Women in EM
You can’t juggle all the balls in your life perfectly all of the time. Invest your energy into the aspects your life that really matter, so that when that ball falls, it will bounce right back up - Dr. Chesney Fowler

image by: ACEP American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
HWN Suggests
EM Mindset: A Woman in the Emergency Department – by a Feminist
Sitting down to write this, I cursed myself for volunteering in the first place. Yes, I am a woman, yes I am a feminist, yes I am a physician, yes I am in academic leadership for a well-known emergency department… The yes’s are many, but what do I have to say that is so meaningful or useful that www.emdocs.net would want to publish it in EM Mindset series?
I write today because I wanted to share some of my perspective on how to 1) be happy as a woman in EM and 2) how to “make it” as a woman in EM. I know that I have achieved #1. I am definitely a work in progress when it comes to #2, but aren’t we all? I hope that my experiences will help guide others to achieving their personal…
Diversity Matters
A day in the life of a black female EP.
Empowering Women in Emergency Medicine
Dr. Dara Kass works at NYU/ Bellevue Hospital and is the founder of FemInEM, an open access resource that allows members to discuss, discover, and affect the journey of women working in emergency medicine.
Growing up with women in emergency medicine
I come by many things in my life naturally — my stubbornness, my red hair, and my career. I am very fortunate. Unlike many I am the daughter of a female emergency physician. This is something I never really considered while growing up. Yes, my mom was a doctor. Did she save lives? I guess so.
Best Practices for Women in Emergency Medicine
Women in medicine continue to experience disparities in earnings, promotion, and leadership roles. There are few guidelines in place defining organization-level factors that promote a supportive workplace environment beneficial to women in emergency medicine. We assembled a working group with the goal of developing specific and feasible recommendations to support women’s professional development in both community and academic emergencymedicine (EM) settings.
Emergency Medicine Workforce Needs More Women Physicians
While emergency medicine has made some progress in the quest to increase the number of women in the workforce, it has not succeeded at the rate the specialty needs nor has it reached anticipated outcomes based on the pipeline of women medical students.
Flexible hours, lifestyle factors lead more women to choose emergency medicine
Outside of the primary care specialties, emergency medicine is now the most popular specialty choice for active female DOs.
How Female Physicians Are Changing the Face of Emergency Medicine
The past stereotype—perhaps driven by pop culture—of a white, male emergency doctor brusquely giving orders and taking charge in the ER has given way to a more typically female-oriented way of collaborating with colleagues to tackle the difficult, complex challenges of improving patient care and making changes in healthcare.
Meet the Pioneering Women of Emergency Medicine
AWAEM interviewed 12 of the inspiring women who were the first to enter emergency medicine and take on leadership roles in our specialty, paving the way for current and future generations. Meet them and hear what they have to say here.
Should Female Emergency Physicians Embrace their Femininity?
A new generation of female physicians is reshaping perceptions of our profession: what it takes to succeed, and therefore what sorts of skills, temperaments, and character types belong in our field. The changing demographics of emergency medicine physicians begs a consequential question: should female emergency physicians embrace their femininity on the job?
Study shows female physicians judged more harshly than males during emergency medicine training
Male and female resident physicians were judged as equally capable during their first year of a three-year emergency medicine training program, according to a new study. By year three, however, supervising physicians viewed the women as less capable and gave them harsher criticism than men who made medical errors of similar severity.
EM Mindset: A Woman in the Emergency Department – by a Feminist
I write today because I wanted to share some of my perspective on how to 1) be happy as a woman in EM and 2) how to “make it” as a woman in EM. I know that I have achieved #1. I am definitely a work in progress when it comes to #2, but aren’t we all?
Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine
The Academy for Women in Academic Emergency Medicine (AWAEM) was established to promote the recruitment, retention, advancement and leadership of women in academic emergency medicine. The success of academic emergency medicine and the ability of the specialty to train future emergency physicians are intrinsically linked with the success of women faculty as they now represent half of the medical student body and almost half of physicians.
American Association of Women Emergency Physicians
Looking for a section that will address your needs as an emergency physician and a woman? AAWEP is for you.
We are FemInEM – an open access resource where we discuss, discover, and affect the journey of women working in emergency medicine. Through deliberate conversation and engaging dialogue, members explore a variety of issues that support the development and advancement of all women in medicine. FemInEM aims to address gender disparities in a positive way, empowering physicians of both genders.
Novateurs in EM
Showcasing our colleagues both past and present that have and continue to empower all of us and the planet's health on issues that matter...
Women in Emergency Medicine Section
The Women in Emergency Medicine (WiEM) Section is constituted with a vision of equity for AAEM women in emergency medicine and a purpose to champion the recruitment, retention, and advancement of women in emergency medicine through the pillars of advocacy, leadership, and education.
ACOEP Committee for Women in Emergency Medicine
ACOEP’s Committee for Women in Emergency Medicine was established in 2018 to provide a network and platform for the advancement of female physicians in emergency medicine. The committee provides a network of education, mentoring, and guidance in personal and professional leadership skills.
Advancing Women in Emergency Section
AWE has been established to: Promote and support female leaders within the College, in clinical practice and in hospitals and health systems...
Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS)
The Group on Women in Medicine and Science (GWIMS) advances the full and successful participation and inclusion of women within academic medicine by addressing gender equity, recruitment and retention, awards and recognition, and career advancement.
Physician Moms Group
Physician Moms Group is a global online community that was founded in 2014.
Women in Emergency Medicine committee
The Women in Emergency Medicine committee will provide support, mentorship and networking opportunities to women in emergency medicine with the goal of helping its members achieve their ideal balance in all areas of their lives.
Women's Wisdom: Our Journey in Emergency Medicine
Women's Wisdom: Our Journey in Emergency Medicine is a podcast created by the AAEM Women in Emergency Medicine Section to highlight the journeys of prominent women emergency physicians.
Are there too few women presenting at emergency medicine conferences?
Women are in a minority as presenters at EM conferences. On average, a female speaker speaks for less time than a male speaker. Those attending, speaking or organising major scientific conferences should consider gender balance.
ER Goddess
The perks of being Dr. Barbie.
Women in Emergency Medicine Around the World Symposium
This virtual symposium is brought to you by the International Federation for Emergency Medicine and Canadian Association of Emergency Physicians.

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