Celebrity Health

We have a fascination, some even a fixation on celebrities, especially when it involves health issues - Stacy Matson

Celebrity Health
Marathon Man, Meet Marathon Goddess

Marathon Man, Meet Marathon Goddess

Running 52 marathons in 52 weeks to raise money and awareness to stop pancreatic cancer was an incredible journey. But we’re not done yet! Pancreatic cancer still needs to be stopped - Julie Weiss

Celebrity Health
Michael Strahan's Heart to Heart

Michael Strahan's Heart to Heart

Educate yourself and have a heart to heart with your parents or loved ones. Today.

Celebrity Health
Two Great Talents, One Insidious Disease

Two Great Talents, One Insidious Disease

Every day we don’t act we risk losing another human-being that will die before their time. So praise the careers of these great and inspiring men, but don't forget the 'blackstars' that took them

Celebrity Health
New Year Resolutions: Are You In or Out?

New Year Resolutions: Are You In or Out?

Perhaps we shouldn’t think about them as resolutions, but rather self-improvements. And self-improvement doesn’t necessarily mean you have to give something up. Instead, think of it as taking on a healthy habit.

Celebrity Health
The Force is Strong this Holiday Season

The Force is Strong this Holiday Season

There is just way too much nasty stuff going on. So, if you’re feeling overwhelmed and a bit light in the spirit department perhaps the Force will brighten your world...

Celebrity Health
Thankful?  For What?

Thankful? For What?

Being appreciative for the good in our lives is nice, but we typically do so by comparing our lives to someone else's...It’s that kind of inner dialogue that makes me not like the word thankful

Celebrity Health
It's a Hairy Situation

It's a Hairy Situation

Although you might not like it, remember that the Movember ‘stache is short lived, but we don’t want our men to be

Celebrity Health
It’s Pinktober Again. Are Our Breasts Benefiting?

It’s Pinktober Again. Are Our Breasts Benefiting?

It's October. Brace yourself you're going to be bombarded with some encouraging, and not so encouraging, news about breast cancer as well as a million opportunities to spend your hard earned money

Celebrity Health
Rise of the Lactivists

Rise of the Lactivists

In case you're still in that new mommy fog, a brelfie is where moms take selfies while nursing their babies and post them on social media

Celebrity Health
Want to live to 100? How about 120?

Want to live to 100? How about 120?

People who live in a Blue Zone didn’t win the gene pool lottery and they didn’t find the fountain of youth. However, researchers discovered that all these people have a few things in common...