Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful, for beauty is God's handwriting - Charles Kingsley
image by: Pasquale Paolo Cardo
HWN Suggests
Friday essay: toxic beauty, then and now
Throughout history, humans have been willing to try almost any method or product to improve their physical appearance. In response, enterprising businesses and beauty moguls have conspired to sell us almost anything — from water to poison — in the guise of cosmetic treatments. While many cosmetic products have eventually proven to have little efficacy, a significant number have also caused physical harm and even death.
Cosmetics and cosmetic surgery are now subject to more stringent regulation than in the 19th century, when lead-based powders and face creams containing poisons were not uncommon. However, even today there are significant serious side-effects and potential dangers…
Do You Know What’s in Your Cosmetics?
Thousands of chemicals, in billions of dollars worth of products, are being governed by regulations that haven’t been updated in decades.
Goop and others profit by shunning makeup chemicals. What do scientists say?
Skincare sets wrapped in millennial pink and eco-green fill Instagram ads this season. With their pore-refining promises, these would-be stocking-stuffers draw attention to “toxic chemicals" canceled by clean-living proponents in the past few years. Face masks with parabens? Don’t even think about it, the gospel of Goop preaches. Body lotions with mineral oils? Definitely not on Beautycounter’s “nice” list.
Clean Beauty Can Be A Dirty Business: Beautycounter, Sephora And P&G Are Changing That
Consumers, particularly those experienced in the wellness category, will not tolerate a fake — and they’ve got enough social media outlets to bring one down. So Beautycounter, as well as Sephora, L’Oréal and others, are tasked with having to prove themselves. The best way to do that may be by helping consumers make better decisions, rather than dictating what is right for them.
Does it Matter That There’s CBD in Your Skincare?
I'm a wellness editor and CBD, more formally known as cannabidiol, is the star ingredient in almost every product that’s sent to me to sample these days. I’ve gotten CBD oil tinctures, chocolate, gummies, lube, carbonated beverages, matcha, and a shit-ton of skincare products, including lotions, face masks, and soap.
Gregg Renfrew of Beautycounter on Toxic Chemicals and Getting Fired by Messenger
It started with “An Inconvenient Truth.” In 2006, Gregg Renfrew watched the Al Gore documentary on climate change, and became convinced that her next business would be one that introduced cleaner, less environmentally damaging products to the market.
The Beauty Industry Feeds on Anxiety, Now It's Selling Anti-Anxiety Products
Beauty brands are getting into the stress business. Instead of just making you look pretty and smell nice, perfumes, makeup, face oils, and cleansers are now packaged with a new set of claims: that they’ll boost your mood and relieve your stress.
The chemicals in your cosmetics aren't regulated
Lately I’ve been grappling with an ethical quandary—about my hair. (These mermaid waves don’t come for free.) Every few months, I go to the salon for a chemical straightening process that—in addition to costing lots of actual money—could be putting the health of myself and others at risk. And the truth is that most of us should have similar concerns about all of the beauty products we use.
The Toxic Twenty Chemicals and Contaminants in Cosmetics
Chemicals and contaminants linked to cancer can be found in food, water and many other everyday products. However, no category of consumer products is subject to less government oversight than cosmetics and other personal care products.
The truth about talc, parabens and 8 other controversial makeup ingredients
To cut through the confusion, USA TODAY has reviewed what regulators and clean beauty activists say about 10 controversial ingredients...
The “natural” beauty industry is on the rise because we’re scared of chemicals
Customer mistrust is so bad now that even huge beauty companies want more regulatory oversight.
For the Cosmetics Industry, a Regulatory Makeover Awaits
Amid concerns about chemicals found in beauty and hair-care products, Senate committee looks to heighten regulation; companies back possible law.
Health Check: is makeup bad for your skin?
Makeup is an everyday item for many people and non-negotiable for some. Is it bad for our skin? As always, the answer is not clear-cut and depends on the individual, their skin type, and the products they use. With an overwhelming choice of cosmetic products available, most people don’t even know where to start with makeup. Organic? Natural? Fragrance free? Hypoallergenic? Non-comedogenic? Paraben free? What does this all mean, and are they any better?
Health risks beneath the painted beauty in America’s nail salons
The desire for beautiful nails has fueled an entire nail salon industry that’s growing rapidly, with storefronts cropping up on every major street across the nation. Yet, the recent articles from the New York Times exposed an industry that’s left workers struggling both with unlivable wages and with damaged health. Everyone who enters a nail salon can be affected, yet the workers are the ones left entirely unprotected.
Inside the Lab that Grows Human Skin to Test Your Cosmetics
Without lab-grown skin, these companies would be testing products on animals, usually rabbits, shaved to expose patches of naked skin. This practice is straight-up illegal for cosmetics in Europe now, and increasingly ethically dubious everywhere else. With animal testing on the wane, MatTek—along with its chief competitor, Episkin, a subsidiary of L’Oreal—have become go-to sources for synthetic human skin.
Poison lips? Troubling levels of toxic metals found in cosmetics
“Just finding these metals isn’t the issue; it’s the levels that matter,” said study principal investigator S. Katharine Hammond, professor of environmental health sciences. “Some of the toxic metals are occurring at levels that could possibly have an effect in the long term.”
Racist beauty standards are leading women of color to use more toxic products
Racist beauty standards do a lot of damage to non-white women. The immense global pressure to conform to a white European ideal—including light skin, straight hair, and a slim figure—means that women of color are particularly susceptible to developing psychological problems ranging from eating disorders to depression and generalized self-hatred.
The fall of “anti-aging” skin care
Brands are still selling the idea of trying to look younger — they’ve just changed the vocabulary.
The global beauty business goes au naturel
Demand for healthier ingredients has spread beyond the dinner plate. Interest in cosmetics and skincare products claiming to be “clean” and “natural” has grown in the past two years, with no regulation around either term.
The Pseudoscience of Beauty Products
Why the dubious claims of so many skin-care companies go unquestioned and untested.
When It Comes to Personal Care Products, Is Natural Always Better?
Debunking four myths about ingredients in your hair, skin and bath products
Should you start slugging? Inside the hottest trend in skincare
The practice has been around for millennia and is found all over the world, as experts say it’s a generally well-tolerated way to lock moisture in.
Skin Care
Skin care products have historically accounted for a large percentage of the American cosmetics and hygiene industry, and this is still true today. More so than for most beauty products, the claims made about skin lotions, powders, creams, bleaches, ointments, and cleansers straddle the line between medicinal and cosmetic. Claims that products will improve or protect skin health have often come with the stated or implied promise that skin will also look better—smoother, cleaner, whiter, clearer, and glowing.
Snail mucus is a skin care phenomenon—but does it really work?
Commonly used to repair damaged skin, products containing snail mucus go back much further than the social media era—and may have potential beyond cosmetics.
Vitamin C, retinol, biotin? Here’s what your skin actually needs
Most people only need three things to keep their skin barrier intact—but during the winter, skin may need a bit more care, experts say.
Friday essay: toxic beauty, then and now
Throughout history, humans have been willing to try almost any method or product to improve their physical appearance. In response, enterprising businesses and beauty moguls have conspired to sell us almost anything — from water to poison — in the guise of cosmetic treatments. While many cosmetic products have eventually proven to have little efficacy, a significant number have also caused physical harm and even death.
Campaign for Safe Cosmetics
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics coalition, a project of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, works to protect the health of consumers, workers, and the environment through public education and engagement, corporate accountability and sustainability campaigns and legislative advocacy designed to eliminate dangerous chemicals linked to adverse health impacts from cosmetics and personal care products.
Cosmetic Ingredient Review
The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) studies individual chemical compounds as they are used in cosmetic products. CIR relies heavily on the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) when identifying the ingredients to be assessed.
Lab Muffin
Hi! I'm Michelle, chemistry PhD and science educator, and I'm here to help you figure out which beauty products are worth buying, and which ones aren't using science!
Made Safe
Made Safe®, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, provides America’s first comprehensive human health-focused certification for nontoxic products across store aisles, from baby to personal care to household and beyond.
SafeMama Safer Sunscreen Cheat Sheet
SafeMama™ Sunscreen Criteria: All sunscreens I approved needed to be free of Parabens, Phthalates, PEG’s (polyethylene glycols), Propylene Glycol, Phenoxyethanol, SLS/SLES, and a bevy of other chemicals I won’t bother listing but basically, they should contain a considerable amount of natural ingredients. The sunscreen ingredient I mainly recommend avoiding is the synthetic chemical oxybenzone.
Silent Spring Institute
Unfortunately, manufacturers aren’t required to test products for safety or list all the ingredients on the label. While research continues, here are some tips to consider for taking care with your personal care.
Skin Deep
It's our mission at Environmental Working Group to use the power of information to protect human health and the environment. EWG's Skin Deep database gives you practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to chemicals. We launched Skin Deep in 2004 to create online safety profiles for cosmetics and personal care products.
The Cosmetics Cop
I've been The Cosmetics Cop since 1984 when I went on the Oprah Winfrey show and she gave me that name. Since then I've written 21 books on beauty. I'm best known for my Don't Go To the Cosmetics Counter Without Me series. I also launched my own global skincare line in 1995 called Paula's Choice Skincare.
Here you'll find a wealth of empowering information about ways we can all make the world healthier, along with safer products you can trust. Because we all deserve better. Our vision is bold; real answers are never timid. Help us put truth back in beauty.
We provide the largest clean beauty and skincare assortment that’s vetted by experts, then field-tested by us. We carefully examine every ingredient (so you don’t have to).
You deserve to know what you're putting on your skin—and for it to work. We only carry products that pass our mile-high standards.
We are a lifestyle brand with its roots in content across six key pillars: Wellness, Travel, Food, Beauty, Style, and Work; within those pillars, we curate and sell a tightly-edited array of products that adhere to our brand values, and we also make our own goods.
RMS Beauty
RMS Beauty is dedicated to transforming the way women use makeup, and it's about more than simply using organic ingredients. In fact, that's only the first step in creating a product that's not only non-toxic, but that actually heals and nourishes skin.
10 Toxic Beauty Ingredients to Avoid
There are thousands of chemicals in your products, many of which are being absorbed into your body. It's impossible to avoid every single synthetic chemical, but you can do your part in limiting the amount of toxins your body is exposed to.
Arbonne's skin care products, based on botanical principles, became a reality in the United States in 1980 and are now shared throughout the world through Arbonne's network of Independent Consultants. Building on these same founding principles, Arbonne's product line has since grown to include both inner and outer health and beauty products that are unparalleled in quality, safety, value, benefits and results!
Who says only the rich can afford beautiful skin and good health? We offer free membership, sensible prices and spectacular specials. And your products are delivered in days, not weeks, sometimes at no charge.
When Dermalogica meets skin, skin health is redefined. Dermalogica is the number one choice of skin care professionals and consumers worldwide. Why? Because for over 25 years, we"ve been dedicated to delivering skin health results through education, innovation, and professional recommendation, not through advertising, frilly packaging, promises of miracle cures, or overblown hype.
Dermatologist recommended skin care products specializing in acne and anti aging products, and medication for the treatment of adult and teenage acne, pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, anti-aging, eczema and fungal infections.
DermStore launched in 1999 with the vision of fulfilling the unmet need for a reputable dermatologist-backed online store, carrying only the finest cosmetic dermatology products.
The store for everything that's skin related.
Healthy Hair Plus
The Healthy Hair (HHP) corporate mission is a commitment to provide the highest quality, most-effective hair care and skin care products available.
iS Clinical
iS CLINICAL is the exclusive skincare brand by INNOVATIVE SKINCARE and is comprised of long-term, results-oriented anti-aging and optimizingskincare formulations. INNOVATIVE SKINCARE is committed to improving skin health by developing the highest quality of products,supporting theresearch of new treatments, raising the bar on corporate integrity, and serving the needs of its skincare customers globally.
we are committed to bringing you the healthiest & safest products: organic cosmetics, organic makeup, organic skin care, organic sunscreen & the list goes on! All of our organic products adhere to the strict guidelines set forth by the BDIH.
Murad skincare products and spa treatments can be found in more than 2,000 spas and salons across the U.S. and in more than 40 countries worldwide.
Obagi for life” is our commitment to you and a lifetime of healthy, beautiful skin. Our role as a worldwide leader in skin health is based upon a belief that regardless of your age or skin type, there truly is an Obagi for everyone.
Today, the Simple brand is the UK's #1 facial skincare range*. Simple has no dyes, artificial perfumes or harsh irritants that can upset your skin.
SkinCareRx was created with the intention of making dermatologist and spa-grade, clinically active skin care more accessible. Each line we carry is carefully evaluated for effectiveness and is personally tested by our estheticians and staff -- after all, we would never recommend something we wouldn't use ourselves.
SkinCeuticals provides complete skin care solutions through dermatologists, plastic surgeons, medi-spas, and other skin care professionals, earning us a strong reputation in the United States and in over 35 countries worldwide.
At SkinMedica®, we believe everyone deserves to have naturally radiant skin. That's why we've dedicated years of research to formulating advanced skin care products that rejuvenate skin.
Physician founded and directed since 1997, is among the leading online beauty retailers worldwide. Millions of women and men have discovered the value, selection, and expertise SkinStore offers.
St. Ives
Since 1980, St. Ives has been creating effective skincare solutions from nature. Keep your skin feeling fresh and younger looking with St. Ives – America's beloved facial scrub, body wash and lotion brand.

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