
Vaping among teens is my (and most public health professionals) biggest worry - Ana Rule


image by: Disobey Vape

HWN Suggests

The Promise of Vaping and the Rise of Juul

If I get addicted to vaping, I thought, in March, I will always remember this Texas strip mall. I was walking out of a store called Smoke-N-Chill Novelties, in Southwest Austin, holding a receipt for $62.95 and two crisp, white shrink-wrapped boxes. I got into the driver’s seat of a rental car and began to open them. From one I extracted a Juul: a slim black vaporizer about half the width and weight of a Bic lighter, with rounded edges and a gently burnished finish. (It looks like a flash drive, everyone always points out. You can recharge it by plugging it into your computer.) From the other I extracted a thumbnail-size cartridge called a pod, filled with juice containing a cigarette pack’s…

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 The Promise of Vaping and the Rise of Juul

Teens have taken a technology that was supposed to help grownups stop smoking and invented a new kind of bad habit, molded in their own image.


Your organization strives to keep kids healthy. AVOID can help you talk to kids about the risk of vapes using science-based brief educational videos.

Flavors Hook Kids

Flavors mask the harsh taste of tobacco which makes it easier for kids to smoke — and most kids don’t know that flavored e-cigarettes are high in nicotine.


PAVe (Parents Against Vaping e-cigarettes) is a grassroots organization founded by three concerned moms as a response to the current youth vaping epidemic, the most serious adolescent public-health crisis our country has faced in decades.

The Real Cost

You already know that tobacco is bad for you, but even experimenting can come with a cost.


We're not here to criticize your choices, or tell you not to smoke. We're here to arm everyone – smokers and non-smokers – with the tools to make change.

Vaping Daily

The World’s Vaping Information Resource. On this website, you’ll find all possible information to help you live a better and healthier life. We believe in the potential of vaping to help prevent millions of deaths worldwide.

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