Civil Rights
What counts in life is not the mere fact that we have lived; it is what difference we have made to the lives of others that will determine the significance of the life we lead - Nelson Mandela

image by: Marc Nozell
HWN Suggests
Why Healthcare Needs A Civil Rights-Style Movement
There will come a time in the not too distant future when we look back at the healthcare system as it is today with shame and embarrassment. We’ll wonder how anyone got the right kind of care and rue the policy and clinical decisions that have made oursystem unaffordable, inaccessible, wasteful, and inferior to our peer nations.
To hear some people discuss healthcare these days, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) fixed the healthcare system. But that’s not really true. The ACA broadened the tent and made health insurance coverage available to more people. But the tent poles now need to be replaced.
More than a decade since the ACA’s major provisions became law, America still…
Why the Virus Is a Civil Rights Issue: ‘The Pain Will Not Be Shared Equally’
First came early data showing that the coronavirus affected African-Americans disproportionately. Then came the fight for a fair response and recovery.
America's Forgotten Civil Right - Healthcare
There is a solution called “universal coverage” whereby everyone is extended the civil right and dignity to healthcare. Every other industrialized country (with a formal healthcare system) has adopted universal coverage as the very foundation of their healthcare system. So why haven’t we?
Protecting Our Civil Rights in the Era of Digital Health
As growing technological prowess enables sophisticated discrimination capabilities, our reach for health and economic benefit stands to collide with the ethical core of medicine.
The Covid Civil-Rights Mask
The Department of Education elbows into another cultural battle.
The pandemic illustrates how precious and fragile our civil liberties are
People have seen that governments or their departments can impose severe restrictions on us at the stroke of a pen. We have been made subject to curfews, punitive fines and uneven policing. Our borders have been closed,
With Roots In Civil Rights, Community Health Centers Push For Equity In The Pandemic
Equal access to care in rural communities is necessary to reach the most vulnerable populations, and is just as critical during this global health crisis as it was in the 1960s, according to Dr. Robert Smith.
Bad Medicine: The Harm That Comes From Racism
Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act stipulates that neither race, color nor national origin may be used as a means of denying the “benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance.” As nearly every facet of the American health system receives federal financing and support, well-documented and present-day discrimination in health care suggests the law has not yet had its intended effect.
Being Black in America Is a Health Risk. It's Time for Reparations.
Cash would not only be a form of repayment, it would also undeniably improve people's health.
Civil rights as determinants of public health and racial and ethnic health equity...
Civil rights laws and their enforcement are social determinants of health because they affect other social determinants of health, that is, elements of a society’s organization and process, such as education, housing, transportation, employment, and the system of justice...
Healthcare as a civil rights issue
Strengthening the Civil Rights Act might improve minority health care by bolstering minority patients’ trust in the health care system, increasing physicians’ diligence, and as a result increasing the patients’ willingness to seek care...
Hospitals rationing drugs behind closed doors: a civil rights issue
We need to acknowledge that rationing decisions are being made in the U.S. health system. The limitations on care, the reasons for them and how care will be dispensed should be debated openly.
The Case for Watered-Down Legislation
What health care reform advocates can learn from the 1957 Civil Rights Act.
The Fight for Health Care Has Always Been About Civil Rights
The country cannot follow through on its commitment to equal protection for life and liberty under the law without addressing fundamental inequalities in mortality.
The Looming Civil-Liberties Battle
The stage is set for a post-shutdown showdown between personal freedom and public health.
The US medical system is still haunted by slavery
Medicine’s dark history helps explain why black mothers are dying at alarming rates.
U.S. Civil Rights Office Rejects Rationing Medical Care Based on Disability, Age
Medical providers must not engage in “ruthless utilitarianism” in deciding who gets lifesaving treatment for the coronavirus, a federal civil rights officer warned.
Why Healthcare Needs A Civil Rights-Style Movement
There will come a time in the not too distant future when we look back at the healthcare system as it is today with shame and embarrassment. We’ll wonder how anyone got the right kind of care and rue the policy and clinical decisions that have made oursystem unaffordable, inaccessible, wasteful, and inferior to our peer nations.
Title VI protects people of every race, color, or national origin from discrimination in programs and activities that receive federal financial assistance from HHS.

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