Moore Lowdown

I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect - Edward Gibbon

Moore Lowdown
Soylent and the False Equivalency of Food and Nutrition

Soylent and the False Equivalency of Food and Nutrition

A food-replacement product is getting a lot of buzz. But for all that might be gained by maximizing the efficiency of one's nutritional intake, so much more might be lost.

Moore Lowdown
Fixing Our Priorities; or, Writing Blank Checks to Bureaucracies Is Always a Bad Idea

Fixing Our Priorities; or, Writing Blank Checks to Bureaucracies Is Always a Bad Idea

Los Angeles County voters awarded schools billions of dollars for upgrades and repairs. But half a decade later administrators are supplying students with iPads, even though the backlog for basic repairs runs into the tens of thousands.

Moore Lowdown
Incarceration Nation: America's Unhealthy Obsession with Jailing Its Citizens

Incarceration Nation: America's Unhealthy Obsession with Jailing Its Citizens

Over the last 40 years the United States has sacrificed schools and other means of social betterment so as to incarcerate a greater number of nonviolent offenders than ever before. It's a practice that has damaged the fabric of our nation...

Moore Lowdown
Minimizing the Worker: Why Attacks on Raising the Minimum Wage Come Up Short

Minimizing the Worker: Why Attacks on Raising the Minimum Wage Come Up Short

Over the course of a generation productivity in the American workplace has doubled and CEO pay has increased exponentially. So with all that success, why has the minimum wage failed to keep pace even with simple cost-of-living increases?

Moore Lowdown
No Government Oversight of Dietary Supplements? Enter LabDoor

No Government Oversight of Dietary Supplements? Enter LabDoor

With the government abdicating its responsibility to ensure that dietary supplements are all they're cracked up to be, the door is wide open for LabDoor, a service that promises to bring the facts.

Moore Lowdown
What Our Treatment of Orcas Tells Us About Our Societal Health

What Our Treatment of Orcas Tells Us About Our Societal Health

Most of us would agree that cruelty is unhealthy. And so a recent failure to act by the California legislature gives us a window into another way in which we are a very unhealthy society.

Moore Lowdown
Plastic Bans: Curbing Choice for the Public Good

Plastic Bans: Curbing Choice for the Public Good

Freedom in the United States has never been freedom to do absolutely anything. So none of us should get too bent out of shape by cities finally choosing measures to reduce municipal solid waste.

Moore Lowdown
Limiting Exposure to Unhealthy Food Choices on Campus the Right Move

Limiting Exposure to Unhealthy Food Choices on Campus the Right Move

Some might say it's government intrusion, but we're talking about children, and we're only saying that public schools ought to be providing them with more than just proper mental nourishment.

Moore Lowdown
Should Medical Research Ever Be Crowdfunded?

Should Medical Research Ever Be Crowdfunded?

Since there’s more science happening than could ever be funded by the government, maybe crowdfunding is an important tool to start these things off - Reid Rubsamen, M.D.

Moore Lowdown
BioHacking...The Perils of Progress

BioHacking...The Perils of Progress

If Plato were brought up to speed on the 21st century, he might think twice about labeling necessity as the mother of invention, because in today's world it seems opportunity is at least as driving a force.