Spider Bites

The bird a nest, the spider a web, man friendship - William Blake

Spider Bites

image by: MajorSpoilers.com

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The Surprising Cause of Most 'Spider Bites'

If the thought of spiders makes your skin crawl, you might find it reassuring that the chances of being bitten by a spider are smaller than you imagine, recent research shows. Most so-called "spider bites" are not actually spider bites, according to researchers and several recent studies. Instead, "spider bites" are more likely to be bites or stings from other arthropods such as fleas, skin reactions to chemicals or infections, said Chris Buddle, an arachnologist at McGill University in Montreal.

"I've been handling spiders for almost 20 years, and I've never been bitten," Buddle told LiveScience. "You really have to work…

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 The Surprising Cause of Most 'Spider Bites'

If the thought of spiders makes your skin crawl, you might find it reassuring that the chances of being bitten by a spider are smaller than you imagine, recent research shows.


Welcome to BadSpiderBites.com where you’ll learn about bad spiders, what they look like, bite symptoms including pictures of bites and what to do if bitten by a spider.

Spider Bites

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Black Widow and Brown Recluse Spider Bite

Both black widow and brown recluse spiders are common in North America and throughout the world. Human contact with these spiders is usually accidental.


Spiders sometimes can be frightening little creatures! Spider bites are even scarier. They live in your home, your yard, the woods and many other places. Spiders are territorial and if you invade their space, they may bite. With eight legs and only two body parts, they may be small, but can deliver a potent bite. Some are poisonous, but some are not. The spiders whose bites are poisonous deliver venom via their fangs.

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Because most spider bites don't fully penetrate human skin, they usually cause only mild reactions. However, black widow and brown recluse spider bites can cause serious reactions and need immediate care. Allergic reactions can happen but are rare.


Most spider bites cause only minor injury. A few spiders can be dangerous. In the United States, these include the black widow spider and the brown recluse spider.


Most spiders are harmless; the two exceptions in the U.S. are the black widow and brown recluse spiders. Spider bites are actually rare occurrences, and most presumed cases of spider bites are likely due to another condition that mimics the symptoms of a spider bite.


Though many people are afraid of spiders, they rarely bite people unless threatened. Most spider bites are harmless. Occasionally, spider bites can cause allergic reactions. And bites by the venomous black widow and brown recluse spiders can be very dangerous to people.


There are over 34,000 species of spider worldwide (except Antarctica). Almost all are fanged and venomous; however, fewer than 0.5% are able to bite through human skin and, of these, only a handful are considered dangerous. Most spiders are shy and not naturally aggressive, with most bites occurring when the spider is provoked or trapped. In the UK the chance of a significant spider bite is very low; however, travelling overseas[2], keeping an exotic pet spider or handling fruit shipments can increase the risk. The vast majority of spider bites, despite the myths and hype, are not medically significant.

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