
If you're not controversial, you'll never break through the din of all the commentary - Roger Stone

Best Medicine
I Survived the Superbug, at Least for Now

I Survived the Superbug, at Least for Now

February 18, 2019 | We have met the enemy and it is MRSA - Paul E. Sax MD

Moore Lowdown
Green Living a Healthier Heart (and We're Not Talking about Just Your Diet)

Green Living a Healthier Heart (and We're Not Talking about Just Your Diet)

February 13, 2019 | The benefits of green space have long been hypothesized as wide-ranging. Now a new study homes in on how green living may benefit your health at the very heart of things.

Moore Lowdown
Repair Cafés: An Old Approach to New Tech

Repair Cafés: An Old Approach to New Tech

January 25, 2019 | Part and parcel of our conspicuous consumerism is to buy new products even when the old ones can be repaired. It's an insidious cycle that may lead to ruin. But some people are trying to fix the problem⎯literally.

Celebrity Health
Help St. Jude

Help St. Jude

December 19, 2018 | This holiday season be thankful for what you have. Especially if you have your health - Stacy Matson

Moore Lowdown
Giving Is Good, But It’s Best When Targeted Wisely

Giving Is Good, But It’s Best When Targeted Wisely

December 05, 2018 | Tis the season of giving. But regardless of the time of year, the best donations to charity are the ones that are well informed.

Best Medicine
To Flu Shot or Not

To Flu Shot or Not

December 04, 2018 | Influenza is not merely an annoying bug that causes sniffles, fatigue, and sore muscles. If you are very young, old, or infirm, you make up the population that is most at risk. But will the flu shot really protect you? - Shilo Zylbergold

Moore Lowdown
The State of the Art of Flu Prevention and Treatment

The State of the Art of Flu Prevention and Treatment

November 16, 2018 | You know the flu from first-hand experience, but what do you really know about it? Brush up on the facts—and learn about some recent developments.

Celebrity Health
Stick It to the Flu

Stick It to the Flu

November 11, 2018 | The return on investment in global health is tremendous, and the biggest bang for the buck comes from vaccines. Vaccines are among the most successful and cost-effective health investments in history — Seth Berkley, CEO of GAVI, the Vaccine Alliance

Moore Lowdown
Beliefs Need to Change Before We Enjoy Full Benefits of Flu Vaccination

Beliefs Need to Change Before We Enjoy Full Benefits of Flu Vaccination

October 30, 2018 | It’s that time of year again. No, not the holidays—we’re talking about the flu. But with half of parents believing that flu vaccines can cause the flu, call it the season of misinformation.

Moore Lowdown
Do Pink Products Raise Cancer Awareness, or Is It All About the Green?

Do Pink Products Raise Cancer Awareness, or Is It All About the Green?

October 19, 2018 | While it may be debatable whether making a product pink one month per year is good for cancer awareness, there’s no question of whether it’s good business.