Sex without love is as hollow and ridiculous as love without sex - Hunter S Thompson

image by: bubulina65
HWN Suggests
Revising ‘Sex’ for the 21st Century
WITH its forthright prose, little-before-discussed-in-the-suburbs erotic advice and amusing pictures of an ardent naked person known popularly as the Hairy Man, “The Joy of Sex” was a revolution in its time. Published in 1972, when sex was still supposed to take place in the dark and under the sheets, the book thrust itself into public consciousness with all the subtlety of a gigolo at a convention of bishops. It was also stunningly popular, a well-thumbed fixture of bedside tables across America that spent 343 weeks on the New York Times best-seller list.
The book has undergone various tweaks and expansions over the years, and six years ago the Hairy Man and his somewhat less hairy…
What Keeps Couples Happy Long Term
A large, new study on sexual satisfaction finds happy long-term couples share certain habits.
China Just Put Our Sex Education To Shame
There’s something interesting happening in China. It’s something that many of us here in the West have been fighting for and wrestling with for decades, and yet in China, a country with a population more than the US, Australia, Russia, and all of Europe COMBINED, they did it overnight. The Chinese government has just overhauled its sex education curriculum, and the contents should leave us all just a little bit embarrassed at the state of our own. It’s not just good, it’s surprisingly progressive.
Does Having More Sex Boost Your Brain Power?
Why this might be true is another story, and the doors are open for speculation. Health and lifestyle may play a role (this study couldn't rule those factors out entirely), but beyond that there are other reasons to think more sex is good for the brain.
Here’s What Sex Is Really Like After 60
Sex might not be what it was at 30, and that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
Let’s Talk (Frankly) About Sex
A new approach uses openness and humor to make “The Talk” less dreadful for parents and children alike.
Let’s Think About Sex
Better communication in your relationship can come from more sexual thoughts, not just being nicer.
Talking to Kids About Sex
The French aren’t paragons of sex education. Though schools are required to teach it, they often don’t. Instead of “the talk,” French children typically get “the book,” says Philippe Brenot, a sexologist. “In general that’s what it is in France. At 12, 13, 14 years old, it’s, ‘Here, take this and read it.’ ”
The Science of Passionate Sex
Our culture is obsessed with sex. Everywhere you look is another article on how to have hot sex, harder erections, mind-bending orgasms, and ejaculations that go on for days. What people seldom realize, though-- and which the latest science backs up-- is that this is exactly the problem.
This Is How Women And Men Really Feel About Period Sex
Turns out, not that many people are too stressed about period sex.
This NYC Museum Takes Sex Seriously
While exhibits range from bouncy-breast castles to the sex lives of animals, the 15-year-old museum is positioning itself as an institution.
Revising ‘Sex’ for the 21st Century
“Because we are more sexualized, we need something that is credible, accurate and authoritative,” Ms. Quilliam said.
5 Things Everyone Should Know About Sex
Often, people tell me, “I wish I’d learned that sooner.” It’s those key lessons that I wish I could magically implant in everyone’s brain so they could experience more joy and less anxiety when it comes to their intimate lives. Here are five of the things I wish everyone knew about sex...
6 Things People Get Totally Wrong About Sex, According To Sex Therapists
Your sex ed class probably didn’t cover this.
Better Sex Ed
As you can see, we are only two people, and our perspectives are limited. We mostly write from a heteronormative stance, and realize that not all orientations are being adequately represented.
Museum of Sex
The Mission of the Museum of Sex is to preserve and present the history, evolution and cultural significance of human sexuality. The Museum produces exhibitions, publications and programs that bring the best of current scholarship on sex and sexuality to the widest possible audiences
I am Adina, the founder of MyTinySecrets and I consider myself a life-scientist. I try until I succeed. I’m not a teacher nor a guru. I’m just a regular woman that loves life and the challenges that come along with it. Today I live a life dedicated to growth and helping others on their journey.
New World Sex Education
As you explore the pages of the NEW WORLD SEX EDUCATION site, enjoy perusing the free media or take a sip from our juicy, information packed blog. . Take pleasure as you go deeper and take adavantage of our sexual education through our delcicious DVD s, our uplifting workshops, or our enlighting sessions.
Celeste & Danielle’s Sex Blog
Have you ever wanted to know what secretly goes on in the minds of two sex and intimacy coaches? In this blog we are going to expose the ins and outs of passion, sexual excitement, intimacy, erotic power, sensuality and ecstasy. Our deepest purpose is for you to discover and experience the heights of your sexual potential and to live your life fully in every moment. We do it by diving into life and savoring it like tasting our favorite foods or the rush of a rollercoaster ride. In service of this goal, we will share with you personal stories, tips and tricks, anonymous success stories of individuals and couples with whom we’ve worked...

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