Time is generally the best doctor - Ovid

image by: mrvvv
HWN Suggests
Send a Birthday Card That Could Save Your Life.
A recent headline-grabbing article in the Annals of Internal Medicine suggests that regular colonoscopy every 10 years in non-high risk patients can reduce the incidence of advanced colon cancer by up to 70%. It is important to know though that there is no evidence that colonoscopy, a test with a 1 in 1200 incidence of colonic perforation which in some cases can be lethal, and which is quite expensive has never been shown to be more effective than annual fecal occult blood testing. Interestingly according to an article on WebMD the lead author of this article recommends fecal occult blood testing annually for colon cancer screening.
Traditional fecal occult blood testing is…
Send a Birthday Card That Could Save Your Life.
Colonoscopy has the theoretical advantages of finding precancerous polyps that can be “harvested” prior to malignant transformation, and preventing colon cancer. The cost, need for an extensive colon preparation, need to take a day off work, have someone to drive you home from the procedure, fear or other impediments may make colonoscopy something you don’t choose to get done. If so, or if you simply prefer fecal occult blood testing you don’t need to feel neglectful. Just choose this different type of birthday card each year around the time of your birthday. This one can do more than make you smile. It could save your life.
db's Medical Rants
db is the nickname for Dr. Robert M. Centor. db stand both for Dr. Bob and da boss. Thus, my golfing buddies nicknamed me db (for Dr. Bob) and my colleagues also nicknamed me db (for da boss). I am an academic general internist at the University of Alabama School of Medicine
Dr. Herbert's Medical Gumbo
Internal medicine, Pediatrics and Philosophy.
DrJohnM is a medical blog that I began in 2009 on a whim without any grand plan. One thing led to another, and I was hooked. I love being a learner. I feel like I’m behind. I spent so much time learning biology and medicine, I didn’t get to learn much else. Mostly, I write about electrophysiology, cardiology, health, doctoring and endurance sports. The internet overflows with information on topics that I write about, like atrial fibrillation, for instance. My goal is not to replicate an encyclopedia, but to provide an inside-the-ropes look at things that I know and live.
EMCrit is devoted to Maximally Aggressive Care: Maximally Aggressive Curative Care and Maximally Aggressive Palliative Care To that end, we bring the best evidence-based information from the fields of critical care, resuscitation, and trauma and translate it for bedside use in the Emergency Department (ED) and the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).
I'm Allen, also known as GruntDoc. I chose GruntDoc as, when I was getting my first email address I was a doctor for the USMC infantry, who are somewhat affectionately known as grunts. Although I'm no longer on active duty, it still fits, because now I'm an Emergency Medicine doc who just works shifts. I'm a grunt in the Doctor world.
Jay Parkinson MD, MPH
I believe healthcare should be accessible, affordable, and personal.
MD Whistleblower
I am a full time practicing physician and writer. I write about the joys and challenges of medical practice including controversies in the doctor-patient relationship, medical ethics and measuring medical quality. When I'm not writing, I'm performing colonoscopies. MD Whistleblower presents vignettes and commentaries on the medical profession. We peek 'behind the medical curtain' and deliver candor and controversy in every post.
This blog has no formal pre-publication peer review. As such it should be viewed similarly to a lecture at grand rounds or a conference (neither of which has pre-publication peer review either). References to relevant literature are provided wherever possible, and readers are encouraged to delve into this literature and reach their own conclusions.
I’m Rada (like Prada without the P), aka Dr. Jones, and I’m just about to retire from Emergency Medicine. I’ve also worked as a doctor on cruise ships, a mechanical engineer, a play therapist, a translator and a Mary Kay lady. Before dusk I look just like everybody else but much to everybody’s consternation I speak like a vampire, since I lived most of my life in Transylvania. Steve imported us 20 years ago and his life has never been the same since. I’m planning to write a novel about the ER and another one about Dracula’s gay younger brother, but for now it’s just this blog.
The Tox and The Hound (EMCrit)
As medical toxicologists we have sat, laid down, and rolled over, as other medical professionals have dominated FOAMtox and social media. We know that you are begging for toxicology content. We know that the contributions we have individually made over the years are only scratching at the surface. We know this is our territory and it is time we mark it. That is why we are unleashing the Tox and the Hound.
A Country Doctor Writes
Notes from a doctor with a laptop, a housecall bag and a fountain pen.
Authentic Medicine
The mission of this website is to rediscover how much the art of medicine means and allow us to reconnect to our roots once again.
Bioethics Discussion Blog
What have you been reading, hearing or TV viewing that has provoked some feelings of comfort or concern about what is happening in the world of medicine, medical care, treatment or science? Ethics is all about doing the right thing. Are you aware of any issues in medicine or biologic science which are being done right, could be improved or in fact represent totally unethical behavior? Write about them here.. and I will too!
Christine Miserandino recently asked me some questions about Grand Rounds, and my thoughts on use of the emergency department, and the web, by the chronically ill.
'World's most popular blogging anesthesiologist'
Anthony Risser, Ph.D. is a consulting neuropsychologist. My interests include online applications in medicine, in professional training, and in undergraduate/graduate education.
The blog of with medical, tech and other interesting stories.
Dalai's PACs Blog
I am an average Radiologist in an average practice in an average town in the South. When it came time to replace an aging PACS system, I tried my best to learn as much as I could about what's out there, and it has become an obsession ever since.
Denver Doc Online
The latest in medical research -- relevant, bizarre, humorous, but always up-to-date -- and office notes from a PCP of the West.
Dr. Wes
Musings in the life of an internist, cardiologist and cardiac electrophysiologist.
Hi. I'm Ed Pullen, a board certified family physician practicing in Puyallup, WA. I'm writing this blog to provide an experienced family physician's viewpoint on medical news as well as give interesting and helpful information to keep patients informed.
EverythingHealth is designed to address the rapid changes in Science, Medicine, Health and Healing in the 21st Century. Toni Brayer MD has practiced Internal Medicine in San Francisco for over 20 years.
Physician's First Watch is your FREE daily dose of the handful of medical news stories and announcements you need to know about '' delivered to your inbox each weekday morning.
A practicing primary-care physician tells it like it is.
Internet Journal Of Emerging Medical Technologies.
Mothers In Medicine
Mothers in Medicine is a group blog by physician-mothers, writing about the unique challenges and joys of tending to two distinct patient populations, both of whom can be quite demanding. We are on call every single day.
Notes From Dr. RW
Hospitalist in Northwest Arkansas opining on clinical topics, the interface between medicine and politics and whatever else grabs my attention.
Our target audience is the professionals (MD, DO, RN, LPN, LVN, Home Health Aide, ARNP, SW, Chaplain, Administrators, PT, OT, Speech, Pharmacy, etc.) working in hospice & palliative medicine, but we welcome all readers to this blog, including patients, families and other medical professionals outside of this field.
Retired Doc's Thoughts
State of medicine from a technical and philosophical point of view.
Sumer's Radiology Site
This site is an online Radiology Magazine, which has been featured in the Times of India, Radiographics, BMJ, Journal of Thoracic Imaging, RT image magazine & International Society of Radiology.
Surgical Diversions
My time out of the operating room.
Tea With MD
A sweeter way to chat about medicine! After four years of college, three years of medical school, and one year of traveling the world learning how to be a medical journalist, I have finally decided that it is, not time to graduate medical school yet (I wish!) but rather, time for me to have my very own blog. I want to write about anything and everything health related - health news, new research findings, weird facts about your body you wish you didn't know about, how in the world docs should use social media, and anything else you or I want to explore. Most of all, I just want people to be excited to discuss medicine.
The Doctor Blog
Founded in 2007 with a mission of improving access to healthcare, ZocDoc is a free service that allows patients to find a nearby doctor or dentist who accepts their insurance, see their real-time availability, and instantly book an appointment via or ZocDoc’s free apps for iPhone or Android
The Doctor Weighs In
The Doctor Weighs in (aka TDWI) is a blog about all things health and health care. We have both regular and occasional contributors. Some of the posts are original and others are reposted with permission of the authors. We curate the materials carefully to be sure they are well written and offer a diversity of opinion.
The IVF Specialist's Blog for IVF patients
Helping patients and doctors to talk to each other!
The Medical Futurist
Our mission We help understand digital health technologies to bring healthcare into the 21st century.
The Underwear Drawer
The online journal of an Anesthesiology resident in New York City trying to get used to the idea of calling herself "Doctor" without using those finger air quotes.

Introducing Stitches!
Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
Connect, Collaborate, and Engage!
Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.