
Beauty is how you feel inside, and it reflects in your eyes. It is not something physical - Sophia Loren


image by: Subbotina

HWN Suggests

The “natural” beauty industry is on the rise because we’re scared of chemicals

When Gwyneth Paltrow launched Goop by Juice Beauty in 2016, she told Vogue how vital it was that her line of beauty products — including a face cleanser, eye cream, and moisturizer — was all-natural. “The idea that you’re exercising and trying to eat well and then slathering yourself with chemicals, parabens, and silicones — it’s not great.” A few months later, she went on The Tonight Show to promote the line. She and host Jimmy Fallon dipped McDonald’s french fries into a pot of her moisturizer and ate it, presumably to show how pure it was.

Paltrow often peddles questionable science and theories. But she’s far from alone in her skepticism toward conventional makeup and skin care.…

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 The “natural” beauty industry is on the rise because we’re scared of chemicals

Customer mistrust is so bad now that even huge beauty companies want more regulatory oversight.

Campaign for Safe Cosmetics

The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics coalition, a project of Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, works to protect the health of consumers, workers, and the environment through public education and engagement, corporate accountability and sustainability campaigns and legislative advocacy designed to eliminate dangerous chemicals linked to adverse health impacts from cosmetics and personal care products.

Cosmetic Ingredient Review

The Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR) studies individual chemical compounds as they are used in cosmetic products. CIR relies heavily on the International Nomenclature of Cosmetic Ingredients (INCI) when identifying the ingredients to be assessed.

Lab Muffin

Hi! I'm Michelle, chemistry PhD and science educator, and I'm here to help you figure out which beauty products are worth buying, and which ones aren't using science!

Silent Spring Institute

Unfortunately, manufacturers aren’t required to test products for safety or list all the ingredients on the label. While research continues, here are some tips to consider for taking care with your personal care.

Skin Deep

It's our mission at Environmental Working Group to use the power of information to protect human health and the environment. EWG's Skin Deep database gives you practical solutions to protect yourself and your family from everyday exposures to chemicals.


Here you'll find a wealth of empowering information about ways we can all make the world healthier, along with safer products you can trust. Because we all deserve better. Our vision is bold; real answers are never timid. Help us put truth back in beauty.


We provide the largest clean beauty and skincare assortment that’s vetted by experts, then field-tested by us. We carefully examine every ingredient (so you don’t have to).


You deserve to know what you're putting on your skin—and for it to work. We only carry products that pass our mile-high standards.


We are a lifestyle brand with its roots in content across six key pillars: Wellness, Travel, Food, Beauty, Style, and Work; within those pillars, we curate and sell a tightly-edited array of products that adhere to our brand values, and we also make our own goods.

RMS Beauty

RMS Beauty is dedicated to transforming the way women use makeup, and it's about more than simply using organic ingredients. In fact, that's only the first step in creating a product that's not only non-toxic, but that actually heals and nourishes skin.


YouBeauty provides a smart girl's guide to a modern lifestyle. Our goal is to arm you with facts and tips to keep you healthy, happy and beautiful.

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