ECG Interpretation
Make some leads your favourites. aVR is a good one for unveiling Very Bad Things. aVL is also rather nice, as even a sniff of sagginess in its ST’s is incredibly useful in the search for ischaemia - Dr Michelle Johnston

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HWN Suggests
How To Read An ECG
The technique I employ has been honed over years of having a handful of seconds to come up with a germane and reasonably firmish electrocardiographic diagnosis. Mostly ECGs can be read by skidding; skimming the page with one of the currently unused quadrants of your vision (a kind of reverse homonymous quadrantinopia). This double-jointed vision is very useful... and allows the remaining three free to scan the patient, the intern trying to cannulate a flailing arm in the next bed, the ruckus swarming around a trolley being wheeled in from the ambulance bay, and the monitor squealing the Very Important Alarm across the corridor. Realising that these don’t add up you discover you have not been…
Amal Mattu – Tachydysrhythmias in the ICU You GOTTA Know!
V1 is the best lead to look for P-waves: it sits right over the SA node! Also more likely to be seen in V2 and lead II
Deadly ECG Patterns – 5 Can’t Miss ECG Findings
An average ER physician performs around 100 tasks in an hour and gets interrupted at least every 6 minutes. One of the common interruptions in the ED is a request to “sign off” on an ECG of a patient who has been triaged but not seen by a doctor yet. Therefore, knowing deadly ECG patterns is an essential skill for emergency physicians, residents, as well as medical students who rotate in the emergency department.
How To Read An ECG
Interpreting ECG’s is trickier than you think. One must have a system, preferably one that will stand up to the pummel of ED situations and environmental influences: time pressures, incomplete information, typhoons, that sort of thing.
Dr. Smith's ECG Blog
Instructive ECGs in Clinical Context ----Archives, Popular Posts, and an Index of all ECGs are down the right-hand side.
ECG Guru
The ECG GURU is devoted to providing resources for ECG teachers and their students.
ECG Interpretation Blog
EKG Interpretation Reviews.
ECG Learning Center
This tutorial is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Alan E. Lindsay, master teacher of electrocardiography, friend, mentor, and colleague. Many of the excellent ECG tracings illustrated in this learning program are from Dr. Lindsay's personal collection of ECG treasures.
ECG Library
This library is a collection of realistic looking recordings which will help improve your ECG skills. Information about the library and the techniques used to reproduce the recordings is available.
ECG Stimulator
Quickly learn to identify 27 of the most common ECG rhythms or challenge yourself to the 6 second ECG game.
Instant ECG
The Instant ECG iPhone App teaches the basics of electrocardiogram (ECG) electrophysiology, myocardial action potential, associated waveforms, intervals and segments in order to help you develop a framework needed to analyze ECGs.
Life in the Fastlane
ECG Basics.
Paediatric ECG
ECG apps & weekly challenge for those learning and reading Paediatric ECG's.
Paediatric ECG Interpretation
The following comprehensive guide to paediatric ECG interpretation was produced by Paediatric Emergency Specialists Dr Gary Geelhoed and Dr Barbara King from the Princess Margaret Hospital for Children in Perth, Western Australia. It is so good that I have reproduced it almost verbatim (with a few extra ECGs from the LITFL archives). Enjoy!
EMS 12-Lead
Cardiac rhythm analysis, 12-lead ECG interpretation, resuscitation for EMS.

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