Thought is an infection. In the case of certain thoughts, it becomes an epidemic - Wallace Stevens
image by: Live Well Sioux Falls
HWN Suggests
The War on Pubic Hair Must End
I must have missed the declaration of war on pubic hair. It must have happened sometime in the last decade because the amount of time, energy, money and emotion both genders spend on abolishing every hair from their genitals is astronomical. The genital hair removal industry, including medical professionals who advertise their specialty services to those seeking the “clean and bare” look, is exponentially growing.
But why pick on the lowly pubic hair? A few sociological theories suggest it has to do with cultural trends spawned by bikinis and thongs, certain hairless actors and actresses, a desire to return to childhood, a misguided attempt at hygiene or being more attractive to…
How Koalas With an S.T.D. Could Help Humanity
Humans don’t have a monopoly on sexually transmitted infections. Oysters get herpes, rabbits get syphilis, dolphins get genital warts. But chlamydia — a pared-down, single-celled bacterium that acts like a virus — has been especially successful, infecting everything from frogs to fish to parakeets. You might say chlamydia connects us all.
How One Class Of Diabetes Medications May Lead To Flesh-Eating Genital Infections
The SGLT2 inhibitors can help lower blood sugar in those with type 2 diabetes by inducing the kidneys to excrete more sugar through the urine. Lowering blood sugar can help reduce the risk of diabetic complications such as heart attack and stroke. However, more sugary urine can mean more sugary genitals, which can be a sweet, sweet buffet for bacteria and other organisms.
Yes, you can get throat gonorrhea
If you think chlamydia and gonorrhea are just for genitals, they've got you right where they want you.
Genital infections, sexually transmitted diseases
Guidelines, reviews, statements, recommendations, standards
Common Conditions Affecting the Genitals
Itchy skin rashes are very common in the genital region, which generally includes the area below the belly button to the top of the legs: the buttocks the area around the anus, and the vulvar, penile, and scrotal areas. Many of these conditions on the genitals are sexually transmitted and uncommon in children or in those who are not sexually active.
Genital Problems in Men
Extensive section from
Genital skin problems
Genital skin problems are very common and can be very itchy or painful, distressing and embarrassing. They can interfere with sexual functioning, self-image and interpersonal relationships. Some genital disorders are contagious, including sexually transmitted diseases.
The War on Pubic Hair Must End
It is a sadly misconceived war. Long ago surgeons figured out that shaving a body part prior to surgery actually increased rather than decreased surgical site infections. No matter what expensive and complex weapons are used—razor blades, electric shavers, tweezers, waxing, depilatories, electrolysis—hair, like crab grass, always grows back and eventually wins. In the mean time, the skin suffers the effects of the scorched battlefield.
If you are worried because you have noticed a genital symptom, you need to see your doctor or go to a sexual health clinic. This section provides information about some of the commonest genital infections and sexually transmitted infections for people who have had an infection confirmed by their doctor or by a clinic, or who have a partner with a STI and who want more information.
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