's associations, neuroses and desires, projected on to our upper arms, our thighs - Eva Wiseman

Body Packers, Stuffers and Pushers

When suspecting body packing, stuffing, or pushing, look for signs of toxicity and abdominal complications. The best diagnostic tool is abdominal CT. X-ray can be used as a screening tool but is far from diagnostic - Laurence Baril MD

Body Shaming

Fat stigma can adversely affect the physical and mental health of overweight people, and demotivate healthy behaviours, the very behaviours health campaigns hope to improve - Suzanne J Carroll

Body Types

There are three different types of somatotypes, which describe the general shape of the human body — endomorphs, ectomorphs, and mesomorphs. While it’s not a universally accepted science, some experts say that considering where your body type typically stores fat and its natural shape can give you greater success when it comes to your exercise and weight loss goals - Jane McGuire


Bodybuilding has continued to evolve. Its leading athletes are shorter, squatter, and more powerfully built than ever before. But in so many ways, the sport remains an afterthought - Oliver Bateman

Boerhaave syndrome

When the disease I described occurred we could not diagnose it by its symptoms, but if it had been recognized it would have ignored every remedy. When it recurs again it can be recognized with the help of this description, but cannot be remedied by any assistance of the medical profession - Herman Boerhaave, 1724

Bone & Joint Organizations

Some of the many organizations devoted to improving musculoskeletal health

Bone Density Test (DEXA or DXA)

In the last several years, millions have heeded the advice, hoping to find out early whether they are at high risk for fractures. But what many women don't know -- and their doctors don't tell them -- is that the test is far from definitive - Robert Davis

Bone Marrow & Umbilical Cord Blood Transplantation

Bone marrow transplantation is among the greatest success stories in cancer treatment. It has boosted survival rates from nearly zero to more than 85 percent for some blood cancers - Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

Bone Marrow Donation

One of the most well-known uses of adult stem cells is the bone marrow transplant, used to treat leukemia and other types of cancer and blood disorders when chemotherapy can’t do the entire job

Bone Marrow Transplant & Robin Roberts

Patients from mixed or non-Caucasian backgrounds will not get the life-saving bone marrow transplants they need because there is probably no match for them in the donor registries. Are you the match?

Bone Scan

It is a totally different type of procedure to the DEXA bone scan which is used to measure density of bones in conditions such as 'thinning' of the bones (osteoporosis) -


Feeling bookish? Are you looking for some great recommendations on what to read? Here's a few of our favorites

Borderline Personality Disorder

Luckily, BPD is treatable with consistent therapy, self-awareness, and support. It doesn't have to be a lifelong chum like depression or anxiety. The ghost can definitely be outed - Patrick Marlborough

Bordetella Bronchiseptica

Bordetella bronchiseptica is a bacterial infection that is typically part of a complex of respiratory diseases that results in what is commonly known as “kennel cough” in dogs - Polo Springs Veterinary Hospital

Botanical Medicine

Plant medicines are the most widely used medicines in the world today. An estimated eighty percent (80%) of the world's population employs herbs as primary medicines -

Botanist Organizations

The number of research universities offering botany degrees has been cut in half, and other universities are closing or culling their collections of plant specimens, which are vital for botany studies. This is no good - Samantha Oltman


Our field has a deep history and an exciting future that deserve to be linked. It’s in our interest to make it clear what botany means to us and what it is that we do as botanists - Dr. Chris Martine


Botox has become a synonym for the eradication of wrinkles, a kind of shorthand for the entire enterprise of cosmetic medicine - Natasha Singer

Botox & Migraine Headaches

Yep, the injections can do more than just reduce wrinkles - Lauren Levine Corriher

Bottled Water

It takes three times the volume of water to manufacture one bottle of water than it does to fill it, and because of the chemical production of plastics that water is mostly unusable - Norm Schriever

Bottled Water Nothing is Really Clear or Pure

Besides cluttering up the planet, bottled water may not be as healthy as you think!

Bottled Waters

Selling water for drinking is not new. The use of "special waters" for health purposes goes back thousands of years. In Europe, the mineral waters of Spa (Belgium), and Evian (France) were renowned for their so-called "medicinal" value - HWN


In addition to the possibility of terrorism and the usual types of botulism — foodborne, wound, and infant — we now have to worry about botulism from therapeutic misadventure - Leon Gussow MD

Botulism & Bioterrorism

Botulinum toxin is the most potent biological toxin known to exist on Earth. The toxin causes botulism, a severe muscle-paralyzing, potentially fatal disease, characteristics that increase its likelihood as a potential bioweapon - Kim Riley


Ever since the BEAM (Bougie Use in Emergency Airway Management) trial was published in JAMA in 2018, the use of the bougie has become increasingly mainstream - Richard Cunningham MD

Boutonnière Deformity

OCCURS 1 - 3 weeks post injury. May not present with classic textbook deformity. The Elson test is the best way to detect the injury pattern before the deformity is evident - Brian Corwell MD

Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE)

There are two sides to the story as to whether there are enough safeguards to protect our food chain and you from mad cow disease - Amy Dockser Marcus

Bowel Movement (Defecation)

Contrary to what some might believe, everybody poops (yes, even women), making it one of the most ordinary and universal human experiences - Sandra Gutierrez

Bowel Obstruction

In 90% of cases, small bowel obstruction is caused by adhesions, hernias, and neoplasms. Adhesive small bowel obstruction represents 55–75% of small bowel obstruction cases while hernias and small bowel tumors account for the remainder. Large bowel obstruction is provoked by cancer in about 60% of cases; volvulus and diverticular disease are responsible of other 30% - Fausto Catena

Bowel Perforation

Typically presents acutely (i.e., appendicitis, diverticulitis, perforated peptic ulcer, penetrating trauma) and often requires immediate surgical intervention - WikEM


In addition to being a source of exercise and bodily management, the act of boxing can be a positive force for certain populations - Lee Yates

BP Medications

Once a physician decides to prescribe medication to control a patient’s high blood pressure, the next decision — which one to choose — is complicated - SciTechDaily


BPA remains controversial. BPA is allegedly harmless until it gets in contact with food and drinks and leaches out with potential health risks. If you must use plastic containers, pick BPA free and avoid recycling #3, 6 and 7. Or, better yet, go back to glass bottles - HWN

BPH Management

The good news is there are now quite a number of ways to alleviate the symptoms of B.P.H. short of surgery to remove part or all of the prostate, which can cause other problems, including erectile dysfunction - Jane E. Brody

BPH Medications

When drug treatment is required, benign prostatic hyperplasia can be managed with monotherapy or combination therapy. Most patients are managed with selective alpha blockers - Manasi Jiwrajka


The lifetime chance of getting BPPV is one in three. There are no known cause and no guidelines currently in place to prevent the condition. It arrives for some with age, while others see symptoms as the result of head trauma or inner ear infection - Alli Maloney

Bra Health

Wear bras or your tits will sag like a grandma by the time you’re 30! Burn your bra or you’ll get breast cancer and die young! Some of these pieces make health claims that are backed by research, but just how true are they? - Emma Kaywin


With an often-unnecessary product—the perfect smile—as the basis of its livelihood, the orthodontics industry has embraced the placebo effect - Michael Thomsen

Brachial Plexus Injury

The brachial plexus can be injured in several ways. The most common etiology is trauma, which can result in open or closed injuries. Among the closed injuries, the most common is caused by stretch or contusion - Kathleen Khu


Brachytherapy combines two fundamental aims of radiotherapy: an effective tumor dose with sparing of the surrounding tissue - BrachyAcademy


Bradycardia/blocks range from normal variants to life threatening emergencies - Jesse McLaren

Bradykinin-mediated Angioedema

Bradykinin-mediated angioedema is a rare disease, due to vasodilation and increased vascular permeability resulting from bradykinin. This kind of angioedema affects abdominal and/or upper airways. It differs clinically from histamine-mediated angioedema by the absence of urticaria or skin rash - Marion Lepelley

Brain Aneurysm

It is estimated that 1 in 15 people will develop a cerebral aneurysm during their lifetime - but the majority will never rupture! - Brain Aneurysm Foundation

Brain Apps

The main brain-training apps stick to the same format: collections of mini-games that promise to test various mental skills; pretty graphs to show how you’re improving over time; and optional subscriptions for extra games and features - Stuart Dredge

Brain Cancer

Despite advances in medical technology and a constantly evolving understanding of the mechanisms of cancer progression, researchers and clinicians are faced with a litany of challenges along the road to finding a cure - Darren Ó hAilín

Brain Dead

Indeed it can be challenging to know if a person is brain dead. While guidelines exist for determining brain death in adults and children, debate continues about how to declare someone brain dead - Kelly Michelson

Brain Fog

Brain fog seizes your mind and prevents you from accomplishing tasks that demand any level of conscious thinking. If you haven’t fallen prey to brain fog, consider yourself very fortunate - Nellie Akalp

Brain Health

The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around - Thomas A. Edison

Brain Implants

Brain implants today are where laser eye surgery was several decades ago. They are not risk-free and make sense only for a narrowly defined set of patients—but they are a sign of things to come - Gary Marcus and Christof Koch

Brain Injury

Brain injuries are so complicated, each one exhibiting different symptoms, healing a different way, with results never being exactly the same. One person can have severe headaches, and someone else has none - Lisabeth Mackall

Brain Power

You can find so much on the Internet. But if you want to increase your brainpower, you may be looking in the wrong place. - Greggory Moore

Brain Stem Stroke

Like all strokes, brain stem strokes produce a wide spectrum of deficits and recovery - American Stroke Association

Brain Stimulation

There are lots of different forms of brain stimulation (each with its own confusing acronym), and enough conflicting research and news reports on the subject to make your head spin - Coby McDonald

Brain Supplements

Attention all consumers seeking to protect brain health: You can save hundreds of dollars a year and enhance the health of your brain and body by ignoring the myriad unproven claims for anti-dementia supplements and instead focusing on a lifestyle long linked to better mental and physical well-being - Jane E. Brody

Brainstem Herniation

Impending herniation suggested by deepening coma, asymmetric/fixed pupils, or development of other lateralizing signs - Owen Scheirer

Branch Chain Amino Acids

While there is some research linking BCAAs to insulin resistance and diabetes, the long-term effects of taking amino acid supplements really aren’t known - Mark Moyad

Branchial Cleft Cyst

Branchial cysts appear most often as unilateral neck masses and account for 25% of head and neck congenital swellings, of which 95% arise from the second branchial cleft - Mohammad Akheel

BRASH Syndrome

BRASH Syndrome occurs in patients taking an AV-nodal blocking agent (commonly beta-blockers or calcium-channel blockers) who subsequently develop acute renal injury. As the renal injury progresses, patients become hyperkalemic and the AV-nodal blocking agent begins to accumulate. These two factors, hyperkalemia and AV-nodal blockade, act synergistically to cause bradycardia and hypotension - Emily Newton MD

Brazilian Butt Lifts

The BBL is the fastest growing cosmetic surgery in the world, despite the mounting number of deaths resulting from the procedure - Sophie Elmhirst

Brazilian Waxing

Brazilian waxes feel dated, from a more finickity time, when we were obsessed with depilation because we had nothing else to worry about - Layla Cambridge

BRCA: The Breast Cancer Gene

Knowledge is power. Knowing your BRCA status can help you make an informed decision about your options for breast cancer risk reduction or treatment - Susan K. Boolbol MD

Bread & Health

Poor bread—it got a bad rap. Typically high in calories, carbs, sodium, and sugar, this tasty treat has been vilified by nutrition experts - Shandley McMurray

Breast & Ovarian Cancer Genetic Testing

Knowledge is power. Knowing your BRCA status can help you make an informed decision about your options for breast cancer risk reduction or treatment - Susan K. Boolbol MD

Breast Apps

You do not have to be a breast cancer survivor to appreciate their message – breast cancer can affect anyone...and sometimes it helps to have someone or something navigate its prevention or treatment - iMedicalApps

Breast Augmentation

When women come in to discuss breast augmentation, one of the big decisions is whether to go with saline or silicone breast implants - Dr. Reath

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer treatment is becoming more and more personalized. An extremely complex set of variables have to be weighed up...the treatment options, the woman’s feeling about her body, and her perception of risk - Joanna Moorhead

Breast Cancer Awareness

When ordinary people do a simple thing, it changes the world - Barbara Brenner

Breast Cancer Blogs

If you or someone you love has a breast cancer diagnosis, connecting with people who have walked in your shoes can make a world of difference - Chaunie Brusie

Breast Cancer Charities

As a high profile disease, breast cancer has plenty of organizations that you can support in good conscience - Sara Chodosh

Breast Cancer Research

Understanding how the disease evolves is the key to stopping it - Ed Yong

Breast Cancer Screening

Cancer screening has come under scrutiny as health care expenditures soar. This may be an opportune time to consider replacing the controversial mammogram with a less invasive screening tool

Breast Cancer Screening It's Time to Torture the TaTa's Again!

Breast cancer is still one of the most frequently diagnosed cancers for women. When caught and treated early, there is a 96% survival rate so - No More Excuses! Get your pink on, grab a friend, get a mammogram and go volunteer somewhere!

Breast Cancer Treatment

New studies have bolstered a push to take a less-is-more approach in treating cancer that could spare patients from tough side effects and high costs, without jeopardizing their survival - Peter Loftus

Breast Implant Illness

Breast Implant Illness occurs with both saline and silicone breast implants and is a constellation of symptoms related to toxicity, immune/autoimmune, neurological, endocrine and metabolic dysfunction - Healing Breast Implant Illness

Breast Implant Risks

The right to life, the right to transparent informed consent, and the right to justice have been denied in regards to breast implants and women's health - IAC Implant Awareness Campaign

Breast Implants

When women come in to discuss breast augmentation, one of the big decisions is whether to go with saline or silicone breast implants - Dr. Reath

Breast Implants & Cancer

The malignancies seem to be rare, but they have been linked to implants of all types, including those with textured and smooth surfaces, and those filled with saline or silicone. Scientists had already linked an unusual cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma primarily to textured implants, whose rough exteriors presumably cause more inflammation than those of smooth implants - Roni Caryn Rabin

Breast Implants Too Big Will I Tip Over?

Probably not. But, bigger is better, at least that is the American way of life. We drive big cars, we live in big houses, we eat supersized meals and we drink big gulps sitting in front of a big screen TV

Breast Lumps

It is estimated that more than 90% of breast lumps in women from their early twenties to early fifties are found to be benign, or non-cancerous - Dr Chantel Thornton

Breast Milk

Breast-fed milk may nourish a baby’s microbiome in ways that bottled breast milk can’t. - Apoorva Mandavilli

Breast Milk Banks

Breast milk market is booming online – it’s unregulated, might make your baby sick, but entirely legal - Aoife Finnerty

Breast Pumps

Imagine being attached to something multiple times every day for 12 months and hating every moment of it - Janica Alvarez

Breast Reconstruction

Reconstruction’s not a perfect science, especially for those of us who’ve gone through treatment. But it’s come a long ways and new innovations, like tissue engineering, are ever in the works - Diane Mapes

Breast Reduction

Sexuality is such a confusing thing to navigate. If you have big breasts, it’s just that much more of this confusing attention - Niquie Dworkin


There are three reasons for breast-feeding: the milk is always at the right temperature; it comes in attractive containers; and the cat can't get it - Irena Chalmers

Breastfeeding: Rise of the Lactivists

In case you're still in that new mommy fog, a brelfie is where moms take selfies while nursing their babies and post them on social media

Breathing Challenges

The symptoms of dyspnea and noisy breathing are identical to those experienced by patients with lower airway diseases, such as asthma and COPD, and these similarities can lead to diagnostic confusion - Sidney Braman

Breech Delivery

There's major fear around vaginal birth. And trying to undo it is really difficult when you've got an entire cohort of physicians who have not been trained to do it. And more have been trained to fear it - Betty-Anne Daviss

Bret Michaels Cerebral Aneurysm

It is estimated that 1 in 15 people will develop a cerebral aneurysm during their lifetime - but the majority will never rupture! The Brain Aneurysm Foundation says, “50% of people who experience an SAH die within minutes of a massive hemorrhage"

Broca's Aphasia

Thoughts that can’t be spoken - Alberto Manguel

Broken Heart Syndrome

Broken-heart syndrome was first isolated by Japanese researchers 25 years ago, who named the condition takotsubo cardiomyopathy. Takotsubo is a Japanese term which means octopus trap, a reference to the ballooning shape of the heart during an attack - WSJ


Clinically, bronchiectasis can look very similar to COPD, with sputum production, cough, frequent pulmonary infections, dyspnea, and hemoptysis. Diagnosis is by CT scan -


The most common lower respiratory tract infection in children under 2 years of age - Deborah Levine MD

Bronchiolitis Obliterans Popcorn Lung

The major popcorn manufacturers removed diacetyl from their products, but some people are still being exposed to diacetyl - not through food flavorings as a worksite hazard, but through e-cigarette vapor - American Lung Association


Don’t try to pressure your doctor into giving you antibiotics-it’s amazing how many clinicians experience this. It won’t make you any better, and will only make the antibiotic crisis-and it is a crisis-worse - Mike the Mad Biologist

Brown Recluse Envenomation

While it is true that some confirmed brown recluse bites can cause tissue damage, the vast majority of bites (over 95%) heal on their own without any serious complications. Those that do result in necrosis almost always heal within 14 days - Spider Admiration And Education

Brown Rice Syrup

Even though brown rice syrup is promoted as plant-based, gluten-free, and generally 'healthy,' it is ultimately broken down into simple sugars in our bodies, just like regular white sugar and high-fructose corn syrup - Lela Fausze

Brown Sugar

The difference between white and brown sugar is negligible when it comes to nutrition - Jessica Fentress

Brown-Séquard Syndrome

Brown-Sequard is a hemi-cord injury, typically noted in the setting of penetrating trauma - Shahbaz Syed MD


What sets developed countries apart from regions where brucellosis widely affects human populations is the presence of pasteurization of dairy products and deployment of aggressive control measures to eradicate reservoirs of infection - Stephen Hume

Brugada Syndrome

Since Brugada Syndrome was identified in recent years, the medical community is not completely up to speed on the condition, within the United States and throughout the world - Brugada Syndrome Blog

Bubonic Plague

Plague has everything it requires to cause the Black Death, all it needs is the opportunity. It’s still there. It’s still the one that we used to have, it still has all the power and the threat that it used to have - Dr. Tim Brooks


Cultivated as a grain-like seed and a cover crop throughout Asia and in parts of Europe and North America, the seeds of the plant are commonly referred to as a pseudocereal - Kate Barrington

Budd-Chiari Syndrome

Budd-Chiari syndrome (BCS) is an eponym that includes a group of conditions characterized by partial or complete hepatic venous tract outflow obstruction, and the site of obstruction may involve one or more hepatic veins, inferior vena cava, or the right atrium - Paschalis Gavriilidis

Budesonide & Covid-19

When administered in early COVID-19, the inhaled glucocorticoid budesonide may reduce the necessity for urgent medical care and may reduce the time to recovery - The Lancet Respiratory Medicine

Bug (Insect) Bites

Human and animal bites have their own issues like infection and disfigurement, but bug bites are in a class by themselves with the possibility of severe allergic reactions and bio-hazards such as malaria and lyme disease...Glenn D. Braunstein, MD

Bug Repellents (Sprays)

Why cover yourself in a toxic solvent when there are plenty of natural alternatives for getting bugs to leave you alone? Dr. Squatch

Bulging Eyes (Proptosis)

Proptosis, also known as exophthalmos, is a bulging of one or both of the eyes. Some people naturally have eyes that appear to bulge due to normal variations in human anatomy. Others develop proptosis as a result of various health conditions - Troy Bedinghaus OD


Bulgur may be a strange grocery item to most of us, but chances are we’ve eaten it several times. Its most well-known rendition is as a main ingredient — along with parsley, lemon, olive oil, mint and sometimes cucumber — in the salad called tabbouleh. Ain’t no tabbouleh without bulgur - Bill St. John


Bulimics often struggle with self-esteem issues and other mental health problems like depression or anxiety. They use food to control how they look and feel, often believing that if they were slimmer they would be more liked - Natalie Cornish

Bulletproof Diet

Bulletproof is basically a very low-carb, Paleolithic diet that emphasizes fat - Julia Belluz

Bullous Pemphigoid

Bullous pemphigoid is the most common of the various autoimmune blistering diseases. There are between 2.4 and 21.7 new cases per million population in different populations worldwide. The condition tends to affect those between 60-80 years of age. In the initial stages patients may see red, itchy patches that can look like hives - Dr Adil Sheraz


There's a reason why bullying takes such a strong form online. People don't have to push back as much as they would in real life - Bridgit Mendler

Bunions (Hallax Valgus)

There are many over-the-counter products and at-home treatments designed to slow the progression of the condition and alleviate the discomfort of the symptoms, but bunions ultimately cannot be reversed or corrected without surgery - Joseph Alencherry DPM


While little training is required for doctors to prescribe opioids for pain, onerous restrictions are placed on physicians who wish to and currently do prescribe oral buprenorphine - Jeffrey Hom & Krisda H. Chaiyachati

Buprenorphine (Subutex)

While little training is required for doctors to prescribe opioids for pain, onerous restrictions are placed on physicians who wish to and currently do prescribe oral buprenorphine - Jeffrey Hom & Krisda H. Chaiyachati

Burkitt's Lymphoma

Epstein-Barr virus, a common microbe that has its fingerprints on a range of deadly cancers in Asia and Africa, often gets a pass from disease researchers in the US, who know it primarily as the cause of infectious mononucleosis, or mono — Sabin Russell

Burn Pits

Though the US government disputes it, new evidence shows a link between service in Iraq and Afghanistan and cancers and untreatable bronchial illnesses - Lauren Walker

Burn Surgeons

As technology is evolving, resuscitation and aggressiveness by which severely burn patients are cared for is changing dramatically - Gary A Vercruysse MD et al


Burnout occurs when passionate, committed people become deeply disillusioned with a job or career from which they have previously derived much of their identity and meaning - MindTools

Burnout & Healthcare

Burnout occurs in many occupations, but health care exposes its professionals to unusual types of stress, including moral distress - Robert Maunder & Gillian Strudwick


Nearly 11 million people are burned each year (one every five seconds). Over 96 percent of fatal fire-related burns occur in low- and middle-income countries. Why? Poverty - ReSurge International

Burr Holes

The decision to drill through someone’s skull should not be made lightly, and so the indications for such an event must be clear - Edmund Hsu, MD


The pain outside the joint - Kevin R Stone

Business Equipment

Equipment and supplies for the healthcare industry

Business News

From the latest research finding or new drug to the latest nanotech or biometric device seems like medicine is always in the news - HWN


Buspirone is indicated in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorders. Its efficacy is comparable to the benzodiazepines. Its use in depression and panic disorders requires further investigation - M W Jann


The problem with butter is that its reputation proceeds it - Paleo Leaper

Button Batteries

Suspect a battery ingestion in every presumed “coin” or other foreign body ingestion. Carefully observe for the battery’s double-rim or halo-effect on AP radiograph or step off on the lateral view -

Buy Bottled Water

It’s the world’s bestselling soft drink – more people buy bottled water than fruit juice or fizzy drinks - Luisa Dillner

Buy Wine

Wine is the healthiest and most health-giving of drinks - Louis Pasteur


BV is not a sexually transmitted infection, but it can develop after sex, and any woman might get it including those in same sex relationships and those who have never had sex - Paul Casey

Bystander CPR

Based on currently available evidence... BCPR increases the survival of OHCAs, and it also help OHCAs whose initial rhythm is shockable - Jianting Song

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