How do we convince the public that what they need from health care and what they want are two different things? Right now they don’t believe that. They think more is better - Greg Henry MD

image by: Emergency Medicine Residents' Association
HWN Suggests
Why “Be More Like Pilots” Just Doesn’t Fly in Emergency Medicine
When I went through orientation at my latest hospital, there was a lot of talk about building a culture of patient safety and emphasis on how the organization wanted to reach that goal. As part of that effort, we were all asked to read the book Why Hospitals Should Fly.
Now, I’ve been an Air Force officer for over a decade. I’m a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. I was weaned on aviation metaphors and the culture of safety that protects our aircraft. I eagerly started into the book. I only made it a few pages before I threw it down in disgust.
Why does that book annoy me so much? People aren’t planes, and trying to equate a machine to a complex biological system with…
EM Collective Wisdom: Jason Wagner
Many things contribute to my continued love of EM. I think foremost is variety; it’s invigorating to come to work not knowing what the day will be like. One shift might allow me to clean out my inbox (rare), while another may bring me 11 GSW’s (thankfully rare as well). I imagine variety coupled with acuity is akin to an addict “chasing the dragon.” Never quite getting that first high but coming close. I also really enjoy the variety of tasks I get to do as a residency program director. One day I’m a film editor, the next I’m a traumatologist.
For Esther Choo it’s time to speak and tweet out!
Esther Choo was waiting for a hero. A charismatic, incredibly knowledgeable presence with a passion to speak out about issues of injustice, disparities in the health field and advocacy for women, minorities and equity on a national scope. Choo recalled the damage inflicted on women in the ED and as an Asian-American, she felt the double dose of discrimination.
Why “Be More Like Pilots” Just Doesn’t Fly in Emergency Medicine
People aren’t planes, and trying to equate a machine to a complex biological system with free will is disingenuous at best. Many techniques that we borrow from the aviation industry are good steps toward safety, but checklists and call backs won’t fix safety in medicine. There are key provisions that we allow pilots that we do not allow physicians, and that omission undermines all of our safety.
Women in Emergency Medicine Section
The Women in Emergency Medicine (WiEM) Section is constituted with a vision of equity for AAEM women in emergency medicine and a purpose to champion the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in emergency medicine through the pillars of advocacy, leadership, and education.
American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
Looking for a section that will address your needs as an emergency physician and a woman? AAWEP is for you.
We are FemInEM – an open access resource where we discuss, discover, and affect the journey of women working in emergency medicine. Through deliberate conversation and engaging dialogue, members explore a variety of issues that support the development and advancement of all women in medicine. FemInEM aims to address gender disparities in a positive way, empowering physicians of both genders.
WRaP EM is a group of ordinary but passionate clinicians and medical educators who want to promote the concepts of Wellness, Resilience and Performance, from being considered “the soft stuff” to becoming a core part of Emergency Medicine practice. We aim to provide a thought provoking forum for idea sharing and creativity, focused on the development and wellbeing of healthcare professionals.
AAEM Resident and Student Association
AAEM/RSA supports EM residents and students on issues pertaining to their education, practice environment, career development and personal wellness.
Promoting the highest quality emergency care, ACEP is the leading advocate for emergency physicians and their patients.
American Academy of Emergency Medicine
The American Academy of Emergency Medicine (AAEM) is the only true specialty society in Emergency Medicine today. As an organization, it believes achievement of board certification represents the only acceptable method of attaining recognition as a specialist in Emergency Medicine.
American Academy of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians
The American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, founded in 1975, exists to support high quality emergency care, promote and protect the interests of Osteopathic emergency physicians, insure the highest standards of postgraduate education, and provide leadership in research through the Foundation for Osteopathic Emergency Medicine, in a distinct unified profession.
American Association for Emergency Psychiatry
American Association for Emergency Psychiatry or AAEP is a multidisciplinary organization that serves as the voice of emergency mental health. The membership includes directors of psychiatric emergency services, psychiatrists, nurses, social workers, psychologists, physician assistants, educators and other professionals involved in emergency psychiatry.
American Board of Emergency Medicine
Welcome to the American Board of Emergency Medicine (ABEM) public website. ABEM certifies qualifying physicians who specialize in Emergency Medicine and is a member board of the American Board of Medical Specialties (ABMS).
American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians
The American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians, founded in 1975, exists to support high quality emergency care, promote and protect the interests of Osteopathic emergency physicians, ensure the highest standards of postgraduate education, and provide leadership in research through the Foundation for Osteopathic Emergency Medicine, in a distinct unified profession.
American Osteopathic Board of Emergency Medicine
Members of the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP), had established residency training programs in osteopathic emergency medicine. This had been approved by the actions of the Council on Post-doctoral Training of the American Osteopathic Association.
Association des Medecins Urgentistes de France
Official website for the Association of Emergency Medicine in France.
Australasian College for Emergency Medicine
The Australasian College for Emergency Medicine is an incorporated educational institution whose prime objective is the training and examination of specialist emergency physicians for Australia and New Zealand and the ongoing Maintenance of Professional Standards of the Fellows.
Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians
As the national voice of Emergency Medicine, CAEP provides continuing medical education and advocates on behalf of emergency physicians and their patients.
Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors
The Council of Emergency Medicine Residency Directors (CORD), is a scientific and educational organization.
Czech Academy for Emergency Medicine
Official website of the Czech Academy of Emergency Medicine.
Emergency Medicine Learning and Resource Center
The Emergency Medicine Learning & Resource Center (EMLRC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting public health through the advancement of Emergency Medicine, Disaster Management and Pre-Hospital emergency care through the provision of educational and research programs.
Emergency Medicine Patient Safety Foundation
The Emergency Medicine Patient Safety Foundation is dedicated to improving patient safety in emergency medicine.
Emergency Medicine Residents' Association
The Emergency Medicine Residents' Association is the voice of emergency medicine physicians-in-training and the future of our specialty.
European Society for Emergency Medicine
The European Society for Emergency Medicine (EuSEM) incorporates a Federation which currently includes 22 European national societies of Emergency Medicine and represents more than 12,000 emergency physicians in Europe.
Foundation for Osteopathic Emergency Medicine
FOEM was founded in 1998 and established as a 501(c)3 charitable organization by the American College of Osteopathic Emergency Physicians (ACOEP) as a philanthropic arm of the osteopathic emergency medicine community. Its purpose is to develop grants and awards to support research in emergency medicine conducted by or under the jurisdiction of osteopathic physicians.
Germany - ONK
Official website for Osterreichische Gesellschaft fur Notfall-und Katastrophenmedizin.
Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine
The Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine, formed in February 1996, is the newest among all Colleges of the Academy.
Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine & Surgery
The development of HKSEMS is closely linked to the development of Emergency Medicine in Hong Kong. After the first A&E consultant was appointed in 1981, a group of dedicated A&E doctors joined together to form the Society in 1985.
Korean Society of Emergency Medicine
Official website of the Korean Society of Emergency Medicine.
Romania - SMURD
Website for the Mobile Emergency Service for Resuscitation and Extrication in Romania.
Slovenian Society for Emergency Medicine
Official website for the Slovenian Society for Emergency Medicine.
Sociedad Argentina de Emergencias
Official wesite of the Argentina Society of Emergency Medicine.
Sociedad Española de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias
Official website for the Sociedad Espanola de Medicina de Urgencias y Emergencias.
Sociedad Mexicana de Medicina de Emergencias A.C.
Official website for the Mexico Society of Emergency Medicine.
Societa Italiana di Medicina d'Emergenza - Urgenza
Official website for the Italian Society of Emergency and Urgent care Medicine.
Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.
The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) is dedicated to the improvement of care of the acutely ill and injured patient by improving research and education. To achieve this mission, SAEM influences health policy through forums, publications, inter-organizational collaboration, policy development, and consultation services for physicians, teachers, researchers, and students.
Society of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants
The Society of Emergency Medicine Physician Assistants was created to enhance the Emergency Medicine Physician Assistant's ability to provide the best quality patient care.
Sweden - SWESEM
Official website for the Swedish Society for Emergency Medicine.
Swiss Society of Emergency Medicine and Rescue
Official website for the Swiss Society of Emergency Medicine and Rescue.
Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine
Official website of the Taiwan Society of Emergency Medicine.
The Doctors of BC Section of Emergency Medicine
The BCMA Section of Emergency Medicine has done a great deal to advance the interests of all brands of Emergency Physicians in the province over the past several years. All emergency physicians, whether members of the section or not, have benefitted from this work.
The Royal College of Emergency Medicine
The College is established to advance education and research in Emergency Medicine. The College is responsible for setting standards of training and administering examinations in Emergency Medicine for the award of Fellowship and Membership of the College as well as recommending trainees for CCT in Emergency Medicine.
World Association for Disaster and Emergency Medicine
Improving global prehospital and emergency medicine, public health, and disaster health care and preparedness
Academy of Emergency Ultrasound
Founded in 2011, the Academy of Emergency Ultrasound (AEUS) is an international forum bringing together clinician sonologists with the common goal of advancing patient care and safety through the use of bedside ultrasound. AEUS task forces promote the development of training curricula for medical students, residents, and fellows, as well as of tools and resources for further research and development.
American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine
The American Academy of Urgent Care Medicine is the leading society for physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners practicing Urgent Care Medicine.
American Board of Urgent Care Medicine
The goals of the ABUCM are to establish high standards of clinical competence, improve the quality of patient care, and to promote continuing education that is required for professional excellence. The ABUCM serves two interrelated functions: to certify properly qualified candidates in the specialty of Urgent Care Medicine, and to ensure recognition of the resulting board certification.
American Red Cross
Since its founding in 1881 by visionary leader Clara Barton, the American Red Cross has been the nation's premier emergency response organization. As part of a worldwide movement that offers neutral humanitarian care to the victims of war, the American Red Cross distinguishes itself by also aiding victims of devastating natural disasters.
Association of Campus Emergency Response Teams
The Association of Campus Emergency Response Teams of Canada (ACERT) is a federally incorporated, charitable organization in place to support, promote and advocate emergency care on Canadian post-secondary campuses.
Australian Resuscitation Council
The ARC aims to foster and co-ordinate the practice and teaching of resuscitation, promote uniformity and standardisation of resuscitation, and act as a voluntary co-ordinating body
Citizen CPR Foundation
The mission of the Foundation is "to strengthen the Chain of Survival." The Foundation has three primary co-sponsors: the American Heart Association, the American Red Cross and the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. The primary "products" of the Foundation are its biennial conference, now called the "Emergency Cardiovascular Care Update," and the quarterly newsletter, Currents in Emergency Cardiovascular Care.
Emergency Department and Interventional Cardiology Therapeutic Teams (EDICT) for Acute Coronary Syndromes (ACS). A national alliance for optimizing ACS care in Cardiac Centers.
Emergency Nurses Association
ENA is the national organization for professional nurses dedicated to the advancement of the emergency nursing profession.
European Resuscitation Council
Interdisciplinary council for resuscitation medicine and emergency medical care.
Medecins Sans Frontieres
Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) is an international humanitarian aid organisation that provides emergency medical assistance to populations in danger in more than 70 countries.
National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians
The mission of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians is to represent and serve Emergency Medical Services personnel through advocacy, educational programs and research.
National Association of EMS Educators
The National Association of EMS Educators is to inspire excellence in EMS education and life long learning
National Association of EMS Physicians
The National Association of EMS Physicians'' is an organization of physicians and other professionals partnering to provide leadership and foster excellence in out of hospital emergency medical services.
National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation
The National Collegiate Emergency Medical Services Foundation's (NCEMSF) purpose is to support, promote, and advocate Emergency Medical Services (EMS) on college and university campuses.
The mission of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Office of EMS is to reduce death and disability by providing leadership and coordination to the EMS community in assessing, planning, developing, and promoting comprehensive, evidence-based emergency medical services and 9-1-1 systems.
Society of Critical Care Medicine
The Society of Critical Care Medicine is the largest multiprofessional organization dedicated to ensuring excellence and consistency in the practice of critical care.
Sudden Cardiac Arrest Foundation
The mission of the Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) Foundation is to prevent death and disability from sudden cardiac arrest. The vision of the SCA Foundation is to increase awareness about sudden cardiac arrest and influence attitudinal and behavioral changes that will reduce mortality and morbidity from SCA.
The ACT Foundation
The ACT Foundation is a multiple award-winning, national charitable organization with a mission to promote health and empower Canadians to save lives. Since its inception in 1985, the organization has concentrated its efforts on promoting citizen CPR training, early defibrillation programs and paramedic systems.

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