Green Economy
Green technologies - going green - is bigger than the Internet. It could be the biggest economic opportunity of the 21st century - John Doerr

image by: Tatmouss
HWN Suggests
How Green-Tech Is Eating the World
Most investors remember the late aughts “green-tech bubble.” Firms poured many hundreds of millions into failed clean and green technology companies, most of which failed badly. Investors retreated from the sector.
But now, green tech is eating the world, according to two prominent clean tech investors. On Tuesday, David Mount of Kleiner Perkins’ Green Growth Fund, and Gabriel Kra, founder of Prelude Ventures, discussed how the sector has evolved on stage at the Collision conference in New Orleans.
Companies from the 2008 greentech bubble “underestimated the amount it would cost to scale the technology, overestimated how eager consumers would be to pick up their products,…
Clean Energy Is Surging, but Not Fast Enough to Solve Global Warming
Over the next two decades, the world’s energy system will undergo a huge transformation. Wind and solar power are poised to become dominant sources of electricity. China’s once-relentless appetite for coal is set to wane. The amount of oil we use to fuel our cars could peak and decline. But there’s a catch: The global march toward clean energy still isn’t happening fast enough to avoid dangerous global warming, at least not unless governments put forceful new policy measures in place to reduce carbon dioxide emissions.
Global Investment in Wind and Solar Energy Is Outshining Fossil Fuels
Global spending on renewable energy is outpacing investment in electricity from coal, natural gas and nuclear power plants, driven by falling costs of producing wind and solar power. More than half of the power-generating capacity added around the world in recent years has been in renewable sources such as wind and solar, according to the International Energy Agency.
Market forces are driving a clean energy revolution in the US
Transforming U.S. energy systems away from coal and toward clean renewable energy was once a vision touted mainly by environmentalists. Now it is shared by market purists. Today, renewable energy resources like wind and solar power are so affordable that they’re driving coal production and coal-fired generation out of business. Lower-cost natural gas is helping, too.
Utilities have a problem: the public wants 100% renewable energy, and quick
The industry is groping for ways to talk the public down.
“Impact investment” funds advertise great returns and social impacts. They aren’t delivering.
Socially responsible investment is a $12 trillion industry. Does it make the world better? Probably not.
Adding Solar Panels to Your Home
Everything you need to know if you are considering adding solar panels to your home, including the benefits of it and grants available in the UK.
The ‘green-tech’ future is a flawed vision of sustainability
What does your vision of a sustainable future look like? Some people imagine a scenario whereby technology solves the world’s most pressing environmental problems. In this world we all drive electric cars and have solar panels on our roofs that power our air conditioners and flat-screen televisions. We purchase “eco” products that provide all the convenience and comfort but without degrading the planet. We continue consuming and growing our economies, yet Mother Nature wins too. But I and my colleague Josh (who co-wrote this article) would argue that this vision of sustainability is flawed, and will in fact drive greater damage to the world, its ecosystems, and us. So how has this vision come to dominate?
Wind and solar power are saving Americans an astounding amount of money
Not getting sick and dying from pollution is worth quite a bit, it turns out. From 2007 to 2015, wind and solar in the US reduced SO2, NOx, and PM2.5 by 1.0, 0.6, and 0.05 million tons respectively...
Bill Gates-led $1 billion energy fund is expanding its portfolio of startups fighting climate change
It’s not often that the world’s richest people get together, agree on a goal that’s for the public good, and then set about finding ways to achieve it. But that’s what Bill Gates has achieved with Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV), which aims to invest $1 billion into radical energy startups capable of drastically cutting global emissions.
Bill Joy Finds the Jesus Battery
As technology tries to maintain its dizzying ascent, one dead weight has kept its altitude in check: the battery. Our chips keep getting faster and our data rates keep climbing, but at the end of the day—or worse, by mid-afternoon—those power meters on our screens inevitably turn to red.
Clean Tech Rises Again, Retooling Nature for Industrial Use
A decade ago, a group of biologists, venture capitalists and computer whizzes gathered under the name “clean tech.” They hoped to overturn polluting industries with microorganisms cheerily excreting industrial chemicals through the miracle of reprogramming nature’s genetic code. The idea lost billions of dollars. Genes may indeed be programmable code, akin to computer software, but it turned out nature was more complex than first believed. Now, with less fanfare, a few clean tech companies are aiming for a comeback.
Elon Musk: Humanity Is Pretending Fossil Fuels Have ‘No Probability of a Bad Outcome’
The Tesla and SpaceX founder said sustainable energy solutions are technologically viable. What’s holding them back is the lack of a carbon price.
Four Green Technologies Growing Fast Enough To Achieve Zero-Emissions World, IEA Says
Electric vehicles, energy storage, solar photovoltaic and wind are growing fast enough, their costs dropping quickly enough, with public policies supporting them well enough, he said, to meet those goals.
Green Smoke Screen
Political rhetoric has shifted away from the need to respond to the "generational challenge" of climate change. Investment in alternative energy technologies like solar and wind is no longer peddled on environmental grounds. Instead, we are being told of the purported economic payoffs—above all, the promise of so-called "green jobs." Unfortunately, that does not measure up to economic reality.
Green Technology Depends on Metals with Weird Names
A supply of clean, affordable energy depends on little-known substances.
Investing in Green Technology – the Future Is Now
Green technology investments are taking a variety of forms, with increases in wind power and electric vehicle developments, the installation of renewable power capacity reaching new highs and significant increases in public market investments worldwide.
Is There Hope for Greentech?
Green tech, for better or worse, has always seemingly offered the promise of salvation. That's perhaps too weighty a promise, one that could very well be behind the movement’s failure to launch. In part, we’ve never fully accepted the _need_ for...
Solar Power Is Now The World's Cheapest Energy
The drop in price is driven by investments from developing nations.
Switch to Clean Energy Can Be Fast and Cheap
Strategically placing solar and wind farms across the U.S. could compensate for power lulls during cloudy or calm days.
The Green Roller Coaster
Companies like Six Flags are cutting down trees to make room for solar panels—and missing part of the point of environmentalism.
The Green Tech Solution
I’ve been confused about this Paris climate conference and how the world should move forward to ameliorate climate change, so I séanced up my hero Alexander Hamilton to see what he thought. I was sad to be reminded that he doesn’t actually talk in hip-hop, but he still had some interesting things to say.
The Latest Research Is Clear: Clean, Efficient Buildings Make People More Productive
There are a variety of research reports that have investigated worker productivity in offices. Some research has investigated the impact of temperature, while other studies have looked at indoor air quality. Other research efforts have looked at office design and its impact on worker happiness. Happier employees typically are more engaged and productive, and are more easily retained by the organization.
The second biggest clean technology investor is an oil giant
We’ve written before about how big corporations have become increasingly important to financing green technology startups—on Oct. 10 for example, Google announced it was investing $103 million in a big solar power plant in California. But the second-most active corporate dealmaker isn’t a “don’t be evil” Silicon Valley tech giant. Rather it’s a company from the Dr. No sector—oil multinational ConocoPhillips, according to a new report from research and advisory firm Cleantech Group.
Why the Clean Tech Boom Went Bust
The boom has gone bust. And yet, clean tech is far from dead. Certain companies and technologies will emerge from the ruins not only to survive but to thrive, just like they did after the bursting of the Internet bubble. Electric cars seem like a relatively safe bet, spurred by both rising oil prices and federal rules requiring greater fuel efficiency.
How Green-Tech Is Eating the World
Most investors remember the late aughts “green-tech bubble.” Firms poured many hundreds of millions into failed clean and green technology companies, most of which failed badly. Investors retreated from the sector. But now, green tech is eating the world, according to two prominent clean tech investors.
10 Green Technologies That Could Help Revolutionize Our Changing Planet
Here are 10 burgeoning technologies that have the potential to help revolutionize our planet of consumerism. Some are currently in development and others are trying to gain a greater foothold in society, but all are promising solutions to some very real threats the world is facing.
5 Companies that Really Mean “Green”
Green companies who actually practice what they preach deserve some kudos. We took a crash course in environmental business practices and picked out some of the best green companies in the market today to give you a closer look.
Environment News Service
The Environment News Service (ENS) exists to present late-breaking environmental news in a fair and balanced manner.
Environmental Health News is published daily by Environmental Health Sciences, a not-for-profit organization founded in 2002 to help increase public understanding of emerging scientific links between environmental exposures and human health.
Health Care Without Harm
We are a global coalition of 443 organizations in 52 countries working to protect health by reducing pollution in the health care industry.
Clean Edge
Clean Edge is a leading research and publishing firm helping companies, investors, and governments understand and profit from clean technologies.
Cleantech Group
To provide insight, business opportunities and relationships that catalyze the growth of cleantech markets.
E2 is a national community of business people who believe in protecting the environment while building economic prosperity. Working with NRDC, E2 serves as a champion on the economic side of good environmental policy by taking a reasoned, economically sound approach to environmental issues. E2 works at both the state and national levels through its bipartisan efforts.
Evergreen Solar
We are a non profit group with a mission to educate homeowners and businesses about the economic and environmental benefits of PV solar. Our primary objective is to influence a greater number of solar panel installations on homes, schools, and businesses across the US and the rest of the world at an accelerating pace.
Green Car Congress
Green Car Congress mission is to provide timely, high-quality editorial about the full spectrum of energy options, technologies, products, issues and policies related to sustainable mobility.
Joel Makower has been a well-respected voice on business, the environment, and the bottom line. As a writer, speaker, and strategist on corporate environmental practices, clean technology, and green marketing, he has helped a wide range of companies align environmental responsibility with business success.
The GreenMoney Journal encour-ages and promotes the awareness of socially & environmentally responsible business, investing and consumer resources in publications & online. Our goal is to educate and empower individuals and businesses to make informed financial decisions through aligning their personal, corporate and financial principles.
Greentech Media
The global electricity sector is in the early stages of its most dramatic transformation in over a century. The rapid expansion of distributed energy, combined with the newfound availability of data and analytics for utilities, will reshape how the world generates, distributes and consumes power. With market research, authoritative news, and events, GTM is the leading information services provider for this next-generation electricity system.
American Coalition for Ethanol
Welcome to, the official website of the American Coalition for Ethanol. ACE is the grassroots voice of the U.S. ethanol industry, the nation's largest non-profit association dedicated to the use and production of ethanol. ACE members include ethanol producers, industry suppliers, associations, and individuals who care about renewable fuel.
Clean Fuels Development Coalition
CFDC is an innovative not-for-profit organization that actively supports the development of new technologies and the increased production of fuels that can reduce air pollution, stimulate our economy, and lessen our dangerous dependence on imported oil.
Investor Enviro Health Network
Working to ensure the companies we invest in are taking appropriate steps to reduce risks associated with the toxic chemicals used in their products. They should also take advantage of the strategic market opportunities that are emerging as governments, businesses, and consumers demand safer, less toxic products.
On the Commons is a web portal and blog that explores activism on behalf of the commons in all its variety. The commons is a powerful organizing principle for understanding countless aspects of nature, creativity and knowledge, local community and everyday experience.
Alt Energy Stocks is one of the Internet's premier websites for investing in the sectors of alternative energy, renewable energy and clean technology.
Altairnano is helping to meet the needs of today’s toughest power and energy challenges using sound, environmentally conscious practices throughout our organization. By reducing the environmental footprint of our actions, improving operating efficiency and reducing waste, Altairnano strives to act in a socially responsible manner to earn sustainable public confidence.
AMSC generates the ideas, technologies and solutions that meet the world’s demand for smarter, cleaner, better energy. Through its Windtec Solutions, AMSC provides wind turbine electronic controls and systems, designs and engineering services that reduce the cost of wind energy. Through its Gridtec Solutions, AMSC provides the engineering planning services and advanced grid systems that optimize network reliability, efficiency and performance.
We are an energy company involved in the production, transmission and distribution of energy as well as other energy-related businesses. A
Zero emission fuel cell vehicles will positively change the lives of the next generation. By relentlessly developing and improving our technology, we will make a real difference. This makes us extremely proud to work at Ballard.
Beacon Power
Beacon Power is a pioneer and technology leader in the design, development, and commercial deployment of grid-scale flywheel energy storage.
Blueleaf Energy
We are solar power specialists pioneering the development, financing and operations of high performance solar systems in the Asia Pacific region.
We are invested in long-life, high-quality assets and businesses that form the backbone of today's global economy.
Calpine Corporation is America’s largest generator of electricity from natural gas and geothermal resources with robust commercial, industrial and residential retail operations in key competitive power markets.
Carmanah designs and manufactures signaling and solar lighting solutions for infrastructure. Our dependable and efficient products provide energy-optimized LED solutions that combine the greatest cost savings with the highest environmental sensitivity.
CDTi is the emissions technology leader - reducing exhaust emissions from on- and off-road engine applications.
Earth Tones
Earth Tones provides internet access, long distance telephone and wireless phone services and we deliver 100% of our profits to grassroots environmental organizations.
Superior lithium-ion solutions for your energy needs.
First National Energy
The Company’s mission is to provide the best in class, autonomous renewable energy solution for industrial and commercial applications.The company's newly acquired and proven technology can be configured to utilise both wind and solar, to generate power where power is needed.
First Solar
First Solar has developed, financed, engineered, constructed and currently operates many of the world’s largest grid-connected PV power plants.
FuelCell Energy
FuelCell Energy, Inc. is a global leader in delivering clean, efficient and affordable fuel cell solutions configured for the supply, recovery and storage of energy.
Green Star Products
Green Star Products, Inc. (GSPI) is an environmentally friendly public company involved in the production of renewable clean burning fuels such as biodiesel and cellulosic ethanol and other products including super-lubricants that are designed to reduce emissions and improve fuel economy in vehicles, machinery and power plants.
GreenShift develops and commercializes clean technologies designed to address the financial and environmental needs of its clients by decreasing raw material needs, facilitating co-product reuse, and reducing the generation of wastes and emissions.
Hydrogenics, a Cummins Inc. company, is the worldwide leader in designing, manufacturing, building and installing industrial and commercial Hydrogen generation, Hydrogen fuel cells and MW-scale energy storage solutions.
IMPCO Technologies
IMPCO develops and manufactures solutions for the medium and heavy duty on-road and industrial markets.
Ocean Power Technologies
We will deliver durable, reliable, cost-effective ocean-energy solutions that enable new capabilities for our customers and partners, value to our shareholders, inspire our employees, and enhance the environment.
Plug Power
Leading the hydrogen and fuel cell industry. Helping businesses achieve greater productivity and sustainability in an electrified world.
Quantum Fuel Systems
We drive transformational change through innovation, high-quality, clean vehicle technologies.
We are one of the leading brand provider of utility-grade power conversion, management & energy storage solutions for the renewable energy market, primarily the large-scale commercial and utility-scale solar photovoltaic, or PV, markets.
SunPower aims to change how our world is powered by offering the most efficient solar technology you can buy for your home or business.
Suntech, founded in 2001, as a famous solar photovoltaic manufacturer in the world, is devoted to the R & D and the production of crystalline silicon solar cells and modules...
Tesla, Inc. engages in the design, development, manufacture, and sale of fully electric vehicles, energy generation and storage systems.
Vivint Solar
We’re using solar power to simplify your life, reduce your energy bill, and clean up the environment.

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