
We have an obligation to warn you when things are not good for your health - Mayor Bloomberg NYC, 2012


image by: Jewel L Jones

HWN Suggests

Ten Reasons to Avoid Soda

The average American drinks approximately 56 GALLONS of soda a year. Some people even admit to drinking more soda than water each day, or no water at all. Soft drinks are a multi-billion dollar product, and they account for a quarter of all drinks consumed in the United States.

With Americans consuming this large amount of soft drinks each year, it becomes important to evaluate how soft drinks can influence a person’s health. With a little research, it becomes clear that even moderate consumption of soda can be dangerous.

10 Reasons to Avoid Drinking Soda

  1. The Sugar! - A single can of soda contains the equivalent of 10…

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 Ten Reasons to Avoid Soda

Soda may taste good and it certainly seem to have some addictive properties (ask any self-proclaimed Diet Coke addict!) but the bottom line is that soda isn’t healthy in any amount and there is absolutely no reason or justification for consuming it.

13 Ways That Sugary Soda is Bad For Your Health

When consumed in excess, added sugar can have disastrous effects on your health. However, some sources of sugar are worse than others… and sugary drinks are the worst, by far.

5 serious health risks of drinking diet soda

According to several different studies, even though diet drinks supposedly consist of zero net calories, they can have a lot of negative effects -- including weight gain, kidney problems, increased risk of diabetes and increased risk of depression. So if you love diet soda but want to cut your risk of disease, it might be a good idea to kick it to the curb!

8 Reasons Why People Drink Soda & 16 Reasons To Give Up Soda Drinking

Most of us drink soda. Some drink more than others. And probably many regular soda drinkers are aware that soft drinks are bad for the health. At the same time, United States ranks first among countries in soft drink consumption.

Rethink Sugary Drink

By highlighting the amount of sugar in sweetened beverages such as soft drink, energy drinks and sports drinks, we're hoping to encourage Australians to rethink their sugary drink consumption and switch to water, reduced-fat milk or unsweetened options.

The Campaign to Stop Killer Coke originated to stop the gruesome cycle of violence against union leaders and organizers in Colombia in efforts to crush their union, SINALTRAINAL. Since then, violence, abuse and exploitation leveled against Coke workers and communities have been uncovered in other countries as well, notably China, El Salvador, Guatemala, India, Mexico and Turkey.

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