My mind is my laboratory - Albert Einstein

image by: Annals of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine - APALM
HWN Suggests
The Future of Laboratory Medicine: Understanding the New Pressures
Some years ago, presidents of European Societies of Laboratory Medicine were asked what they considered to be the most relevant issues for the future development of their profession. The implementation of request strategies, the diagnostic validation of tests and knowledge of test interpretation were indeed ranked as the most important issues.
Today, the complexity of the health-care environment and the availability of an ever expanding array of laboratory tests have further increased the need for more integration between clinical information and laboratory data. This is especially true in genetic testing, because it should be performed as an adjunct to the management of the individual…
The Future of Laboratory Medicine: Understanding the New Pressures
Clinical laboratories represent an area of healthcare that has always undergone major changes because of technological advances and external economic pressures.
Clinical Laboratory
Clinical Laboratory provides an international forum for the publication of original articles describing basic, translational and clinical investigation in laboratory medicine, transfusion medicine and cell therapy.
Clinics in Laboratory Medicine
Clinics in Laboratory Medicine updates you on the latest trends in clinical laboratory management; keeps you up to date on the newest advances; and provides a sound basis for creating and working in a highly effective clinical laboratory. Each issue focuses on a single topic in pathology and is presented under the direction of a reputed guest editor associated with a major clinical laboratory and academia.
Lab Medicine
Lab Medicine publishes peer-reviewed manuscripts related to all subspecialties of laboratory medicine.
African Journal of Laboratory Medicine
The official journal of the African Society for Laboratory Medicine, focuses on the role of the laboratory and its professionals in the clinical and public healthcare sectors, and is specifically based on an African frame of reference.
Annals of Clinical Biochemistry
An international journal of biochemistry and laboratory medicine. One of the world's foremost journals in its field, Annals publishes fully refereed papers of international authorship that contribute to existing knowledge in all fields of clinical biochemistry, especially that pertaining to the understanding, diagnosis and treatment of human disease.
Annals of Laboratory Medicine
Annals of Laboratory Medicine is published by the Korean Society for Laboratory Medicine. This journal publishes Original Articles, Case Reports, Brief Communications, Letters to the Editor, Review, Editorials, Corrections, and Correspondence about new and important subjects of laboratory medicine related to the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of diseases that are scientific, original, ethical and academically significant.
Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine
The ARCHIVES publishes original, peer-reviewed articles for pathologists and clinical laboratory scientists. This information is intended to help laboratorians keep abreast of the ever- increasing knowledge base necessary to the successful practice of pathology and laboratory medicine.
Asian Journal of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
The aim of AJPLM is to publish peer reviewed research, review articles and short communications in swiftly developing field of pathology and applied laboratory and clinical medicine and biological sciences.
Canadian Journal of Chemistry
The Canadian Journal of Chemistry (Can. J. Chem.) publishes reports of original chemical research, in the form of articles, in either English or French.
Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine
CCLM keeps you up-to-date with the latest developments in the clinical laboratory sciences. It reports on progress in fundamental and applied research in cutting-edge and exhaustive articles
International Journal of Clinical and Laboratory Research
An international multidisciplinary journal devoted to research pertinent to human biology and disease.
International Journal of Laboratory Medicine
Comprehensive and systematic reflection of domestic and international achievements and developments in laboratory medicine, senior medical journals, medical reports internationally advanced scientific information and clinical experience unique to the majority of researchers, clinical biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, blood and other tests.
Journal of Medical Laboratory and Diagnosis
JMLD is an open access journal that provides rapid publication (monthly) of articles in all areas of the subject such as anatomic pathology, clinical microbiology, hematology, urinalysis etc
Journal of Medical Laboratory Science
JMLS is a Quarterly Publication of the Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria. It Publishes Original Research and Review Articles in All Fields of Biomedical Sciences and Laboratory Medicine, Covering Medical Microbiology, Medical Parasitology, Clinical Chemistry, Haematology, Blood Group Serology, Cytogenetics, Exfoliation Cytology, Medical Virology, Medical Mycology, Histopathology and Immunochemistry
Pathology and Laboratory Medicine International
An international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal. The journal includes original research, updates, case reports, reviews and commentaries on current controversies. The mission of the journal is to provide a bridge for Pathologists in the developed world to those in developing countries.
Translational Research
Translational Research (formerly The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine) delivers original investigations in the broad fields of laboratory, clinical, and public health research. Published monthly since 1915, it keeps readers up-to-date on significant biomedical research from all subspecialties of medicine.

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