Sexual Orientation

Sexual orientation is who someone is sexually attracted to. Gender identity is who someone is - German Lopez

Sexual Orientation
Sexual Orientation

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HWN Suggests

Sexual fluidity and the diversity of sexual orientation

Who are you today? Who were you a decade ago? For many of us, shifts in our lives — relationships, jobs, friendships, where we live, what we believe — are the only constant. Yet it's a common misconception that sexual orientation develops at an early age and then remains stable throughout one's life. Rather, changes in sexual orientation are a common thread in many people's lives. People may experience changes in who they are attracted to, who they have sex with, and which labels they use to describe their sexual orientation. Such changes in sexual orientation are called sexual fluidity.

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 Sexual fluidity and the diversity of sexual orientation

While anyone can experience changes in their sexual orientation, sexually fluidity is more common in younger people and among people who are LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and additional identities).

The Trevor Project

The Trevor Project provides lifesaving and life-affirming services to LGBTQ+ young people.

ECHR Sexual Orientation Blog

Blogging by Paul Johnson, Professor of Sociology at the University of York.

The science behind a more meaningful understanding of sexual orientation

The academy found that a multitude of scientific studies have shown sexual orientation is biologically determined. There is not a single gene or environmental factor that is responsible for this – but rather a set of complex interactions between the two that determines one’s sexual orientation.

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