Plant Medicine
People in the U.S. are more cranked up on pharmaceutical drugs than any other culture in the world today. I want people using safer medicine. And that means plant medicine - Chris Kilham

image by: Aphiwat chuangchoem
The Value and Importance of Plants in Medicine
Plants have been part of our lives since the beginning of time. We get numerous products from plants, most of them not only good and beneficial for our health, but also crucial to our existence. In this essay we will explore the connection between plants, medicine, our food, and modern science.
28,187 Plant Species Used as Medicines throughout the World
A powerful new study reminds us that natural medicine was once, and still is, the default medical system on this planet...
A Top Hospital Opens Up to Chinese Herbs as Medicines
The Cleveland Clinic, one of the country's top hospitals, is a surprising venue for the dispensing of herbs, a practice that is well established in China and other Eastern countries but has yet to make inroads in the U.S. because of a lack of evidence proving their effectiveness.
Ayahuasca Can Change Your Life — As Long as You're Willing to Puke Your Guts Out
The psychoactive brew goes by many names. William S. Burroughs and Allen Ginsberg called it yage. In Brazil, it's known as hoasca. Other aliases include the Spirit Vine, the Vine of the Soul and the Vine of the Dead. Its most common name is ayahuasca. For centuries, the indigenous cultures of the Amazon have brewed the plant concoction, and its naturally occurring dose of the hallucinogen DMT. In recent years, the West has caught on.
Could Ancient Remedies Hold the Answer to the Looming Antibiotics Crisis?
One researcher thinks the drugs of the future might come from the past: botanical treatments long overlooked by Western medicine.
From “Ethnomedicine” to “Medicine”: A Glimpse into the World of Scientific Research on Psychedelic Plant Medicines
I am proud to be the curator of the Plant Medicine Track, and to support this brave research community that aims to advance knowledge and find new treatments for various ailments.
Growing Organs on Apples
The future of regenerative medicine may be plants.
Is There Good Scientific Evidence?
Although supporting evidence-based research may be limited in these cases, we should not ignore that these botanical medicines have been used for thousands of years, long before randomized clinical trials were conceived.
Psychedelics Can Take You on a Healing Trip
Although it’s not news to a lot of us, even the purveyors of the ruinous failure known as the “War on Drugs” may be finally opening their eyes to the salubrious qualities of even the most prohibited of controlled substances.
Scientists Put Shamanic Medicine Under The Microscope
In an unlikely collaboration with Amazonian shamans, medical researchers seek a cure for autoimmune disease.
Why Plants Are (Usually) Better Than Drugs
I have always been fascinated by the difference between plants and the drugs that are isolated from them. This goes back to my student days at Harvard in the 1960s, where I received my undergraduate degree in botany, and then went on to medical school. It’s rare — too rare, I have to say — for botanists to become doctors. The experience gave me a unique perspective on health and medicine.
Plant Medicines
In Episode #110, Jesse is joined by Dr. Jim Adams from the USC School of Pharmacy (and author of Healing with Medicinal Plants of the West) for a far-ranging discussion about traditional plant medicines. Countless cultures worldwide have surviving folk wisdom, botanical cures and remedies which may offer life-changing value even in the pharmaceutical age. Dr. Adams balances scientific credentials with his spiritual insights as a Chumash Healer as he explains some of what nature has to offer for health and cognition.
Plant Spirit Medicine
Plant Spirit Medicine is the shamans’ way with plants. It recognizes that plants have spirit and that spirit is the strongest medicine. Spirit can heal the deepest reaches of the heart and soul. provides journalism on natural therapies and medicines to enhance the mind, body, and spirit. Reset strives to help expand consciousness and spread more love around the world.
Spirit Plant Medicine
In this period of rapid change, the call to individual and collective awakening is clear. It’s beyond coincidence that the use of visionary/healing/awakening plants such as ayahuasca, psilocybe mushrooms, iboga, peyote, cannabis, and others is spreading rapidly at this time. When encountered in the best of conditions, these plants may be the most effective teachers we have now—direct conduits to the deepest, most enlightening truths.
The Plant Medicine Summit
Discover the intersection of medicine, ecology & spirituality in the plant kingdom!
International Center for Ethnobotanical Education, Research and Service
The promotion and dissemination of ethnobotanical knowledge and its applied, integrative practice. Our aim is to marshal the forces of ancient indigenous ethnobotanical knowledge and modern therapeutic practice in the search for new directions in the evolution of contemporary society.
Medicine Hunter
The three-fold purpose of Medicine Hunter Inc. is to promote natural, plant-based medicines, to protect the natural environment, and to support indigenous cultures.
Numen, defined as the animating force in nature, is a 75-minute documentary film focusing on the healing power of plants and the natural world.
Tang Center for Herbal Medicine Research
Our mission is to evaluate both benefits and risks of medicinal herbs: We investigate efficacy and safety of medicinal herbs and other dietary supplements supported by world-wide collaborations. We promote herbal use based on evidence-based research

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