Journalists have linked this online podcasting boom to the ubiquity of smartphones, time spent in transit, and online music services. Others attribute it to the brain-stimulating and addictive effects of audio learning, or the multitasking potential of listening. The beauty is in the overlap - Jeff Desjardins, Editor-in-Chief of Visual Capitalist

image by: Wesley Fryer
HWN Suggests
PRO/CON: Why #FOAMed is Essential to EM Education
...“Is FOAM an essential tool for medical education?” My first response was, “Are you kidding me? Of COURSE it’s an essential tool, and especially for emergency and critical care practitioners.” We of notoriously short attention spans who endure the blessings and curses of shift work are exactly the people for whom FOAM is essential.
More than 100 years ago, Sir William Osler recognized the limitations of pedagogical teaching: “We have outrun an educational system framed in simpler days and for simpler conditions. The pressure comes hard enough upon the teacher but far harder upon the taught, who suffer in a hundred different ways.” Yet many of our instructors are still mired in…
Recommended Blogs and Podcasts
Overwhelmed by the amount of content out there? EMRA consolidates and indexes over 55 EM related blogs, podcasts, journals, and other FOAMed content.
PRO/CON: Why #FOAMed is NOT Essential to EM Education
What’s not to like about FOAM? You certainly can’t beat the price. It’s as ubiquitous and portable as your laptop or phone. And many of the contributors are leaders in our field – not simply knowledgable, but also exceptional communicators. But while FOAM has many great applications, I have noticed the enthusiasm of many supporters of FOAM goes too far. FOAM is so appealing, so engrossing, it’s easy to get carried away. And when that happens, the forms of learning you used to rely on are devalued, and eventually disregarded. When this happens to an experienced emergency physician, critical faculties erode and one’s practice narrows. When this happens to students and trainees, it can be disastrous.
Tech Corner: Podcasts in Emergency Medicine
This post will bring you the latest and greatest on alternative Emergency Medicine learning resources focusing on the available audio formats. Most of you may have heard of these Podcasts. They bring a fresh outlook on the stuff you may or may not have already read about in Rosen’s Emergency Medicine. If you’re new to FOAM and looking for some quality podcasts to download, you won’t need to search beyond this post.
PRO/CON: Why #FOAMed is Essential to EM Education
FOAM is not seeking to unseat medical journals. While it is not peer-reviewed in the traditional sense, FOAM is subject to immediate crowd-sourced review and criticism. Almost all FOAM advocates who post blogs encourage readers to comment, and a healthy discussion can occur in real time concerning the information presented, with self-correction occurring within minutes or hours, rather than weeks or months.
EM:RAP has changed the game for emergency medical education. Gone are the days when you had to buy multiple products from different vendors. With your EM:RAP subscription you gain access to everything you will ever need throughout your career, all for one low price.
Broome Docs
Welcome to Broome Docs, this site is intended to provide a single source of up-to-date educational material for country doctors. Country docs are “jacks of all trades”, GPs, Anaesthetists, part-time intensivists, O&G, Paeds, Psych …. basically the doctors in the country who have to deal with whatever rolls in the door.
EM Basic
EM Basic is made for medical students and emergency medicine interns to review the basics of emergency medicine. Each podcast starts exactly how a patient interaction in the ED starts- with a chief complaint. From there, we’ll go over the important points of the patient’s history and physical exam, the workup, and the basic treatment and disposition of each chief complaint that you will encounter in the ED all in ~30 minute easy to digest audio podcasts.
Dr. Mattu reviews the cardiology literature and dissects what you need to know for emergency medicine practice.
EMCrit is devoted to Maximally Aggressive Care: Maximally Aggressive Curative Care and Maximally Aggressive Palliative Care To that end, we bring the best evidence-based information from the fields of critical care, resuscitation, and trauma and translate it for bedside use in the Emergency Department (ED) and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Every two weeks we post a full ~20-minute podcast. In between, the site gets filled with blogposts, links, and EMCrit Wees (minature podcasts). CME is available for EMCrit Podcasts.
Emergency Medicine Cases
Emergency Medicine Cases (EM Cases) is a free online medical education podcast, medical blog and website dedicated to providing online emergency medicine education and CME for physicians, residents, students nurses and paramedics.
EMN Live
Clinical advances and trends from the most trusted emergency medical news source in emergency medicine.
Straight talk about emergency medicine with Dr. Rob Orman.
We review a cutting edge a Free Open Access Medical Education (FOAM) blog or podcast and then delve into the Emergency Medicine Core Content texts on relevant issues and end with free board review questions.
PEM ED is an acronym for: Pediatric Emergency Medicine an Educational and Directional Podcast for the general emergency medicine physician. It is a truly distinctive audio program designed to give the general emergency medicine practitioner an in-depth review of key concepts paramount to the care of the pediatric patient in an emergency department setting.
The aim of this podcast is to discuss and debate prehospital and retrieval medicine–its current practice and controversies. In many ways the philosophy espoused will be that of prehospital critical care. Whereas EMCrit brings upstairs care, downstairs; I aim to bring it out of the hospital. Many prehospital providers are doing this already.
Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine
The Skeptics’ Guide to Emergency Medicine (SGEM) is a knowledge translation (KT) project. The goal of the SGEM is to shorten the KT window from over ten years down to less than one year. It does this by turning traditional medical education on its head.
This is the podcasts for those who feel that everything you’ve been taught is a lie… and probably isn’t supported by evidence. The authors take “deep dives” into the literature and discuss controversial topics faced by Emergency Medicine while doing an amazing job of doing an exhaustive review - Maxim Ben-Yakov
Mike & Matt are hysterical and brilliant. Learn about the techniques and the evidence - LTFL
Emergency Medicine Ireland
This site exists to hopefully foster education, reflection, enthusiasm, conversation and hopefully a sense of humour in emergency medicine in Ireland.
American Academy of Emergency Medicine
AAEM is pleased to introduce three podcast series for the benefit of our members. Each series focuses on a different area of interest to emergency physicians: medical-legal issues, critical care, and operations management. The podcasts are available for download directly from the AAEM website, or accessible via iTunes. Check back monthly for new episodes!
ED Leadership Monthly
Since 2009, the 80-Minute Monthly Podcast Designed for ED Physician and Nurse Leaders to Optimize the Operation of Their Departments.
Emergency Medicine News
Podcasts ranging from Sound Bites to EMCast with Amal Mattu, MD.
Everyday Medicine for Physicians
Ryan Stanton, MD, interviews specialists and leaders in emergency medicine to help the community emergency provider advance practice and stay on the cutting edge of medicine.
ICU Rounds
Jeff Guy gives great ICU lectures on your ipod - LTFL
Join millions of Player FM users today to get Emergency Medicine news and insights whenever you like, even when you're offline. Podcast smarter with the podcast app that refuses to compromise … it's free and easy.
Podcast Sources
The word ‘podcast’ is the bastard offspring of broadcasting and iPod. Podcasts are a series of digital media files, either audio or video (aka vodcasts), that are downloaded automatically by subscription to a feed. Podcasts can be accessed over the web with most types of media playing software. They can be made with free software and hosted by free online services.
Risk Management Monthly Emergency Medicine
The monthly audio series designed specifically to limit the risk of emergency physician litigation.

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