
If you're not controversial, you'll never break through the din of all the commentary - Roger Stone

Moore Lowdown
Terrorism Is Not as Simple as They Say

Terrorism Is Not as Simple as They Say

December 18, 2015 | Terrorism has been a hot topic throughout the 21st century. But most of that talk is hot air thick enough to obscure more than it clarifies.

Moore Lowdown
Why You Should See Quentin Tarantino Films Several Times

Why You Should See Quentin Tarantino Films Several Times

December 07, 2015 | Police organizations want you to boycott—not because of its content, but because its maker protested against police brutality. Really.

Moore Lowdown
In Praise of Diplomacy…Yes, Even with Iran

In Praise of Diplomacy…Yes, Even with Iran

December 07, 2015 | International relations are rarely simple even between nations with long and amiable histories. The Iran deal isn't just about nuclear weapons; it's also about building relations—something everyone should care about.

Celebrity Health
Thankful?  For What?

Thankful? For What?

November 20, 2015 | Being appreciative for the good in our lives is nice, but we typically do so by comparing our lives to someone else's...It’s that kind of inner dialogue that makes me not like the word thankful

Celebrity Health
It's a Hairy Situation

It's a Hairy Situation

November 16, 2015 | Although you might not like it, remember that the Movember ‘stache is short lived, but we don’t want our men to be

Moore Lowdown
Why Donald Trump Is Good for America

Why Donald Trump Is Good for America

November 05, 2015 | As a diagnostic tool for the health of the American political system, Candidate Trump is just what the doctor ordered.

Celebrity Health
It’s Pinktober Again. Are Our Breasts Benefiting?

It’s Pinktober Again. Are Our Breasts Benefiting?

October 17, 2015 | It's October. Brace yourself you're going to be bombarded with some encouraging, and not so encouraging, news about breast cancer as well as a million opportunities to spend your hard earned money

Moore Lowdown
Why There Should Never Be Another Columbus Day

Why There Should Never Be Another Columbus Day

October 16, 2015 | By all historical accounts, Christopher Columbus was a father of genocide. So why does the United States still have a national holiday to honor him?

Moore Lowdown
The Science of Shamelessness: Corporations, Scientists, and Spinning the Facts

The Science of Shamelessness: Corporations, Scientists, and Spinning the Facts

September 15, 2015 | Coca-Cola wants you to believe that, contrary to conventional wisdom, empty-calorie beverages like Coke don't contribute to obesity. And they're willing to pay scientists to peddle their message.

Celebrity Health
Rise of the Lactivists

Rise of the Lactivists

September 02, 2015 | In case you're still in that new mommy fog, a brelfie is where moms take selfies while nursing their babies and post them on social media