ID Pills
Whatever the scenario, learning how to use a pill identifier to recognize a pill can keep you and your loved ones safe—especially at a time when potentially deadly fentanyl pills are popping up all over the country - Kristina Robb-Dover

image by: Cardiology
HWN Suggests
Identify Mystery Pills With This Field Guide
Ever find a few mystery pills in the bottom of your purse—or worse, in a place your kid or pet may have gotten into? Fortunately every medication has its own distinctive shape, color, and markings, so it’s possible to identify a lost pill...
If there’s a number printed on the pill, plug it in and you’ll have the answer. Otherwise, select its shape and color. The tool will show you all the pills that match that description. There’s also a search that goes the other way: you can put in the name of the drug, and see pictures of all the ways it’s packaged into pill form.
Pill Identifier
Use the pill finder to identify medications by visual appearance or name. All Rx and OTC drugs in the US are required by the FDA to have an imprint. If your pill has no imprint it could be a vitamin, diet/herbal/energy pill, illicit or foreign drug.
Canadian Pill Identifier
As you know, in recent years a lot of generics were introduced on the Canadian market. As a result, the identification of thousands of different pills can be a very challenging task, even if you have a good memory. Therefore, we created this website in hopes it would help all Canadian healthcare professionals to learn about drugs commercially available in Canada and their appearance. The information found on this website is based on two databases:
Fentanyl Test Strip
If you have a drug that wasn’t legitimately prescribed and supplied to you by medical professionals, use a test strip prior to ingestion to check whether it contains fentanyl - Karen Garcia
How to Identify an Unknown Pill
Have you just picked up your prescription and want to confirm the pharmacist dispensed the correct drug? Perhaps you’re caring for an elderly parent and need to know you’re giving them the right pills at different times of the day.
Identifying Prescription Pills
How do you figure out what type of pills your son is using? And how many other substances is he experimenting with that could be harmful to his health?
Pill-iD is an app that scans MDMA pills to identify strength, risk level and side effects
Developed by agencies Rehab and Herezie through the By the Network collective, the app is currently a working prototype that aims to save lives.
Identify Mystery Pills With This Field Guide
Ever find a few mystery pills in the bottom of your purse—or worse, in a place your kid or pet may have gotten into? Fortunately every medication has its own distinctive shape, color, and markings, so it’s possible to identify a lost pill.
Pill Identifier and Drug List App
Helps you detect a medicine by its color, shape and imprint.
Pill Identifier App
Use the pill finder to identify medications by visual appearance or medicine name. All fields are optional.
Smart Pill ID App
Quickly identify pills using your camera!
Medscape's Pill Identifier helps you to ID generic and brand name prescription drugs, OTCs, and supplements. Search from over 10,000 tablets and capsules by imprint, color, shape, form, and scoring.
Use our Pill Identification Tool to identify your medications by imprint, shape, color, and/or scoring. Please select at least one or more options.

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