If the world were merely seductive, that would be easy. If it were merely challenging, that would be no problem. But I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world. This makes it hard to plan the day - EB White

image by: Unity Health Toronto
HWN Suggests
The Evolving Role of Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound has dramatically influenced the practice of emergency medicine in the twenty-first century. From its introduction to the medical landscape in the 1950s, it has been studied and utilized in various diagnostic exams and procedural guidance. Bedside ultrasound allowed emergency physicians easy access to immediate imaging, giving them the means to make management decisions quicker and improve quality of care. Ultrasound has demonstrated utility in examination of the heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, biliary system, uterus, ovaries, testicles, eyes and many other structures in the body. It decreases unsuccessful attempts and post-procedural complications in peripheral and central venous…
Ultrasound for central line placement: crucial, or just a crutch?
Ok, so let me preface this with the fact that I walk around with a handheld ultrasound rather than a stethoscope, and that I examine ALL patients with a focused cardiopulmonary and abdominal exam. My bias towards bedside ultrasound is ridiculously huge. I think practicing without it, once the skill is acquired, is unethical. Having said that, I have an issue with the fact that it now seems to be “standard of care” for all lines to be ultrasound guided.
Butterfly iQ: Pocket-Sized Ultrasound for Under $2500
I had the good fortune of being able to test-drive an amazing new product called the Butterfly iQ. It is an ultra-compact, pocket-sized, portable ultrasound device for under $2500 when most ultrasound machines cost tens of thousands of dollars. The entire ultrasound technology is built into the handheld body itself. Real-time images are viewed on a smartphone via a wired connection. This one ultrasound can be used to image the entire body!
In African Villages, These Phones Become Ultrasound Scanners
A hand-held device brings medical imaging to remote communities, often for the first time.
The History of Ultrasounds: From Bats to Babies
Thanks to the vision of pioneers throughout history, ultrasounds are now available to almost everyone.
Transducer Selection in the Speed and Quality of FAST Exams
We did not detect a significant difference in the time to completion or the image quality of the FAST exam when performed with a phased array transducer versus a curvilinear array transducer. This is in line with our current practice of teaching residents to use either transducer for the exam depending on each operator's individual comfort level, feasibility of use, and individual patient characteristics.
The Evolving Role of Ultrasound in Emergency Medicine
Ultrasound has dramatically influenced the practice of emergency medicine in the twenty-first century. From its introduction to the medical landscape in the 1950s, it has been studied and utilized in various diagnostic exams and procedural guidance.
SonoSpot: Topics in Bedside Ultrasound
Share & highlight US cases, tips & tricks, research, news, people and events.
We believe the best chance a patient has at getting better is a clinician at their beside with the right answers and the confidence to act. That's why we created SonoAccess, our no-cost ultrasound app that can get you from "zero to scan" with confidence. When you download SonoAccess, you'll get a first-class ultrasound app with extensive clinical education content, product guides, How-To videos, clinical images, and reference guides for point-of-care ultrasound.
A bedside ultrasound game.
Welcome to sonoguide! sonoguide was developed by members of the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) Emergency Ultrasound Section as a result of a Section Grant. Created to educate at the undergraduate level, the project became a sophisticated and comprehensive reference with state-of-the-art graphics that serves any level of medical training and continuing medical education.
SonoSim develops and markets state-of-the-art simulation training products for physicians, nurses, students and careproviders who need to continually expand and improve their ultrasound skills. The company comprises leading ultrasound educators, computer-based instructional designers, content editors, computer engineers and scientists, and software developers.
Sonosite has long recognized the very specific needs of emergency physicians, and we offer products that are uniquely suited to provide full diagnostic capabilities at the bedside. Fast, high-quality imaging at the point of care saves lives, increases patient safety, and improves clinician efficiency.
Core Ultrasound
Basically because no one else was doing it. Mike and I both really wanted to listen to a well done ultrasound podcast similar to the podcasts out there such as EMRAP, EMcrit, and ERCAST. However, it wasn’t out there, so after our Fellowship training (University of Utah) we decided to do it ourselves.
Emergency Ultrasonography
This website, which will provide the foundation for a basic understanding of Emergency Ultrasound (EUS), is also an enormous work-in-progress. The key to proficiency in, and eventual mastery of, Emergency Ultrasound is practice. Following every lecture, every tutorial, every case discussion, apply your skill-set in the ED. Scan every sore abdomen, every pregnancy with cramping, every shortness of breath or chest pain. Developing a sense of "normal" allows for quick identification of what is "abnormal". I hope you enjoy the site.....and I welcome any and all feedback!
We have assembled a staff of experienced emergency physicians from some of the busiest academic emergency departments in the country to provide ultrasound education to practicing emergency physicians with an interest in expanding their clinical horizon. We offer multiple courses at attractive locations, or we can come to your location and help instruct your entire staff.
Introduction to Bedside Ultrasound
Emergency medicine ultrasound combines three traditionally distinct parts: obtaining the relevant ultrasound images, interpreting the images obtained, and applying this information to patient care. By combining these parts which were traditionally done by the US technician, the radiologist and the EM physician respectively, the EM physician can speed the care and disposition of patients in the Emergency Department.
Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute
If you can’t travel, attend our seminars online through our Live Webinar options. Virtually attend our seminars from the comfort of your home or office. Gulfcoast Ultrasound Institute will provide a handout of the course topics, and you have the convenience of being able to ask questions to the instructors in real-time. Just like if you were sitting in the classroom!
Our Mission at POCUS 101 is simple: to create User-Centered Content that allows YOU to start using Point of Care Ultrasound right away! As creators of POCUS 101, we are fellowship-trained in Point of Care Ultrasound and have taught thousands of students from all backgrounds including medical students, nurses, and physicians from all specialties.
The POCUS Atlas
Our content is freely available to share and use for global point-of-care ultrasound education.

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Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.