January 18, 2025 | Our airwaves and internet are being infiltrated by ads for dozens upon dozens of new drugs that promise the consumer a relief from a variety of afflictions - Shilo Zylbergold
May 24, 2024 | There’s a dirty little secret in health care that doesn’t get the attention it deserves: Female patients are continuously gaslighted about their physical and mental health - Northwell Health
March 08, 2024 | Apparently, you can have your meat and eat it too without a stop at the slaughterhouse - Shilo Zylbergold
February 26, 2024 | I have my fingers crossed that the odds will be with me and that I might not have to deal with arrhythmia and the associated dangers of stroke ever again - Shilo Zylbergold
November 28, 2023 | Despite the signs that the uglier aspects of Eugenics are popping up with greater frequency on the dark web and even in posts and blogs on some of the more benign sites of assorted social networks, it appears extremely dubious that it can once again capture the notoriety it grabbed within the scientific community almost a century ago - Shilo Zylbergold
August 26, 2023 | Times have changed, however, and now there’s a new kid on the block when it comes to determining one’s end of life. Medical Assistance in Dying or MAID, is an option either already available or soon to be accessible to anyone of sound mind who feels it would be better to end it than to continue on suffering with no hope of recovery. - Shilo Zylbergold
May 30, 2023 | Are robots really out to get us? Maybe it hasn’t reached the point where they are planning to destroy our species, but they are getting to be extremely annoying - Shilo Zylbergold
April 15, 2023 | Nobody asked me, but it's almost as if there are too many choices open to me for when I'm finished with my body - Shilo Zylbergold
February 18, 2023 | You don't have to wander too far afoot to find someone who will swear that CBD oil has improved the quality of life and lessened the pain. How reliable, however, are these claims? - Shilo Zylbergold
January 07, 2023 | Do you read the medicine information leaflet before you take medication? Most of us don’t, probably because the list of side-effects of even the humble paracetamol is scary as hell and the yards of print make you lose the will to live - Ann Robinson