Men's Health
He who enjoys good health is rich, though he knows it not - Italian Proverb

image by: Dr. Blick
HWN Suggests
Debunking Some Nutrition Myths
In the not-too-distant past, smoking was considered healthy–and doctors even recommended it to their patients. Fortunately, researchers had the intellectual honesty to tell us about the dangers of cigarette smoking. In a similar way, nutrition recommendations often change do 180s.
Things that used to be considered good are turning out to either do nothing or possibly cause harm. And things we thought were harmful are turning out to be either neutral or possibly even good for us. Here are the results of just a few very recent—and completely contrarian—research.
Vitamin C may be doing more harm than good. Back in the 1970s, two-time Nobel prize winner Linus Pauling…
Debunking Some Nutrition Myths
In the not-too-distant past, smoking was considered healthy–and doctors even recommended it to their patients. Fortunately, researches had the intellectual honesty to tell us about the dangers of cigarette smoking. In a similar way, nutrition recommendations often change do 180s.
L’Homme Noir
L’Homme Noir describes itself as a guide for the 21st-century black man. It offers commentary on current events, relationships, fashion, tech items, and finance, aimed specifically at millennial men of color. Don’t expect the commonplace here. You’ll find unique thoughtful pieces on what it means to be manly, or how stereotypes misinterpret black men’s strengths and characteristics. The blog aims to help make readers “better, more intelligent men.”- Healthline
Mark's Daily Apple
The blog about primal living in the modern world.
Men's Health
This is the online component of the ubiquitous Men’s Health magazine. It addresses issues such as sports, sexuality, supplements, and testicular cancer. You’ll find informative articles with strong introductions to these and many other topics. It’s an excellent starting point for anything you’ve been wondering or worrying about.
My vision for MenAlive is to focus on critical aspects of men’s health and well-being. MenAlive is a safe haven in this time of transition.
Talking About Men's Health
Talking About Men’s Health (TAMH) is a resource for men, their families, and other interested parties, about the latest in men’s health public policy, health and fitness information and research, parenting and other relevant issues. In addition to being a resource, TAMH is a forum for you to join the public discourse on men’s health issues. We encourage your comments and participation in the blog.
The Black Men’s Health Project
Relatively little research and data exist on Black men’s health in the United States. The Black Men’s Health Project aims to change that through the Black Men’s Health Survey. The project seeks 10,000 Black male participants to discuss their health and social experiences on the survey. The findings will help identify what strategies can address the racial disparities in health that affect Black men across the country - Healthline
The Everyday Man
The Everyday Man is an online magazine blog for men covering a curated mix of all things fashion, fitness + lifestyle.
The Good Men Project
We explore the world of men and manhood in a way that no media company ever has, tackling the issues and questions that are most relevant to men’s lives.
A Ballsy Sense of Tumor
Cracking the nut on Testicular cancer awareness and mmn's health through humor.
BaldingBlog began in April, 2005 by William Rassman, M.D., Medical Director and Founder of the New Hair Institute, with the goal of educating about hair loss and hair restoration. Posts on the site are written by Dr. Rassman, with assistance from Jae P. Pak, M.D.
Bony to Beastly
We're Bony to Beastly, the bulking site for skinny guys made by skinny guys. If you're an ectomorph, a hardgainer, or skinny-fat, we can help you build a bigger, stronger, healthier, and better-looking body. This is what we do best, and we've been doing it full time for the past eight years. Our claim to fame is having the best bulking transformations on the internet.
Born Fitness
The blog concentrates on fitness, motivation, nutrition, and recipes with posts including how to make every exercise more effective, how to regain lost motivation, what fats are best for your health, and how to make cinnamon apple yogurt parfait with protein granola.
Gapin Institute
Dr. Tracy Gapin takes a family-oriented approach to wellness, emphasizing that good health is as much about your loved ones as it is about you. Blog posts cover topics that range from fad diets to prostate cancer. If you don’t have time to read, you can listen to his podcast library that takes a well-rounded approach to health topics - Healthline
Got Bladder Cancer?
A journal about dealing with bladder cancer to provide the benefit of my experience, including graphic details (with appropriate warnings) to others facing similar issues... and for those who love and support them.
Male Circumcision and HIV
Male Circumcision and HIV provides a place for a public health policy debate on the linking of male circumcision and HIV/AIDS. It seeks to address questions of cost versus benefit, the effectiveness of circumcision in the fight against HIV/AIDS in real world settings, and the differing points of view of researchers, the media, and all contributors to the policy discussion.
Maze Men’s Health
Men who have concerns about their sexual and reproductive health will find medical information from a team of experts led by Dr. Michael A. Werner, FACS, a fellowship trained, board certified urologist. Nurse practitioners, personal trainers, and sexual health educators round out the team and offer information on everything from pelvic floor dysfunction to the possible link between zinc and testosterone production - Healthline
The Turek Clinic
Men with concerns about their sexual health, ranging from fertility to erectile dysfunction to aging, will find research-driven articles on specific issues of men’s sexual health and performance, including what you can to do improve the situation. This is an excellent example of how men can learn to tune out all the noise about sexuality and expectations — and become empowered to learn more about their own bodies - healthlin e
Where I Am In All Of This
At 36 years old, I was diagnosed with Stage II Rectal Cancer. I have been blessed with an incredible, loving wife, a delightful 10-year old step-son and a beautiful baby boy.

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