Marine Envenomations

Most marine envenomations involve heat-labile venom. Hot water immersion is likely to help reduce local symptoms - Justin Seltzer MD

Marine Envenomations
Marine Envenomations

image by: Word Bites

HWN Suggests

First Aid for Marine Animal Bites, Stings, Punctures

By no means is the information here supposed to be considered THE LAW...

Whew!!, Now that we got that out of the way lets cover the animals that could give you a bite, sting, or puncture wound! First the BITERS: These would include the Shark, Barracuda, Moray Eels & their cousins, and just for the sake that they do live in the Keys: Alligators & Crocodiles. All of these animals can deliver quite a nasty bite ranging from just a nip to full on Critical Situation!!!

First and foremost get the victim out of the water. Second, keep the victim calm and still. Third, STOP THE BLEEDING with pressure to the wound…

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  First Aid for Marine Animal Bites, Stings, Punctures

FIRST AID should be as follows for Puncture Wound Type Stings: First, wear gloves to remove any part of the Stinger/Spine left in the wound and rinse with SEAWATER! Second, soak affected site in HOT WATER for 20-30 minutes at 110-114 degrees Fahren- heat breaks down venom and relieves pain!


Marine venoms are generally contain heat labile proteins which quickly denature with hot water.

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