Sexual Addiction
Though no one can go back and make a brand new start, anyone can start from now and make a brand new ending – Carl Bard

image by: Heart to Heart Counseling Center
HWN Suggests
6 Signs of Sex Addiction
Although sex addiction is the name, researchers and clinicians still debate about what exactly constitutes the game. A few years ago, there was an effort to add a brand new diagnosis of “Hypersexual Disorder” to the list of official psychiatric diagnoses, but ultimately the attempt was rejected. Left without a legitimate diagnosis, those suffering do their best to get help for a problem without a name or consistent description.
Whatever you call it, it’s a real thing. And sex addiction is more than just spending too much time at the mall and calling yourself a shopaholic, or eating too much Godiva and calling yourself a chocoholic. Indeed, there’s research to suggest that sex addiction…
Before Lockdown, I Was Managing My Sex Addiction. Now I’m Spiraling Out of Control
My moral code demands no sexual expression outside of marriage. How do I deal with these unwanted desires?
Is Sex Addiction Real?
Mental health experts and former "addicts" believe that the term is outmoded and inaccurate. Others say it helped them change their lives.
Think You’re Addicted to Sex? Here Are Treatment Options
Sex addiction isn’t an officially labeled mental-health disorder but psychotherapists and others have plenty of suggestions for treatment.
Does Sex Addiction Function Like Drug Addiction In The Brain?
But the authors of the new study report that the same areas of the brain involved in drug addiction are activated when “sex addicts” watch sexually...
Fight continues over whether sex addiction is a real thing
If your sex life gets you into trouble, does that make you a sex addict – or just someone who has made some bad choices? The debate over sex addiction has taken a new twist, as guidelines are being drawn up that may recognise sexual compulsivity as a mental disorder.
Science Says Sex Addiction Is For Real. Here's How To Diagnose It.
‘Hypersexual disorder’ might be included in the updated mental health bible, but first scientists have to define it. UCLA scientists have some suggestions.
Sex 'Addiction' Isn't a Guy Thing
Lack of research and knowledge about female hypersexuality stem from the double standard that men always want sex and women never do. Some women instead refer to their condition as "love addiction" or "relationship addiction."
Sex Addiction: A Disease Or An Excuse?
Sex addiction, nymphomania or sexual compulsion might sound like the stuff of novels or over-hyped celebrity angst. Yet excessive sexual behaviors have been documented for over two centuries in American medical literature.
The rush to claim sex addiction “doesn’t exist” isn’t feminist, it’s dangerous
There is considerable debate in the medical community about whether sex addiction is a distinct condition. The conversation is complex, and deserves space to be explored through clinical findings and psychiatric thought; when depicted as a reflection of criminal behavior, discussions of sex addiction will inevitably be reductive.
6 Signs of Sex Addiction
Indeed, there’s research to suggest that sex addiction is not unlike drug addiction. A study out of none other than the University of Cambridge found the same engagement of several brain areas—all involved in reward and motivation—in people with compulsive sexual behavior as previously found in people struggling with drug addiction.
Sex addiction and intimacy disorders are real issues. So is treatment that can change your life. You're not alone.
Sex Addicts Anonymous
The basic principles of recovery practiced by SAA are found in the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Although we are not affiliated with AA or with any other organization or agency, we are, indeed, grateful for permission to modify and apply the Steps and Traditions to sex addiction, making recovery possible for us.
Those struggling with sex addiction want solutions. Our 3 and 5 day intensive focuses on solutions. Some highlights of this intensive will be, discovering the origination of your sexual addiction, address core issues of sexual addiction, outline a definitive plan for your recovery and help you create long term strategies for your successful recovery.

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