Protein Supplements
Protein supplements are generally overused. The recommended dietary intake of protein for an average Joe is easily achieved through diet alone - Jennifer Dodge - physiotherapist, The Office Athlete
image by: Popeye's Supplements London
Best protein powder: Better nutrition in a bottle
While one should get protein naturally through specific dietary decisions, many people have turned to powders and supplements to get a little extra protein when their diet isn’t cutting it. These proteins are especially suitable for established athletes or people who work out frequently, but many can benefit.
Protein powders: When should you use them?
Many people consume protein powder supplements, especially in older age or to bulk up muscles. Are they a good thing to be taking?
How Healthy Is Protein Powder? Here's What You Need To Know
Let's assume that you choose, for lack of a better term, a healthy protein powder. Is that bad for you? Experts say no, with a caveat: Protein powder should not replace all the real, whole foods in our diet.
Is Protein Powder Healthy?
As I learned more and started eating a whole food diet, I started to question my decision to use protein powder on such a regular basis, and I began to research the ingredients they were made from.
No Whey, Man. I’ll Pass on the Protein Powder
If there is one thing in the sport of bodybuilding that is as common as weight training, it is the use of supplements. No supplement is more widely consumed than protein powder. The powders of choice among mainstream bodybuilders are whey and casein, which are proteins derived from cow’s milk. In fact, these are the substances of choice for most protein powder consumers worldwide.
Protein powder, shake, and supplement: how much can our body actually use?
Once only used by bodybuilders, more and more people are using sports supplements as a regular part of their health and fitness regime – and the industry is booming worldwide. Protein shakes, powders, bars, and pills are being marketed to the average gym-goer as an essential part of getting fit.
Protein Powders May Be Doing More Harm than Good
Many of these products are advertised as “natural” or “organic” and promise immediate and dramatic results. But are these supplements actually safe? In addition to protein, these powders often contain potentially harmful chemicals, and some are even contaminated with toxins and metals. How could that be?
The hidden dangers of protein powders
They may contain added sugar, calories, or even toxic chemicals.
There are only two supplements proven to help you build muscle
A balanced diet is best, but these additions could help.
Can You Get Too Much Protein?
Protein has achieved a venerated status in the dietary world for everything from building muscle to preventing weight gain. But can you get too much of a good thing?
Do You Really Need Protein Supplements?
From the chunky to the chiselled, we're conditioned to believe protein supplements are a requirement. If you want to get huge, it's a badge of honour to be seen banging down protein shakes and bars, sprinkled with a little bit of creatine. But before you go out buying that five-kilo tub of protein powder, there are four important questions you should consider:
Health Risks of Protein Drinks
You don't need the extra protein or the heavy metals our tests found...
Here’s What You Need To Know About Protein Supplements
The protein and amino acid supplement market is big business. Bars, shakes, giant tubs of powder and specialist amino acid supplements dominate supplement shelves. But the decision to use them is based more on slick marketing claims than anything else; protein supplements offer few real performance benefits that an athlete’s normal diet isn’t already delivering.
How to Build More Muscle with Less Protein
Research suggests that higher protein meals can help you lose weight, slow aging, and speed recovery. But what if you don't want to—or can't—eat that much protein?
Is Protein Powder Safe During Pregnancy
Is it OK to use protein powder when you're pregnant? Find out how much protein you and your baby need, what the best sources are, and how to make sure you're getting enough.
Negative Effects of Protein Supplements
Weight loss and muscle building ads tout protein supplements as near-magical solutions to getting the body you want. The reality, however, is more complicated than that. Some supplements are nutritionally sound and help support health goals when used the right way, but they also have risks and downsides that could significantly impact your health.
Our Protein Obsession Is Getting Out of Control
If there’s one word in modern diet parlance that immediately draws a bridge with leanness, energy, and high performance, it's protein. We're having a wild love affair with it.
Protein Overdose Blamed in Sudden Death of Bodybuilder
Now, her family is calling for tighter regulations on the protein supplements industry.
Protein Powder and the Promise of Transformation
Though protein powder itself is not driving men to disordered eating, it is caught up in the same web of ideas and beliefs about masculinity, nutrition, and exercise that can be taken to more disturbing extremes.
So what’s the story on protein powder?
Ideally the protein content comes from whey that started in the organic milk of grass-fed cows. Whey is preferable as a protein source for its remarkable ability to help repair muscle damaged or stressed during exercise and as a potent raw material for glutathione production; glutathione is the most potent anti-oxidant we make naturally in our bodies...
The Ultimate Guide to Protein Supplements
Flip through any exercise magazine and, judging by all the attention protein supplements get, it appears protein and fitness somehow go hand-in-hand . And it is true: Protein can help promote a healthy weight and help muscles recover after a good workout. But what exactly is protein, and when it comes to supplements, which type of protein is best?
We Don’t Need as Much Protein as We Think We Do
The protein supplement industry is expected to be worth $58 billion by 2022. But, why?
Which Workout Supplements Actually Work?
Here's what we know about creatine, whey protein, BCAA powder, and more.
Why Pure Protein Shifted Its Marketing Mix To Social Media Fitness Pros
The combined market for cereal/granola bars and energy/nutrition bars is projected to approach $8.3 billion this year. Marketing often makes the difference between a struggling brand and an industry leader, with little differentiation in the nutritional facts of various competitors.
The Best and Worst Protein Powders
With so many options of protein powders, it seems like choosing the right supplement requires just as much skill as a wine connoisseur.
Top 10 Protein Supplements
LabDoor analyzed 73 best-selling protein supplements in the United States. Our analysis quantified protein, fat, sugar, cholesterol, calcium, sodium, lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury content and recorded presence/absence data for 63 inactive ingredients.
Naked Nutrition
From Grass-Fed Whey Protein to Pea Protein Powder to Organic Brown Rice Protein Powder, Naked Nutrition provides the purest supplements. Our proteins are loaded with essential amino acids and no artificial sweeteners or colors.
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