Complementary & Alternative Health
The art of healing comes from nature and not from the physician. Therefore, the physician must start from nature with an open mind - Paracelsus
image by: garagestock
HWN Suggests
Millennials and Integrative Medicine: Why the Connected Generation is Turning to Connected Health
Disruptive technology has drastically changed the field of medicine and its practices. The generation that has grown alongside digital changes has introduced their own needs and preferences––which usually gives them a reputation as lazy and entitled. These millennials are often accused of being glued to their smartphones and computer screens. This stereotype leaves them as misunderstood––however, they may have a point. They are now the generation that comprises a large number of health professionals, doctors, and trainees, and their tech-savviness may be necessary in these changing times.
Take Blockchain which has been used as a tool to solve long-standing problems in the…
Sometimes It's Okay to Give Patients a Treatment with No Proved Medical Benefits
Among the terminally ill, finding solace in the placebo effect.
There Is No “Alternative Medicine”
A controversial treatment designed to remove environmental metals from the body might be effective in treating heart disease. Will one renegade doctor persuade the rest of the medical establishment to consider it?
Millennials and Integrative Medicine: Why the Connected Generation is Turning to Connected Health
Disruptive technology has drastically changed the field of medicine and its practices. The generation that has grown alongside digital changes has introduced their own needs and preferences––which usually gives them a reputation as lazy and entitled.
Be Well
Here you can find tips related to organic nutrition and cooking. Additionally, the website features articles on mindfulness, exercise, and environmental concerns related to your health - Healthline
ACAM Integrative Medicine Blog
The voice of integrative medicine
Chris Kresser
Conventional medicine doesn’t stand a chance of turning the tide against chronic disease. What does? A revolution to reinvent healthcare, reverse chronic disease, and create sustainable practices. provides convenient access to the biomedical research on the potential therapeutic value of natural substances and modalities in disease prevention and treatment, as well as high-integrity reporting on scientific research relevant to natural medicine and environmental health.
Healthy Fellow
My goal, with this site, is to pass along straightforward, reliable and responsible information for your personal use, for you to share with your loved ones and ideally, for you to pass along to your doctors and/or patients. Please note that I'm not a medical professional.
Herbal Healthcare
The herbal began to disappear as medicine acquired a more scientific approach, but it has enjoyed a revival of interest as more people have turned to self-care and herbal medicine.
Mark's Daily Apple
Serving up health and fitness insights (daily, of course) with a side of irreverence.
Modern Alternative Mama
Our goal is to ensure that you are educated and empowered to make informed decisions about your health. There is a lot of information out there and we want to help you sift through the gritty details and enable you to more easily treat and take care of your body naturally.
Natural Holistic Health
Learn how to keep you and your family healthy - safely and holistically.
Natural Medicine Journal
Natural Medicine Journal is a cutting-edge electronic journal and website for integrative healthcare practitioners, students, faculty, and anyone interested in the field of natural medicine.
Vitality magazine is one of Canada’s largest publications on natural health, alternative medicine, and green living. It is available free in selected outlets across the province of Ontario.
Wellness Mama
The Wellness Mama blog provides simple answers for healthier families through research, tutorials, recipes, humor, and living life with lots of kids!
Joel Fuhrman, M.D
Family physician, NY Times best-selling author, nutritional researcher and expert on nutrition and natural healing.
Introducing Stitches!
Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
Connect, Collaborate, and Engage!
Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.