Immunology & Health

If we think of the immune system as a machine, then we are far from even knowing all of its parts - Bruce Beutler

Immunology & Health

image by: MadgeTech, Inc.

HWN Suggests

Your Body is a Teeming Battleground

I went to medical school, at least in part, to get to know death and perhaps to make my peace with it. So did many of my doctor friends, as I would find out. One day—usually when you’re young, though sometimes later—the thought hits you: You really are going to die. That moment is shocking, frightening, terrible. You try to pretend it hasn’t happened (it’s only a thought, after all), and you go about your business, worrying about this or that, until the day you put your hand to your neck—in the shower, say—and … What is that? Those hard lumps that you know, at first touch, should not be there? But there they are, and they mean death. Your death, and you can’t pretend anymore.

I never…

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 Your Body is a Teeming Battleground

It’s time to rethink the quest to control aging, death, and disease—and the fear of mortality that fuels it.

11 Surprising Facts About the Immune System

The human immune system is our protector — its job is to defend the body against diseases and other damaging foreign bodies. The system works by first identifying alien bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites lurking in the body, and then sends in its troops — white blood cells — to destroy the invaders and the tissues they infect. Here are 11 surprising facts about the immune system.

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