Women in Medicine

From the midwives of ancient times to recent Nobel Prize winners, women have always had a role in the advancement of medicine - Joan Steitz PhD

Women in Medicine
Women in Medicine

image by: Women In Medicine

HWN Suggests

A Brief History of Women in Medicine

For women physicians, our pioneering hero was perhaps the most impressive first of all firsts, Elizabeth Blackwell. She was not only the first woman admitted to medical school, she graduated at the very top of her class (despite discrimination, exclusion from certain lectures deemed “inappropriate” for ladies, and blatant and generally accepted misogyny). She was supremely influential in paving the way for others, including her sister Emily. When most medical schools refused to open their doors to women, she founded her own schools specifically for women. She not only educated women, she remained true to her friend and provided health care to women and children, often indigent, by establishing…

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 A Brief History of Women in Medicine

For women physicians, our pioneering hero was perhaps the most impressive first of all firsts, Elizabeth Blackwell.

Five Influential Women in Medicine

For decades, men represented the majority in medicine. In 1860, there were only 200 female physicians in the United States, but today there are more than 376,000. Although it was challenging, the following five exceptional women have made major contributions to the medical industry. From breakthrough pharmaceuticals to advanced research discoveries, these women deserve applause for progressing healthcare in America.

The 10 most influential women in the history of medicine

Often in the face of prejudice and discrimination, many women over the centuries have made outstanding medical contributions, and continue to do so today. Throughout history, women were largely excluded from the realms of science and medicine, except for nursing or midwifery, but there are some rare exceptions of women in medicine, tracing back to ancient times.

Women in Medicine

WIM focuses on educating and empowering women in healthcare and male allies work towards implementing innovative strategies to eliminate the gender gap utilizing evidence-based research and the amplification of equity initiatives. WIM

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