Dogma Busters & Myths

The greater the ignorance the greater the dogmatism — Sir William Osler (1849 – 1919)

Dogma Busters & Myths

image by: Dogma Studios

HWN Suggests

Do not let sleeping dogmas lie!

The following is applicable to all medical specialties...

While most of our clinical choices are largely based on sound evidence, there is always the occasional decision we take that is based on what we have assumed to be right simply because we haven’t seen it being done any other way. These decisions are based purely on the dogmas in our practice: ideas or beliefs accepted as authoritative – unquestioned, undisputed, and unchallenged. These dogmas could be based on anecdotal evidence, hearsay, words handed down by seniors during training, or simply in practice just because “everybody does it this way.”

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 Do not let sleeping dogmas lie!

The medical fraternity must learn how to ask questions systematically, how to find the answers in literature, how to critically appraise the literature, and how to eventually apply the results to practice.[3] Only when clinicians rise above the mundane, think out of the box, and come up with new ideas, will science progress. After all, nobody gets a Nobel Prize for maintaining status quo! Hence, do not let sleeping dogmas lie, kick them and drive them out!

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