It’s widely agreed that HIPAA is out of date, and there are efforts ongoing right now to update it for the 21st century - Kirsten Ostherr


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HWN Suggests

HIPAA, the health privacy law that’s more limited than you think, explained

The first thing you should know about HIPAA is that it’s HIPAA, not HIPPA. There is only one P, and that P doesn’t stand for “privacy.”

“People make up what that acronym stands for,” Deven McGraw, co-founder and chief regulatory officer of the medical records platform Ciitizen and former deputy director for health information privacy at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office for Civil Rights (OCR), told Recode.

“More often than not, [they think it’s] Health Information Privacy Protection Act: HIPPA. Yeah, that law does not exist.”

Both the misspelling and the widespread belief that HIPAA confers a strict set of privacy protections to any and…

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 HIPAA, the health privacy law that’s more limited than you think, explained

You probably don’t know what HIPAA really means. Let’s fix that.

Bads HIPAA Takes

Mostly HIPPA-compliant subtweets and snark.


Learn your rights under HIPAA, how your information may be used or shared, and how to file a complaint if you think your rights were violated.

HIPAA Compliance Checklist

In this HIPAA compliance checklist, we look at what you need to do and how to comply with current HIPAA regulations and what tools you can use.

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