Influenza C
Influenza A viruses tend to garner most of the attention, but let’s not forget that there are two other virus types, B and C - Vincent Racaniello

image by: Vaccines at Sanofi
HWN Suggests
The A, B, and C of influenza virus
I found it amazing when I first heard that flu is pleomorphic, spherical and filamentous (and they have no idea, why !) and that flu C can be sooo long.
So, flu B jumped from birds to humans 4000 years ago, I read. Flu C 8000 years ago and then they kept in humans. Flu-A still tries to get a foot in mammals but didn't succeed the last centuries. But humans changed dramatically, they have airplanes now…
Epidemiology and Clinical Characteristics of Influenza C Virus
Influenza C virus (ICV) is a common yet under-recognized cause of acute respiratory illness. ICV seropositivity has been found to be as high as 90% by 7–10 years of age, suggesting that most people are exposed to ICV at least once during childhood.
In situ structure and organization of the influenza C virus surface glycoprotein
Influenza C virus is a globally spread, intensely circulating human pathogen of the Orthomyxoviridae family. Infection typically causes a mild upper-respiratory tract illness that can progress to severe disease of the lower respiratory tract, particularly in young children.
Influenza C and Influenza D Viruses
Influenza virus C (IVC) and influenza virus D (IVD) are enveloped RNA viruses in the family Orthomyxoviridae. They are more closely related to each other than to influenza virus A (IVA) or influenza virus B (IVB), containing seven genomic segments and a hemagglutinin-esterase (HE) fusion protein responsible for recognition, binding, and destruction of host receptors.
Influenza C Virus: Structure and Function of M Gene and Its Products
Influenza C virus (Fig.1), which belongs to the genus Influenza C Virus of the family Orthomyxoviridae, was first isolated from a patient with respiratory illness in 1947.
The A, B, and C of influenza virus
Influenza A viruses tend to garner most of the attention, but let’s not forget that there are two other virus types, B and C.
Influenza C, a distant relative of types A and B, infects children primarily and typically causes only mild symptoms.
Of the four antigenic types, influenza A virus is the most severe, influenza B virus is less severe but can still cause outbreaks, and influenza C virus is usually only associated with minor symptoms.

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