Autism Spectrum Disorders

The autism spectrum is a broad and constantly redefined place, a frontier of the mind that's still mostly wilderness - Zack Smith

Autism Spectrum Disorders
Autism Spectrum Disorders

image by: Bruce Cummins

HWN Suggests

Looking Into the Future for a Child With Autism

How do you write about the happy life you hope for your child to have when you have a hard time picturing it yourself?

For 18 years, I’ve dreaded the yearly ritual of writing a “vision statement” for an Individualized Education Plan, or I.E.P., for our son, Ethan. He has autism and, as any parent of a child with significant special needs knows, the yearly team meeting to develop the I.E.P. can be emotional and fraught. For us it has felt, at times, like an annual adjustment of expectations downward. In theory, the vision statement is a lovely idea — an opportunity for parents to articulate the optimistic future they envision for their child…

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 Looking Into the Future for a Child With Autism

As my son’s limitations became clearer, I found it harder every year to write a vision statement for his I.E.P. Then he showed us how.


The leading source of news and expert opinion on autism research.

Thinking Autism

Thinking Autism exists to help people with autism and their families reach their potential and live life free of discomfort, anxiety and pain.

ACEing Autism

Our mission is to make the sport of tennis available to children with autism and to use tennis as a means to enhance health and fitness, hand-eye coordination and motor development and improve the social skills for children with autism.... And, of course, to make sure kids have fun in the process!

Age of Autism

We are published to give voice to those who believe autism is an environmentally induced illness, that it is treatable, and that children can recover. For the most part, the major media in the United States aren't interested in that point of view, they won't investigate the causes and possible biomedical treatments of autism independently, and they don't listen to the most important people — the parents, many of whom have witnessed autistic regression and medical illness after vaccinations. We do all those things, and more.


Autisable provides an open platform where anything Autism related can be shared and discussed.

Autism Inspiration

On our site you will find more than 900 content items including lesson plans, games, group activities, sensory integration ideas, motor skills activities, social stories, and visuals with more to come in the weeks and months ahead.

Autism One

Autism One is a nonprofit, charity organization 501(c)(3) started by a small group of parents of children with autism. Parents are and must remain the driving force of our community, the stakes are too high and the issues too sacred to delegate to outside interests.

Autism Parenting Magazine

Autism Parenting Magazine is the leading magazine for parents of autistic children as well as professionals seeking to work with children on the spectrum. Established in 2012, our focus remains on objectively publishing autism-related topics, events, developments, treatments and news stories.

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks has grown into the world's leading autism science and advocacy organization, dedicated to funding research into the causes, prevention, treatments and a cure for autism; increasing awareness of autism spectrum disorders; and advocating for the needs of individuals with autism and their families. We are proud of what we've been able to accomplish and look forward to continued successes in the years ahead.

Autism Spectrum News

Thanks to their help and guidance we have found a new voice for bringing you a new and trusted source of news, information, education, research, advocacy, and resources about the promising and ever-changing world of autism spectrum disorders.

Autism Together

In 1968 a group of parents established The Wirral Society for Autistic Children, which was the forerunner for our organisation today. Autism Together has grown from providing support to people with autism, to providing a wide range of living options, day services and community support to people from all over the UK.

Autism Today is the largest autism resource online and one of the leading autism and Aspergers resource distributor in the world.

Autistic Self Advocacy Network

The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which Autistic people enjoy the same access, rights, and opportunities as all other citizens.

Awe in Autism

Through original works of art, music, literature, poetry, photography and video, as well as many other resources, Awe in Autism seeks to provide inspiration and encouragement to those affected by autism.

Drive Mom Crazy

This site will hopefully give you a glimpse into my world. A world which is also part of the Asperger World.

First Signs

First Signs is dedicated to the early identification and intervention of children with developmental delays and disorders.

Global Autism Project

Founded in 2003, the Global Autism Project is a 501(c) 3 nonprofit organization dedicated to bridging the global gap in the resources and understanding of autism. We are committed to empowering communities worldwide to address the needs of individuals affected by autism through education, outreach, training, and the promotion of acceptance and compassion.

Healthier Me

Welcome to Healthier Me, a Kohl’s Autism Awareness app from the experts at Children’s Specialized Hospital. Healthier Me reinforces the healthier choices and habits of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and turns tracking day-to-day activities into something rewarding and educational.


ICare4Autism serves as the lead global non-profit organization dedicated to improving the life of children and adults who live with autism.


Helping organizations identify, recruit, and retain qualified professionals on the autism spectrum.

Interactive Autism Network

The Interactive Autism Network is an innovative online project bringing together tens of thousands of people nationwide affected by autism spectrum disorders and hundreds of researchers in a search for answers.

LearningSpring School

A place for children on the autistic spectrum to learn, to grow and to belong.

Life on the Spectrum

Life on the Spectrum is a UK-based charitable (non-profit) organisation, dedicated to raising awareness of autism, and providing information for autistic people themselves, particularly late-diagnosed adults who find little support elsewhere.


The McCarton Foundation is dedicated to increasing the educational opportunities for children with autism and making a better life for them and their families.

Research Autism

Research Autism is the only UK charity exclusively dedicated to research into interventions in autism. Established in 2003 as the Autism Intervention Research Trust, we carry out high quality, independent research into new and existing health, education, social and other interventions.


The Coalition for SafeMinds (Sensible Action For Ending Mercury-Induced Neurological Disorders) is a private nonprofit organization founded to investigate and raise awareness of the risks to infants and children of exposure to mercury from medical products, including thimerosal in vaccines.

Schafer Autism Report

We monitor all the major news sources, websites and the latest research for important and practical news and developments with a balanced, no-spin presentation...


Raising awareness about autism spectrum disorders by raising our voices. We seek to alarm, connect and inspire. To make an abstract disorder real. To make autism a problem of "us" instead of "them." So listen. Learn. And share. Proceeds go to nonprofit autism service providers.


Talk About Curing Autism provides information, resources, and support to families affected by autism. For families who have just received the autism diagnosis, TACA aims to speed up the cycle time from the autism diagnosis to effective treatments.


Wrong Planet is a web community designed for individuals, or parents and professionals who know someone with Autism, Asperger's Syndrome, ADHD, PDDs, and other neurological differences.

American Autism Association

We believe everyone deserves access to quality therapeutic resources. Together, we can create a future where all individuals with autism have the opportunity to succeed.

Association for Science in Autism Treatment

Our mission is to share accurate, scientifically sound information about autism and treatments for autism because we believe individuals with autism and their families deserve nothing less.

Autism Canada

Autism Society Canada works across the country to reduce the impact of ASDs on individuals and their families. We support universally accessible ASD treatment and services, as well as the implementation of national surveillance, and better funding for ASD research.

Autism National Committee

This is the only autism advocacy organization dedicated to "Social Justice for All Citizens with Autism" through a shared vision and a commitment to positive approaches.

Autism Program at Yale

The Autism Program at Yale is an interdisciplinary group of clinicians and scholars dedicated to providing comprehensive clinical services to children with autism spectrum disorders and their families.

Autism Research Institute

The Autism Research Institute, a non-profit organization, was established in 1967. For more than 40 years, ARI has devoted its work to conducting research, and to disseminating the results of research.

Autism Science Foundation

The Autism Science Foundation’s mission is to support autism research by providing funding and other assistance to scientists and organizations conducting, facilitating, publicizing and disseminating autism research. The organization also provides information about autism to the general public and serves to increase awareness of autism spectrum disorders and the needs of individuals and families affected by autism.

Autism Society

The Autism Society is the nation's leading grassroots autism organization.

Autism Speaks Canada

At Autism Speaks Canada, we are dedicated to finding the missing pieces of the puzzle and to bringing hope to those living with autism every day.

Autism, Asperger's syndrome and PPD-NOS can dramatically affect a child's life, as well as that of their families, schools, friends and the wider community. This site provides help with over 350 fact sheets of autism-related information, with an emphasis on practical strategies, as many families cannot afford the more expensive interventions, or may be geographically isolated and cannot access autism support services.

National Autism Association

The mission of the National Autism Association is to educate and empower families affected by autism and other neurological disorders, while advocating on behalf of those who cannot fight for their own rights.

National Autistic Society

We champion the rights and interests of all people with autism and aim to provide individuals with autism and their families with help, support and services that they can access, trust and rely upon and which can make a positive difference to their lives.

Bright Tots

Resources, articles and information on autism including Asperger's syndrome, assessing autism, autism and tantrums, autism in childhood, autism therapies, characteristics of autism, discipline strategies, early signs of autism, echolalia, fragile x, hyperlexia / dyslexia, immunization worries, oral care and autism, pervasive developmental disorders (PDD), Rett syndrome, savant syndrome, and more.

March of Dimes

Information and resources for autism from the March of Dimes.

Medical News Today

The latest Autism News articles published daily. Includes news on Pervasive Developmental Disorder, Rett Syndrome, Child Disintegrative Disorder, and Asperger's Syndrome. Information is also provided about social interaction problems, lack of communication skills and emotional interpretation difficulties - causes and how to overcome them.

National Institute of Neurological Disorders

This fact sheet discusses the common signs of autism, its causes and diagnosis, treatment, and more.

National Intitute of Child Health and Human Development

The NICHD is one of many federal agencies and NIH Institutes working to understand ASD. The NICHD supports and conducts research on what causes autism, how best to detect signs of autism, how best to intervene or treat autism, and other topics.


On the Autism, PDD & Asperger Syndrome page, you will find FAQs, articles, legal resources, recommended books, free publications, and a short list of information and support groups.

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