Border Crisis
The American way of life and the future of our natural environment and resource base depends on restoring the proper balance between our needs and the unlimited demands of millions on the move - FAIR
image by: Adam Milstein
HWN Suggests
An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining
This crisis is not the result of incompetence, but of purposeful policies. What is more, America’s establishment media has largely abdicated its duty to report on the crisis, refusing to acknowledge an event that is having a greater impact than almost any other in the world today. One can only assume that the reason for this is partisan bias: after all, the crisis can easily be traced to an identifiable moment in time—Inauguration Day 2021.
America’s misunderstood border crisis, in 8 charts
For all the attention on the border, the root causes of migration and the most promising solutions to the US’s broken immigration system are often overlooked.
Biden Border Crisis is Worst in American History
Biden’s border policies are creating a growing national security crisis, and threatening the safety of Americans across the country.
Why New York Is Experiencing a Migrant Crisis
The arrival of more than one hundred thousand migrants and asylum seekers in New York City and other major U.S. cities over the past year has sparked renewed debate over U.S. immigration policy.
Are Biden’s immigration policies allowing dangerous diseases into our country?
Hansen’s disease — more commonly known as leprosy — is another example. It is very rare in the United States. But it has become endemic in Florida. According to the CDC, circumstances indicate that the source of the leprosy was the international migration of persons with the disease.
Biden's Deadly Border Crisis
It's not just people making the journey. Lethal drugs are flowing into our country at an alarming rate, with only a fraction being intercepted. In May alone, 1,100 pounds of deadly fentanyl—more than 249 million deadly doses—and more than 10,000 pounds of methamphetamine were seized at the southern border. Thanks in part to the Biden border crisis, drug overdoses in America reached an all-time high in 2021 and fentanyl overdoses are now the leading cause of death for Americans 18-45 years old.
Biden's Open Border Hurts Black Americans Most of All—and We Know It
My heart breaks for Chicago, a city that has experienced decades of divestment from legacy Black American neighborhoods, as well as historic underemployment of urban youth and young adults and the predictable crime that results from poverty. Liberals and conservatives often wonder why inner cities fall apart. But they never stop to consider the obvious answer: It's because both sides' political advocacy practically demands the neglect of Black Americans
Boggled by Biden’s Border Crisis? Relax, AOC Is in Charge
Biden is not going to wake up from the spell. There is no wizard to frighten off the worm-tongues whispering in his ear that borders are bad; unlimited migration is good; and that accepting millions of illegal immigrants each year is harmless to America’s sovereignty, society, and rule of law. If anyone is to rescue us from this nightmare, it will be the American people.
Fixing the border: Four reasons the immigration crisis isn’t going away
The 21st century has seen a huge increase in the number of people wanting to come to the United States. While historically most immigration has been from Mexico, recent trends have shown a much broader range of countries.
Health Crisis on the Northern Mexico Border
By collating publicly available information, the report provides a window into the burden of disease among this population, the factors contributing to it and what needs to be done to address it.
How to Solve the Migrant Crisis
Short of digging a moat and pulling up the drawbridge, which would be costly for American economic dynamism, it will be tough to hold back the human tsunami crashing on U.S. shores. Economic freedom and development are the only humane solutions to the poverty driving these huddled masses.
Humanitarian crisis at the border is a test of America’s soul. We’re flunking it.
The sins of a U.S.-led world — imperialism, inequality, pollution — caused a Central American refugee crisis. Nationalism won't fix it. How America responds to refugees is a test of the nation’s soul, and we are failing. There are much better ways to do this than slicing open the legs of toddlers — funding more immigration judges and more humane processing facilities instead of squandering billions on Abbott’s tin soldiers and other wasteful policies, or figuring out how to accommodate more of these potential workers, who would boost the economy. But we’re not going to do those things until our political leaders and the media stop treating these human beings as alien invaders from Mars, instead of as our brothers and sisters who share the same planet.
Migrant crisis explained: What's behind the border surge
Officials emphasize that much of the migration is driven by transnational criminal organizations engaged in the big business of human smuggling.
Only Bipartisan Action Can Solve the Border Crisis
Immigration is one of the most challenging issues for our government. Crises throughout the globe—from crushing poverty, to persecution and violence, to the rise of authoritarianism—have driven vulnerable populations from their homeland throughout our hemisphere. But instead of responsive legislative reform and strategic appropriations, Congress has been paralyzed by politics for decades...
Refusing to Address the Border Crisis is Immoral
Even in a nation that includes the principle of separation of church and state in its founding document, for centuries our political leaders have often heeded the counsel of religious leaders on important moral issues of the day. But religious leaders, like politicians, have had a mixed record when it comes to being on the right side of history.
Terrorists Crossing the US Border? Rising Encounters Explained
Skyrocketing terrorist watch list hits at US borders are fueling fear and condemnation of Biden immigration policies, though border buffs dispute whether the numbers indicate a serious threat.
The Impacts of Illegal Immigration on Public Lands
Of course, these remote areas have also become prime habitat for smugglers, undocumented migrants, and other illegal border crossers. In fact, the number of illegal border crossings has increased dramatically on national wildlife refuges.
The Situation at the U.S.-Mexico Border Can't Be 'Solved' Without Acknowledging Its Origins
Today, the countries sending the most migrants to the U.S.-Mexico border–especially the Central American countries of Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador–are experiencing a combination of push factors that include poverty and inequality, political instability, and violence. And while the current situation may be unique, it is also deeply rooted in history.
The Southern Border Poses Terrorism Risks. Homegrown Threats Still Loom Larger
Immigration and terrorism are indeed linked, but the issue is far more complex than some commentators suggest.
‘It’s Like a Graveyard’: Record Numbers of Migrants Are Dying at the U.S. Border
More men, women and children are trying to navigate dangerous waters and isolated terrain to evade authorities.
An Immigration Crisis Beyond Imagining
The U.S. has experienced surges of illegal immigration in the past, but these have been brought quickly under control by implementing policies to deter, block, detain, and deport illegal immigrants. Not this time.
Immigration policies can determine what kind of America future generations will inherit – livable or overcrowded, successful or overburdened. While we see our obligations to help the less fortunate around the world, we also know that irresponsible border policies can undermine our own nation’s ability to be a successful change agent for the human race. FAIR engages in community outreach to inform affected communities of how national immigration policies affect their own situation, and invites them to engage in a meaningful dialogue on how to shape immigration policies for the 21st Century and beyond.
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The New Yorker
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