Wild Salmon

Salmon and culture are the same thing. Without salmon, we have no culture - Ellie Kinley

Wild Salmon

image by: Farmed Salmon Boycott

HWN Suggests

Why Protect Salmon

Few animals have been as central to the Pacific human experience as salmon. Their annual migrations are a miracle of nature. They feed us and their presence tells us that our rivers are still healthy. From grizzly bears to orca whales, at least 137 different species depend on the marine-rich nutrients that wild salmon provide. The last intact salmon watersheds around the North Pacific are composed of free-flowing rivers and dense forests, which provide clean drinking water and absorb carbon to slow climate change. Pacific salmon fuel a $3 billion industry, supporting tens of thousands of jobs and local economies and communities around the Pacific Rim. Millions of people around the Pacific…

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 Why Protect Salmon

In our rush to modernize and grow, we have overlooked all of the things that salmon need to be healthy. Because of the wide-ranging and complex life histories of salmon, they are vulnerable to impacts from headwater streams to the open ocean. As a result, salmon stocks are dying the “death of a thousand cuts” from steady incursions into their habitat – a road here, a wetland filled there – that cumulatively have pushed many populations to the brink.

5 Reasons to Avoid Farm-Raised Salmon – and Why Wild Salmon Is Better

Wild salmon has a better ratio of good-to-bad fats than farmed salmon.

Long Live the Kings

Our mission is to restore wild salmon and steelhead and support sustainable fishing in the Pacific Northwest. Since our founding in 1986, we have combined innovative field work, pioneering science, broad partnerships, and sophisticated new management tools to help decision-makers advance salmon recovery while balancing the needs of fish and people.

Save California Salmon

Save California Salmon (SCS) is dedicated to policy change and community advocacy for Northern California’s salmon and fish dependent people. We support the fisheries and water protection work of the local communities, and advocate effective policy change for clean water, restored fisheries and vibrant communities.

Save Our Wild Salmon

Save Our Wild Salmon is a diverse, nationwide coalition working together to restore wild salmon and steelhead to the rivers, streams and marine waters of the Pacific Northwest for the benefit of our region's ecology, economy and culture.

Wild Salmon Center

We promote the conservation and sustainable use of wild salmon ecosystems across the Pacific Rim.

Raincoast Research Society

Raincoast Research Society studies the viruses and sea life from salmon farms that threaten wild salmon.

$Wild for Salmon

Since 2004 we have been fishing the pristine waters of Bristol Bay, Alaska. Wild For Salmon provides you with premium quality, flash-frozen sockeye, direct from our boat… to your table.

Seafood Selector

There are five species of wild salmon from Alaska: chinook, chum, coho, pink, and sockeye.

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