Rescue airway in a failed intubation - Chris Nickson


image by: Masood Rashid

HWN Suggests

A Debate Of Supraglottic Proportions... The Conclusion

Endotracheal intubation can be difficult in the emergent situation, and it is important to have an appropriate backup strategy. Supraglottic airway devices have provided an alternative method for pediatric airway management that is relatively easy to learn, with a high success rate...

The pharyngeal bulb gasway was the first SGA. It was developed in the late 1930s by Beverley Charles Leech, who designed a device that would conform to the average adult pharynx, forming an airtight seal and allowing for the passage of gases through its core. This product fell out of favor with advancements in ETI.

Archie Brain introduced the next SGA in 1983. He noted that better gas exchange…

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 A Debate Of Supraglottic Proportions... The Conclusion

First developed as an operating room adjunct, supraglottic airways have now been widely adopted in prehospital care. There are a wide-variety of subtypes, but our readers described prehospital use of predominantly two subtypes:

Life in the Fastlane

Rescue airway in a failed intubation...


Laryngeal mask airways (LMA) are supraglottic airway devices. They may be used as a temporary method to maintain an open airway during the administration of anesthesia or as an immediate life-saving measure in a patient with a difficult or failed airway. Laryngeal mask airways were introduced into clinical practice in the 1980s where they were initially used predominantly in the operating room. Since then, their use has become more widespread in the intensive care unit, emergency department, and field settings.

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