
Care shouldn't start in the emergency room - James Douglas


image by: Ivan Samkov

HWN Suggests

Death by Patient Satisfaction in the ER

The new Holy Grail of business, Customer Satisfaction — CSAT to her close friends — is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet customer expectations. In a marketplace where businesses compete for customers, CSAT is a key element of strategy.



Satisfied customers buy. They come back and buy more. They tell their friends, who’ll buy too. If satisfied, they’ll return and buy more. That’s gold for the bottom line. Hail the almighty dollar!

I’m an ER doc.

My customers are my patients. Since American healthcare is a business with its own shaky bottom line, though it looks like a bottomless pit,…

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 Death by Patient Satisfaction in the ER

I’m an ER doc. My customers are my patients. Since American healthcare is a business with its own shaky bottom line, though it looks like a bottomless pit, the rage of customer satisfaction hit us hard.

The 10 Types of ER Patients

patients-how-to-improve-your-care-by-avoiding-these-mistakes.html If you fall into one of these categories, here’s how to improve your care.


Ramblings of an Emergency Physician in Texas.


Medgadget is an independent journal of the latest medical gadgets, technologies and discoveries. Our website is written, edited and published by a group of MDs and biomed engineers.

A Day in The Life of an Ambulance Driver

Musings on Life, Death and Everything In Between...

Adventures in Emergency Medicine

Thoughts on healthcare, business, and life from an ER doc, MBA, and writer

Anesthesiology and Critical Care blog

I’m an anesthesiology resident training in Canada. I created this blog to collect and compile useful resources that I’ve found, advice and thoughts from mentors and suprevisors, and my own thoughts on topics for discussion. Every effort is made to post correct information.


Christine Miserandino recently asked me some questions about Grand Rounds, and my thoughts on use of the emergency department, and the web, by the chronically ill.

EM Lyceum

Where everything is up for debate . . .


A jab of medical knowledge.


Welcome to the crazy world of ER nursing. The stories that come out of the ER can make you laugh, make you cry, and make you pissed. Sometimes all at the same time. ER RN's are a special breed and I do believe we all lean a little bit toward the insane side of reality.

ER Tech

Serving the Economically, Socially Challenged and Pharmaceutically Intelligent (Politically Correct for: Low Life Drug Seeking System Abusing Scum) in a Big State, Big City, Little Ghetto Emergency Room.

Everyday EMS Tips

Welcome to Everyday EMS Tips. I started this blog in April 2009. Since its humble beginnings this blog became one of the leading independent blogs for EMS professionals from around the world. In April 2012 I was honored to join the EMS Blogs network.

Madness: Tales of an Emergency Room Nurse

The adventures of a veteran emergency nurse in an inner city ER.

Movin' Meat

The accidental blog of a semi-accidental ER doc living in the Pacific Northwest.


My focus is rural Australia but my journey will be international , hearing from folks in other countries and how they deal with out of hospital emergencies. of course I am a flying doctor so there will be a healthy dose of aeromedicine.

Street Watch: Notes of a Paramedic

This paramedic blog contains notes from my journal. Some of the characters, details, dates and settings have been changed to protect the confidentiality of people and patients involved.

Tales From The Emergency Room And Beyond

The world of medicine is like a bubble. A lot of people THINK they know what goes on there, but unless you're down in the trenches it's unlikely you do. So here is my semi-anonymous blog, here to tell you what really goes on in the life of a medical resident.

The EMBER Project

The EMBER Project (Emergency Medicine Bundles & Education Research) Dedicated to lifelong learning and innovation in EM education.

The ER Doctor's Blog

What really happens in the emergency room.

The Survival Doctor

There are great blogs for surviving long-term disasters or social upheavals, fantastic spots for lists of medical supplies to keep. There plenty of sites about medical and alternative care, explaining diseases and treatments. My website is one. But rare is the blog with information on what to do if you have a medical emergency and can’t get help. This site hopes to do this. It’s combination of science, improvisational medicine, and Grandma’s home remedies.

Thoughts From The Night Shift

Welcome to the night shift. The best and worst of life as seen through the eyes of an ER Trauma nurse.


Hi, my name is Jack CF Chong. I am a resuscitationist in Taiwan. is part of FOAMed.

Emergency medicine blogs

This is a list of additional Emergency Medicine blogs...

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