January 18, 2017 | In the time of Trump, "the death of fact" is the lament of the Left. But insisting that the Right is wrong about facts is to forget that belief is all any of us ever has.
January 17, 2017 | No country is exempt from human trafficking. Not one
January 09, 2017 | Over the last few years opioids have gotten a lot of bad press. But is profit motive more to blame than the drug itself?
January 06, 2017 | Although auto insurance is a legal requirement, 1 in 8 motorists don't have it. The reason: money. But California has a program to help those in need get on the right side of the law.
December 22, 2016 | How do we get through the holidays without needing a January stint in rehab, or developing an eye twitch, or chewing every fingernail down to the quick?
November 14, 2016 | Laws in 15 states mandate that health-insurance providers cover infertility treatments, and there's a push to make it more. But should health insurers be required to pay for a service unrelated to ensuring health?
November 02, 2016 | Parents have no choice but to tell their young children NO a lot. But it's that very fact that makes unnecessary NOs so misguided.
October 06, 2016 | Paralympians are not born; they are made - Allen Rucker
September 23, 2016 | In today's world we often impose our technology on every difficulty we encounter. But confining ourselves to a more natural approach to problem-solving may do more good with less harm.
September 03, 2016 | President Obama commuted the sentences of hundreds of nonviolent drug offenders. But this is a drop in the bucket he should fill up before he leaves office.