Carbo Loading
Carbo loading for sport is simple … when you know how - Paul Fournier
image by: Mama Jess
HWN Suggests
Carbo-Loading is Dead. Long Live Carbs!
There’s little doubt that carbohydrates are the body’s preferred fuel when engaging in high-intensity exercise.
Today, the goal is more often to match the fuel to the workout, rather than trying to overload before, and deliberately loading up on carbs should only be used for longer-distance events like a marathon or ultramarathon.
Basics of Carbohydrate Loading for Sports Performance
The concept of carbohydrate loading has been studied for decades. But, how did this theory hold up in the real world?
Can You Carbo-Load Your Way to Good Health?
A revolution is afoot in bakeries across the country. With highly processed flour giving way to freshly milled whole grains rich in nutrients as well as flavor, it might just be OK to love bread again.
Carb Loading: How to Do It + Common Mistakes
Carb loading is one of the most common of these nutritional tools, often used by athletes to improve their performance. It involves adjusting your diet and physical activity levels to boost the amount of carbohydrates stored in your body. However, there are several common mistakes to avoid when using this strategy.
Carbo loading for sport is simple … when you know how
We found that muscle glycogen stores reach maximal levels within only one day of starting this regimen, with no added benefits by extending the high-carbohydrate intake period for up to three days. In other words, all that is required of our endurance athletes who trained regularly and want to carbohydrate load before competing is simply to interrupt their training for one day and eat the equivalent of 10 grams of carbohydrate-rich food (e.g. pasta, bread, rice, potatoes) per kilo of body mass during that day.
Dispelling Myths about Carb-Loading
If you’re an endurance athlete, you’ve probably heard an endless amount of advice regarding what to eat in the days leading up to a big event. But what’s really the best way to fuel your body before an endurance event?
How to Carbo-Load for a Marathon
In both studies, carbohydrates eaten at breakfast on race day, during the race itself or on days earlier in the week were relatively unimportant. It was primarily what people ate on the day before the race that mattered.
The Best Foods to Carb Up
Although carbo-loading can boost energy and reduce fatigue, according to, it doesn't work for everyone. And not all carbohydrate-rich foods are equally beneficial.
The Science Of Carbohydrate Loading
A valid connection between hypoglycemia, fatigue and premature termination of exercise been firmly established and therefore carbohydrate loading is a proven form of boosting running endurance in prolonged events lasting more than two hours in duration.
What Is Carbo Loading? Good or Bad And How To Do It
Carbo loading is not eating as many carbohydrates at a meal the night before a key event despite what many people believe. That gigantic plate of pasta the night before your big ride is not carbo loading; it is only a really big dinner.
You Don't Need to Carbo Load Before Your 5K
There's a smart way and a stupid way to fuel up before a race.
Carbo-Loading is Dead. Long Live Carbs!
What the science now says about housing pasta for peak athletic performance.

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