Body Composition
The human body has limitations. The human spirit is boundless - Dean Karnazes
image by: NRH Centre
HWN Suggests
Why Your Body Composition Isn’t Improving When You’re Doing Everything Right
I lift, do cardio, and eat clean-- but I can’t seem to build more muscle. I dropped a few pounds for the first few weeks, but nothing has changed since then. I’ve been running three times a week; yet my body looks the same!
If any of these statements sound like you and you’re frustrated by the lack of body composition progress, you might be wondering if you’ve been doing everything wrong. What is really going on?
5 Reasons That Are Standing in the Way of Improving Your Body Composition
Like everything else in nutrition and fitness, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach in improving body composition. In this article, you’ll learn why you’re not seeing…
At Birth, Humans Are the Fattest Species on Record. Why?
Contrary to popular belief, baby fat equips us for more than just the cold.
BMI is an imperfect measure of health. Even President Trump’s
Trump’s body mass index may classify him as overweight, even obese. But that might not matter.
Body Labs Wants To Usher In The Era Of Free 3-D Body Scanning
As its name suggests, Manhattan-based startup Body Labs wants to do the same with human bodies. But unlike a coffee table, your body changes, and a scan today won’t be exactly the same as a scan made three weeks ago–which is exactly what Body Labs is counting on. By tracking your body’s subtle changes, Body Labs is exploring just one of its technology’s applications to build a happier, healthier you.
Fruit: Friend or Foe for Body Composition?
You’ve probably heard that “sugar makes you fat.” And rightfully so: there’s a large body of evidence that shows a correlation between increased sugar intake and obesity. But what about fruit?
Step aside BMI, body composition tests are on the rise. Here's what to know
“BMI is a very crude measure,” says Dr. Richard Joseph, a physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital who specializes in metabolic health. “It doesn’t tell me much about your underlying health,” he says. People can be a normal weight but have low muscle mass and high body fat, while others have higher body weight but are muscular and lean.
Unquantify Your Health With This Screenless Smart Scale
The Shapa scale is still very much a "smart scale." It captures bone density and muscle mass in addition to overall weight, and it connects to your phone. But it never tells you how much you weigh, not even in the app. Instead, it analyzes all the granular information about your body and translates it into simple humanspeak: either you’re doing fine, or you’re not. If you ask Ariely, that’s all you really need to know.
World's Most Intelligent Scales? Dynosense Launches World's First AI Body Composition System
Health tech firm Dynosense has launched an AI body composition monitoring system called Adore Sense, which it claims is the "world’s first Artificial Intelligent smart body system that empowers all people to take charge of their health".
Your Body and You: A Guide to Segmental Analysis
Body composition analysis is a method of describing what your body is made of, including fat, muscle, protein, minerals, and body water. In conventional BIA body composition analyzers, the entire body is analyzed as just one section, or cylinder. This single-cylinder method results in only one impedance value, which is used to determine the body composition data for a user. However, because each body part has different volumes, the single-cylinder method results in very skewed data. Segmental analysis provides body composition data in segments in addition to the usual full body analysis.
Beyond BMI
Why doctors won't stop using an outdated measure for obesity.
By Studying Skinny Apes, Science Figured Out Why Humans Are So Fat
It involves our evolutionary ancestors learning to sweat and having weak arms.
Measure Your Body Fat in the Office Parking Lot
Mobile body-composition analysis units with X-ray scans and hydrostatic ‘dunk tanks’ are the latest in data-driven fitness.
Too Much Fat? Try a Whole-Body Scan
The whole-body scan is highly accurate compared with most other methods for determining body composition, scientists say, and it is useful for tracking progress over time.
Why Your Body Composition Isn’t Improving When You’re Doing Everything Right
Like everything else in nutrition and fitness, there is no “one-size-fits-all” approach in improving body composition. You have to try out one possible fix after the other and make adjustments.
Health information are collected from a variety of sources such as our patented health scanner (Dyno100), capable of measuring 33+ health metrics in less than 60 seconds, and Body Composition Scale (Adore), combined with the patient’s electronic online health records as well as psychological and behavioral data from our mobile health portal (DynoLife). All data is then sent to the cloud for machine learning purposes.
Body composition analysis is essential to completely understand health and weight as traditional methods of assessing health, such as BMI, can be misleading. Going beyond your bathroom scale, body composition analysis breaks down your body into four components: fat, lean body mass, minerals, and body water.
Klarismo offers health conscious consumers and amateur athletes a new way to explore their physiology and understand their body composition in unprecedented detail.
We are an interdisciplinary group of scientists, technologists, and entrepreneurs who are ridiculously passionate about creating accessible technology to empower good habits and prevent disease.
Sport Fitness Advisor
Body composition is an essential measure of health and fitness for both athletes and the general population. For sportsmen and women, there is nothing more detrimental than carrying dead weight. If you are considering a weight loss program, accurately assessing your body fat percentage is THE most important measurement you can take. In fact…
Body composition is the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in your body. A healthy body composition is one that includes a lower percentage of body fat and a higher percentage of fat-free mass, which includes muscle, bones, and organs. Body composition is measured to assess your health and fitness level.

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