For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others - Nelson Mandela

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HWN Suggests
Freedom Is a Right, Not a Gift from the Government
We use the term freedom in political, economic, social, and religious contexts. But what exactly does it mean to be free? The answer to this question is crucial because different conceptions of liberty entail different political ideals, and different models of government. A good starting point to explore what it means to be free is with the distinction introduced by the early 19th century intellectual Benjamin Constant.
In an 1819 work titled “The Liberty of the Ancients Compared with that of the Moderns,” Constant offered two antagonistic ideas of what it means to be free. The Ancient conception of freedom centered on the collective, and the Modern focused on the individual. In…
Martin Luther King: A Right To Freedom
It was Dr. King’s dream that his children would one day “live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” That dream was rooted in his own experiences as a child growing up under “Jim Crow Laws”: a system of racial apartheid that dominated the American South for three quarters of a century, beginning in the 1890s.
Why we need an international freedom movement
Defending freedom should be seen as a primary geopolitical challenge – our security depends on it. That means looking beyond borders and standing together in resistance as a global community.
Free Isn't Freedom: How Silicon Valley Tricks Us
When it comes to Big Tech, there's lots to be concerned about, but let's focus on the privacy problem—one that more people are starting to think about, but that few people truly understand. For a while, it looked like Americans were completely indifferent to giving up their personal information to companies like Facebook and Google. That finally seems to be changing.
Freedom for all – a universal right and a universal truth
... today’s contributor reflects on the role of reformers in the world and how their efforts, in order to be truly effective, must be based on the universal truth that freedom is the divine right of everyone.
Hong Kong Was My Refuge, Now Its Freedom Is at Stake
They are struggling not just for their own personal liberty but for the soul of their territory. Will Western leaders abandon them as they have Xinjiang?
Must Freedom Destroy Itself?
Mr. Deneen believes that Americans can’t count on liberalism to preserve their freedom. Instead we need to address what the Founders missed in 1776.
Surveillance Kills Freedom By Killing Experimentation
We know that surveillance has a chilling effect on freedom. People change their behavior when they live their lives under surveillance.
The End of Cyberspace
Internet theorists and companies once declared themselves free of nations and governance, but that’s all over now.
The fight against terrorism: the rule of uncertainty?
By targeting anyone and everyone, terrorism aims to damage liberal society (in the philosophical sense), which defines the rights and freedoms intrinsic to community life. By removing the principles and practices of this society in the name of the “fight against terrorism” we run the risk of letting the terrorists win. Let us never forget that democracy – like life itself – is fragile.
The Meaning of Freedom
Freedom stands for something greater than just the right to act however I choose—it also stands for securing to everyone an equal opportunity for life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
We Are Taking Religious Freedom Too Far
Religious faith is a private matter between a believer and God. But how a believer lives in community with other people is something different altogether. It’s time to stop giving believers a pass just because their beliefs happen to run counter to the laws of the nation they live in. Human lives may depend on it.
Why Is Freedom of Speech an Important Right? When, if Ever, Can It Be Limited?
Even though the concept of freedom of speech on its face seems quite simple, in reality there are complex lines that can be drawn around what kinds of speech are protected and in what setting.
Winning Socialism Is About Winning Freedom
Bernie Sanders’s speech on socialism made a bold case for real freedom — the freedom to flourish, not just the right to be left alone.
Does Hong Kong Matter?
Someone once sang that “freedom’s just another word,” and maybe today it is. One casualty of the relentless U.S. political slog is that some important ideas—such as justice, racism, equality and respect—get so beaten into the ground, become so hackneyed, that one feels almost embarrassed to use the words. Justice, freedom, uh-huh, click.
Hong Kong and the Future of Freedom
The world continues to endure a democratic recession, made worse by the surly ignorance of an American president. It won’t last forever. The efficient authoritarianism that is supposed to be the secret to China’s global ascendancy is being exposed for what it is — a state whose greatest fear is the conscience of those marching in Hong Kong’s streets.
The Fight For Press Freedom
Journalists around the world are under attack more than ever. From the hostile Trump administration to facing violence and death under the Syrian regime, the situation appears in decline. The lives of some reporters become so untenable that the only way out is to leave their country of work or origin.
What Republicans and Billionaires Really Mean When They Talk About ‘Freedom’
Freedom to be homeless, jobless, and unable to access health care when you need it.
Freedom Is a Right, Not a Gift from the Government
We use the term freedom in political, economic, social, and religious contexts. But what exactly does it mean to be free? The answer to this question is crucial because different conceptions of liberty entail different political ideals, and different models of government. A good starting point to explore what it means to be free is with the distinction introduced by the early 19th century intellectual Benjamin Constant.
Freedom House
Freedom House is an independent watchdog organization dedicated to the expansion of freedom and democracy around the world. We analyze the challenges to freedom, advocate for greater political rights and civil liberties, and support frontline activists to defend human rights and promote democratic change. Founded in 1941, Freedom House was the first American organization to champion the advancement of freedom globally.
Pulse of Europe
We want to make a contribution to the future of a united, democratic Europe - a Europe in which respect for human dignity, the rule of law, freedom of thought and action, tolerance and respect are the natural foundations of the community.
The Definition of Freedom
Progressives define freedom differently. We want the liberty to pursue our happiness in our own way, live a good life, and contribute to society without being controlled and dominated by the powers that be.

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