Keto Diet
Keto diet may not be as healthy as some nutritionists and influencers want you to believe - Chloe Taylor
image by: Custom keto diet
HWN Suggests
The Truth About the Ketogenic Diet
- Keto is Low Carb, Moderate Protein, High Healthy Fat
- Keto is not the Atkins Diet. Atkins is HIGH protein. Keto is Moderate protein
- A well-formulated keto plan does not incorporate high quantities of the following: packaged “keto” snacks, pork rinds, cured meats like salami, animal fat from foods like bacon, canned meat like spam or Vienna sausage, cheese or dairy
I first started researching the ketogenic diet over 4 years ago. Back then, I was about 4 years behind the early-adopters. There was a lot of speculation about it being a “fad diet,” another diet that’ll have its hay day then disappear. For those of us who really did…
Keto diet may not be as healthy as some nutritionists and influencers want you to believe, scientists warn
The study unveiled on Sunday isn’t the first instance in which scientists have thrown cold water on the keto regime as a diet that is beneficial to health in the long term.
The Keto Diet Goes Culinary: Recipes That Cut Carbs, Not Flavor
The ketogenic diet is the flavor of the moment—but will it work for a cook committed to good taste? These flavorful, highly satisfying recipes say yes.
Food For Thought with Kat | Keto Kraze
The latest craze in the diet world has had a wave of longevity itself, and perhaps that’s because it’s based in science. Unlike many diets named for their inventors, the Keto diet and the products it has spawned seem a free-for-all — everyone can take a turn at churning out “keto-friendly” products. There are keto diet books, keto-friendly foods, keto drinks, pills, recipes, meal delivery programs and even ketosis strips, designed to make sure you’re in the right fat-burning state.
It’s a lifestyle. It’s a culture. It’s keto
On the keto diet, a person eats fats like steak and eggs. The glucose and insulin levels in the body fall. The liver converts the fat into ketones and then the ketones fuel the cells and tissues of the body. You’re making the body find a way to use fat as a source of fuel.
Sorry, keto fans, you’re probably not in ketosis
“It’s not so easy to get an adult body into ketosis,” says Teresa Fung, a professor of nutrition at Simmons College.
The Keto Way: What If Meat Is Our Healthiest Diet?
Eating high-fat, low-carbohydrate foods has helped many people battle obesity, diabetes and other health problems—even as livestock agriculture contributes significantly to greenhouse-gas emissions.
This Popular Diet Is a "Disease-Promoting Disaster," New Study Says
According to a statement from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, the analysis of research, published in the journal Frontiers in Nutrition, showed that "for most people, the possible long-term risks of the keto diet, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease, outweigh its possible benefits."
When Keto became the new Paleo: My problem with fad diets
Sometime between the end of junior year and summertime, I decided to try out the keto diet for three whole weeks. It was grueling and mentally taxing, as I foolishly resisted supplementing my body with the nutrients it desperately needed. The result was abysmal.
The Skeleton in The Ketogenic Diet Closet: What Virta Health, Mark Sisson, Joseph Mercola and Others Leave Out
If you follow or seek health advice, it would be hard to miss the wave of recommendations to lower “carbohydrates” to minimal levels and focus on meals higher in fat and protein to promote the use of ketone bodies as fuel. There are dozens of books and websites dedicated to this trend, some backed by prominent figures with medical degrees. In March of this year, a start-up called Virta Health was launched to provide online coaching to follow this dietary pattern to reverse type 2 diabetes (DM2).
You Asked: Should I Try the Ketogenic Diet?
Until science sorts out all the ins and outs of balancing carbs, protein and fats for optimal health, going full keto may be overkill. But based on the latest nutrition research, cutting carbs in favor of healthy fats seems sensible.
A Call for a Low-Carb Diet That Embraces Fat
People who avoid carbohydrates and eat more fat, even saturated fat, lose more body fat and have fewer cardiovascular risks than people who follow the low-fat diet that health authorities have favored for decades, a major new study shows.
A Properly Guided Ketogenic Diet is Healing to the Body
After the first 3 to 4 days on a ketogenic diet, most of my clients say they feel better and their energy is up. They must, however, drink the right amount of water and eat the right amount of protein, vegetables and micronutrients. One exception is if the body goes into detox or a healing phase, which causes an energy drop. This is a good thing and the person needs to allow for more rest and sleep.
Are You a Carboholic? Why Cutting Carbs Is So Tough
I’ve been eating a high-fat, carb-restricted diet for almost 20 years, since I started as an experiment when investigating nutrition research for the journal Science. I find it’s easy for me to maintain a healthy weight when I eat this way. But even after two decades, the sensation of being on the edge of a slippery slope is ever-present.
Can eating fat help you lose weight? Let’s look at the ketogenic diet.
Fat makes your meals more palatable and helps you feel full, so it’s no wonder the high-fat ketogenic diet is increasing in popularity. The diet has been trending for the past three years, as “keto” blogs and cookbooks continue to pop up and build an impressive fan base. This diet has been used under close supervision by physicians and dietitians since the 1920s for treating epilepsy and has shown promise in managing brain cancer. But is it useful and healthy as a strategy for weight loss?
Can you really lose weight eating gobs of butter on the keto diet?
Though ketogenic eating has been around in some form since the 1920s, when it was found to curb symptoms of epilepsy in kids, the diet’s Burning Man presence is just the latest sign of its trending status. Although fans say that ketogenic eating sparks rapid weight loss, the diet is also sparking concerns from some doctors and nutritionists.
Google Users Can’t Stop Searching for the Ketogenic Diet
Recently released Google search data suggests we’re about to start hearing a lot more about ketogenic diets, but do they actually work?
Here's A Simple Explainer On The Ketogenic Diet
Look at the pros, cons and basic guidelines.
How To Start A Ketogenic Diet the Right Way + 3 Costly Mistakes To Avoid
But before you give keto a try, keep in mind that it’s way better to start a ketogenic diet the right way and avoid the mistakes others make. That way you can enjoy the benefits of the diet faster and with better results. Keto diets were first used about 100 years ago to help epileptic children. Now, this diet sees use in helping people lose weight, gain mental focus and energy, get rid of digestive issues, treat type 2 diabetes, and even potentially prevent/cure cancer and neurological diseases.
Is the Ketogenic Diet Right for You?
In the past several years, as measured by Google Trends, interest in an unusual style of eating called the ketogenic diet has tripled, and chances are you have a friend or coworker who’s tried it. Early adopters are typically people who run or ride a lot and want a food plan that doesn’t just fill their tanks but also boosts performance.
Keto Diet Food List: What to Eat and Avoid
The keto diet approaches weight loss and health management differently. The difference is that it penetrates to the core of our energy reserves, changing the very “fuel source” that the body uses to remain energized: namely, from burning sugar into burning dietary fat.
Ketogenic Diet for Obesity: Friend or Foe?
A period of low carbohydrate ketogenic diet may help to control hunger and may improve fat oxidative metabolism and therefore reduce body weight. Furthermore new kinds of ketogenic diets using meals that mimic carbohydrate rich foods could improve the compliance to the diet.
Ketogenic diet: Is the ultimate low-carb diet good for you?
A ketogenic diet could be an interesting alternative to treat certain conditions, and may accelerate weight loss. But it is hard to follow and it can be heavy on red meat and other fatty, processed, and salty foods that are notoriously unhealthy. We also do not know much about its long-term effects, probably because it’s so hard to stick with that people can’t eat this way for a long time.
Making a Case for Eating Fat
The myth that fat makes you fat and causes heart disease has led to a total breakdown in our nutritional framework. I felt it was important to tell the story of how fat makes you thin and how it prevents heart disease and can reverse diabetes. I think people are still very confused about fat.
Most People Shouldn't Attempt Low-Carb Diets Like Keto Or Paleo
There are definitely positives, but you should be aware of the negatives too.
NFL Linemen Turn to Fatty, No-Carb Diet, but Science Is Unclear
Players say ‘ketogenic’ diet makes them leaner and reduces soreness after exercise, allowing them to train with greater intensity and for longer periods.
Paleo vs Keto Diet: Which One Is Right For You?
When it comes to burning fat more efficiently, accelerating weight loss, and living an all-around healthier lifestyle, two diets have been on the radar of health enthusiasts: the Paleo diet and the Ketogenic diet. While both diets include many of the same foods and have overlapping similarities and benefits, each has a different purpose. Let’s take a look at how the Paleo vs Keto diets measure up against one another, which one is right for you, and why.
Salt: The Prize Jewel Of Keto
Now that you’re Living Ketogenically, NONE of your food is salted, and because you are eating very few carbs and no fortified foods, your body is expelling electrolytes like mad. You must replace all the salt which companies have been adding to the food you’d previously eaten in order to avoid electrolyte deficiencies, which can be very dangerous. What all those doctors and experts forget to do while they’re telling us to cut down on salt, is tell us that salt is vitally important for the body to run properly. Use unprocessed rock salt if you can afford it- like Himalayan Pink salt or Celtic Grey salt- or Iodised table salt if you’re on a budget. Rock Salt is the best option but budgets sometimes win.
The Ketogenic Diet Is Probably Not for You
All the big claims are way ahead of the evidence.
The Strange History of the Extremely Low-Carb Diet Fad
Keto is quickly becoming the new eating fad—a natural extension of Atkins and paleo. Only now the miracle food isn't protein; it's fat.
The Truth Behind The Ketogenic Diet
The Ketogenic Diet has risen to fame lately as being an easy to follow, "cure all" diet... but is it just another fad or is there some actual science behind the thinking?
Time to Retire the Low-Carb Diet Fad
A 25-year Swedish study suggests we refocus our dieting concerns on good, old-fashioned animal fat.
Understanding a High-Fat Ketogenic Diet—and is it Right for You?
While food trends come and go, high-fat diets—lauded for their weight-loss potential and brain-function benefits—have proven to have some staying power.
Keto weight loss is mostly a sham
The fat-heavy diet is good for some diseases, but not as a general weight-loss practice.
High on fat, low on evidence: the problem with the keto diet
The ultra-low-carb ketogenic diet – which forces the body to burn fat – flies in the face of conventional nutritional advice. It is hugely popular, but is it healthy or sustainable?
Keto diet: a dietitian on what you need to know
The keto diet got its name because ketones are the source of energy that the body uses when it’s burning fat. Ketones are produced in weight loss regardless of the type of diet you are following. So, actually, anyone who is losing weight is actually on a keto diet.
The Case for Keto review – why a full-fat diet should be on the menu
Keto is not a short-term diet “fix”, but a way of eating for life. It keeps you in a metabolic state – ketosis – whereby your body stops using sugar for energy and starts to break down stored fats instead. The liver converts these fats to molecules known as ketones, which the body uses for energy. Taubes argues persuasively that people who are prone to the metabolic disorder of excess fat accumulation must embrace this approach even though it means the entire carbohydrate food group is off-limits.
A ketogenic diet brought me back to life. Will believing in its effectiveness make me a pariah in medical school?
Within two years of starting what conventional medicine thinks of as a potentially dangerous and unsustainable diet, I went from being a patient with osteoporosis, ulcerative colitis, and a failing heart to a healthy young scholar with a renewed zest for life and great heart health to boot. From my perspective, right or wrong, conventional medicine failed me and so-called alternative medicine, in the form of a ketogenic diet, saved me.
Do ketogenic diets help you lose weight?
Carbohydrate is used in the body as the major source of fuel, like petrol is used to fuel a car. Your body has a store of carbohydrate in the liver and muscles called glycogen. When glycogen stores are low your body switches to burning fat, which leads to production of ketone bodies.
Eat Fat and Lose Fat with a Ketogenic Diet
The low-carb plan isn’t for everyone, but if you can stick with it, you can lose body fat and gain lean muscle mass.
Experts Condemn Keto. Will People Finally Stop?
Eating so few carbs even sends many new keto-ers into something called the “keto flu,” a sure sign your body is extremely pissed off at what you’re doing to it.
Ketogenic Diets Are B.S. for Weight Loss — Here's Why
Our muscles store about 3 grams of water for every gram of glycogen, meaning we can lose quite a bit of weight right away when we tap into glycogen stores for fuel. That's why someone who loses weight in "just one week!" from a low-carb plan is likely losing water weight, not necessarily real weight that stays off over time.
Ketogenic Diets: Not For Everyone?
Elevated blood lipids on a high fat, low carb diet
Nutrition experts share why they think keto is one of the worst diets — even the less restrictive 'modified' version
The diet is also difficult to widely endorse when compared to those that can benefit nearly anyone, but it may help some people, like those with diabetes.
The Keto Diet Is Popular, but Is It Good for You?
Low-carb, high-fat eating can lead to weight loss, but scientists debate the long-term effects on health.
The keto diet, explained
Is eating a lot of fat really the best way to lose weight?
What’s Wrong in “The keto diet, explained” on Vox
Julia Belluz, Senior health correspondent and evidence enthusiast, wrote an article on Vox with the title “The keto diet, explained” except that nothing she wrote really explains anything right about the keto diet.
The Truth About the Ketogenic Diet
It’s become increasingly important to understand that there are many ways to do keto wrong. I teach my patients to do “clean keto.” Clean keto includes a variety of proteins, almost all vegetables, limited quantities of fruits with less sugar, and plant-based healthy fats over animal fat.
Healthful Pursuit
Nutrition educator + keto enthusiast. I want to live in a world where every woman loves her body, nourishing fats are enjoyed at every meal, and the word “restriction” isn’t in the dictionary.
I Breathe I'm Hungry
My name is Mellissa Sevigny, and I use my culinary powers for good here at IBIH by creating delicious and satisfying low carb & keto recipes. If you’re looking to lose weight, feel amazing, AND eat some of the best food you’ve ever tasted – you’ve come to the right place.
We are a keto couple based out of Atlanta living a low carb, high fat life. Follow us if you are looking for keto recipes, vlogs, and community.
KetoGasm is a website devoted to helping women start and sustain a ketogenic lifestyle while encouraging body positivity.
Meat Free Keto
Low carb vegan keto recipes and information!
No Bun Please
Let me take all the hard work out of the keto diet for you! Hundreds of women are experiencing the same struggle you’re going through right now.
It's our goal at make things easy. From information to guides on how it all works, we've covered all of the common questions (and misconceptions) about the ketogenic diet.
Ditch The Carbs
DTC is so much more than a website, it is support, inspiration, articles , testimonials, the latest research and of course recipes to plan your weekly meals.
Essential Keto
Live an energetic Keto fueled life.
Everything Keto
Blog from Kettle & Fire, the first (and only) shelf-stable bone broth company. All broth made from organically raised, grass-fed cattle.
Go Keto with Casey
My passion is talking and writing about the ketogenic diet and it's life-changing potential. I want to share how I lost weight, improved health and regained control of my life. And you can, too!
Kamp Keto
Kamp Keto is Black Rock City's first theme camp devoted to the healthy Ketogenic lifestyle. We'll be dispensing tips and plenty of no carb Margaritas!
Keto Dash System
The Keto Dash System follows the principles of the Ketogenic Diet and takes all of the guesswork out of having to figure out what to do on your own. No more lonely and confusing diets.
Keto Fit Diet
Welcome to the Keto Fit Diet. We have been in the weight loss industry for over 10 years now and have gone through every possible thread of research combined with clinical studies and our background in the healthcare industry in order to create the most successful weight loss method available
Keto in Pearls
I LOVE keto and want to help others start the journey! I hope you find delicious and healthy recipes, advice, resources, & encouragement when you're here!
Ketogenic Forums
Welcome to Ketogenic Forums - a place where ALL are welcome to explore the science and share personal experiments, recipes, successes, failures, goals, dreams, humor, and anything else related to the use of a well-formulated ketogenic diet; including fasting.
Ketogenic Woman
My ketogenic journey to lose 100 pounds.
This site is dedicated to spreading the word of a healthy ketogenic lifestyle. A ketogenic lifestyle is the best way to lose weight and reclaim your health. Ketogenic people are smarter, funnier, better looking, and more popular than their unfortunate counterparts. That’s just science.
Perfect Keto
Perfect Keto is your ultimate resource for making the low-carb or keto lifestyle easier and more effective.
The Keto Prescription
No expensive pre-packaged meals, bars, or shakes. Just real food with lots of education and support. That’s our promise to you.

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