Male Masturbation
I speak only for males here but Shaw was certainly right in saying that 99 percent of men masturbate and 1 percent are liars - Andrew Sullivan

image by: The World Famous CFOX
HWN Suggests
Why is There Still a Stigma Surrounding Male Masturbation?
If a woman does it, it’s empowering. If a guy does it, it’s dirty. So goes the old, tired, and false narrative about masturbation. While our society has come on in leaps and bounds over the last few decades when it comes to female empowerment – understanding that women have agency over their sexual desires, for instance – there’s still one pervasive attitude that is proving tricky to tackle. The idea that male masturbation is somehow ‘gross’ or ‘pervy’ or even that it causes harm to the men who do it.
Before we crack open this can of worms, it’s worth mentioning that the phrases ‘male masturbation’ and ‘female masturbation’ inevitably carry a lot of gendered baggage. As a general…
A Discussion of Male Masturbation
In almost all of the reading I did for this blog, there were no suggestions that there is anything harmful about self stimulation. At worst, if a male is too vigorous in self stimulating the genitals, he can cause some soreness or injury to the penis. Therefore, the idea is not to eliminate this activity but to be more gentle.
Hands Off
And despite a century passing since Freud declared autoeroticism a healthy phase of childhood sexual development and Egon Schiele drew pictures of people touching themselves, masturbation has become the latest frontier in the school of self-improvement. Today’s anti-masturbation advocates deviate from anti-onanists past.
How Natural Is Masturbation?
I speak only for males here but Shaw was certainly right in saying that 99 percent of men masturbate and 1 percent are liars. I once caused a little stir at Notre Dame by pointing out that every priest in the audience was masturbator, as of course they all were. The natural cause of this is obvious: the male body produces far, far, far, far more sperm than can ever possibly become babies.
How Women Feel About Male Masturbation
Like your Google search history, masturbation is probably one of those topics that you’d rather not discuss with your partner. And not because you think you’re doing anything wrong (um, you’re probably not!), but because male masturbation is often a topic that’s misunderstood, with so many television shows, movies, music and Internet memes often providing negative stereotypes of how many masturbate and how often they do it.
Male Masturbation
The need for men to masturbate is both physically and psychologically driven, but ‘too much of a good thing’ can be harmful to the health of a man’s penis. This means, that it is important for men to understand just what is considered a ‘safe level’ of masturbation and how they can protect their penis and contribute to their overall sexual function.
Science Says Men Should Masturbate 21 Times A Month — Here’s Why
Masturbating frequently could significantly reduce a man’s risk of prostate cancer.
Squirrels masturbate to avoid sexually transmitted infections
An alternative is that masturbation is actually beneficial. By flushing old sperm from the male’s testicles, it gets a higher proportion of competitive or fertile sperm ready for the next potential mating.
Take Pleasure Into Your Own Hands: 3 Top Masturbation Tips for Men
We don’t talk much about male masturbation, not in a serious way. We make jokes and use cute terms to hide our discomfort. There are plenty of legitimate reasons we should all engage in masturbation. Giving oneself pleasure is the best reason of all.
The Dangers of Masturbation
In extreme cases, self-pleasuring can actually fracture your dick and rupture your arteries. Be careful out there.
The Scientific and Personal Benefits of Not Masturbating
I refrained from orgasms for three weeks, then asked a professor about all the feelings I was feeling.
Why is There Still a Stigma Surrounding Male Masturbation?
If a woman does it, it’s empowering. If a guy does it, it’s dirty.
Although masturbation is normal, healthy, and fun, prone masturbation causes severe sexual dysfunction in most males who practice it. This web site describes prone masturbation and the problems of its practitioners and offers case studies and approaches to becoming cured.

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