Teen Health
Few things are more satisfying than seeing your children have teenagers of their own - Doug Larson
image by: Alex Proimos
HWN Suggests
The Future Paradigm of Our Time
Do you ever wonder what people will say about us in 500 years…or even 100 years from now? Will our generation be criticized or praised? Will they talk about how advanced we were or how behind we were? We spend so much time learning about our country and world’s history and talking about all the changes that have been made. We spend so much time congratulating ourselves for being progressive. We spend so much time comparing the past to the present. What we don’t realize is that the present could never exist without our past. So how will future generations see us? As thoughtful and progressive? Or as uninformed and neglectful?
Will we be known only for Snapchat and Instagram? Will…
More teens would rather text their friends than hang out IRL
But by large margins, teens say they are doing okay. “Across every measure in our survey, teens are more likely to say that social media has a positive rather than a negative effect on how they feel,” the report says.
A Guide to Managing Media for Teens and Tweens
Nowadays, it’s all but impossible for constantly-connected teens and tweens to avoid screens, media, and digital devices. At seemingly every turn, they’re inundated with notifications from their friends, new content to read or listen to, and new apps and games to play with. Between smartphones, laptops and tablets, and other digital devices, media is everywhere and all too easy for children to access whenever they please.
Guns are killing high school kids across America at alarming rates
Firearms killed more 15 to 19 year olds than cancer, heart disease, and diabetes combined in 2016.
Sleep Tied to Teenagers’ Metabolic Health
Adolescents who got enough sleep had a lower risk of metabolic problems.
How Iceland Got Teens to Say No to Drugs
Curfews, sports, and understanding kids’ brain chemistry have all helped dramatically curb substance abuse in the country.
Teens, Your Brain Needs Real Food
TEENS, DO YOU WANT TO be in a happier mood, do better in school, have more energy for fun activities and make friends who share common interests in music and sports? Well, that's a no-brainer. And speaking of the brain, feeding it the right foods is exactly what can help you achieve this state of teenage bliss.
Don’t Overdiscuss Your Teen’s Problems
Well-meaning parents can sometimes dwell too long on a child’s difficulties with friends and school, doing more harm than good.
Don’t Take Away Your Teen’s Phone
So for our teens, we need to better understand what is causing what. Are social media and the convenience of our mobile devices causing young people to be more depressed? Or, could it be the other way around: They already are more depressed, and they are turning to their phones for solace?
How to Cope With Stress
Among the most common stressors identified were heavily covered news topics, including gun violence, sexual assault, suicide rates, and migrant family separation, as well as everyday stressors like money. Reacting to difficult experiences or negative news by feeling stressed is a common and valid experience, and learning how to manage it can make a positive difference in your life.
Money Is Driving a Wedge in Teen Health
Large study reveals adolescents from low-income families have more physical and psychological issues.
Most teens still visit pediatricians—but they deserve doctors trained to treat them
An adolescent health specialist explains what it means to understand teens.
Take Charge of Your Health
A guide from the National Institute of Health...As you get older, you are starting to make your own decisions about many things that are important to you. You select what you wear every day, listen to music that you like, and spend time with friends that you choose. Are you also ready to take charge of decisions that affect your health?
Teens Vaping E-Cigarettes Up To 7 Times More Likely To Smoke Later, But Not Vice Versa
Teens who use e-cigarettes are more likely to smoke tobacco cigarettes later on—but the opposite wasn’t true, found a new long-term study that surveyed high school students over three years. That is, teens who smoked tobacco cigarettes were not more likely to later use e-cigarettes, or "vape."
The Dangerous Ways Too Much Tech Can Mess With Teens' Health
Technology certainly has the power to inspire positive change, but overindulgence can have dangerous consequences. Here are just a few ways excessive screen use can take a toll on teens' well-being -- and a few tips to keep in mind...
The Preventable Problem That Schools Ignore
Educators are ill-equipped to help victims of dating violence.
Twice as Many Teen Girls Are Killing Themselves and We Don’t Know Why
The question, of course, is: why? What's driving this disturbing trend? "It's important to let readers know that multiple factors contribute to risk for suicide. It's not the result of any one thing—it's the result of many things," Simon says. Many of these factors play out individually, such as substance abuse, issues in school or at work, legal problems, or relationship issues.
Wellness Tips for Teenagers Only
I can only imagine how hard it is to be a young woman these days! They are surrounded by ridiculous images of "perfection" while trying to grow into their own skin and feel beautiful. My daughter is on the verge of her teenage years and I'm so glad she'll have my book when she has questions but doesn't want to come to me directly (The Diet For Teenagers Only). It's so important for teenage girls to feel happy about their bodies and to have high self-esteem.
Why Are More American Teenagers Than Ever Suffering From Severe Anxiety?
Parents, therapists and schools are struggling to figure out whether helping anxious teenagers means protecting them or pushing them to face their fears.
Why Does High School Still Start So Early?
Research shows that unreasonable start times lead to chronic sleep deprivation in teens. Why are schools so slow to make changes?
The Future Paradigm of Our Time
So how will future generations see us? As thoughtful and progressive? Or as uninformed and neglectful?
5 Reasons Your Teen is Addicted to Junk Food (and How You Can Help)
Healthy eating is difficult to maintain for anyone, but this is especially true with your teen’s health. Not only are their hormones exacerbating their crazy cravings, but teenagers also face an onslaught of too-readily available junk food, making it the easiest and most enticing food choice – every time.
Teen Health and Wellness
Teen Health & Wellness: Real Life, Real Answers, the inaugural database from Rosen Publishing Online, provides students with comprehensive curricular support and self-help tools on topics including diseases, drugs, alcohol, nutrition, fitness, mental health, diversity, family life, and more.
Teen Health Source
Info from Planned Parenthood Toronto.
Teen Life
Being a teenager is hard. They need our help! Do you remember those teenage years? We do too! It is easy to feel overwhelmed and alone, but Teen Life exists to equip, encourage and empower teenagers to live life better.
Teenbreaks.com is designed to give you up-to-date and accurate information on abortion, pregnancy, and other issues.
TeenHealthFX.com is your online resource for any and all questions regarding your health, your relationships, your body and your sexuality. While this site is informative, it's not a substitute for talking to your doctor and your parents.....
Welcome to TeensHealth! TeensHealth was created for teens looking for honest, accurate information and advice about health, relationships, and growing up.
The purpose of TeenSource.org, an online resource developed by the California Family Health Council, is to improve the health and well being of young people in CA by providing non-judgmental, accurate, and reliable sexual and reproductive health information and resources.
Our contributors include youth advisers, mentors, health care providers and communication professionals who are members of the Center for Young Women’s Health, The Center on Media and Child Health, and the Young Men’s Health site at Boston Children’s Hospital.
Helping parents keep drug free homes since 2004.
Young Men's Health
Youngmenshealthsite.org (YMH) is a website produced by the Division of Adolescent and Young Adult Medicine at Boston Children's Hospital. The purpose of the website is to provide carefully researched health information to teenage boys and young men.
Girls Health
Girlshealth.gov offers girls reliable, useful information on health and well-being. We cover hundreds of topics, from getting your period to stopping bullies, and from getting fit to preventing sexually transmitted infections. We make our pages clear and fun, and we make sure to answer key questions girls ask. Girlshealth.gov is committed to empowering girls to create strong, positive relationships and happy, healthy futures.
I Wanna Know
iwannaknow.org offers information on sexual health for for teens and young adults. This is where you will find the facts, the support, and the resources to answer your questions, find referrals, and get access to in-depth information about sexual health, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), healthy relationships, and more.
Our Bodies Ourselves
Our Bodies Ourselves (OBOS) is a nonprofit, public interest organization based in Cambridge, Mass., that develops and promotes evidence-based information on girls’ and women’s reproductive health and sexuality.
Many people don't grow up knowing how to arrange for or manage healthcare. But you may be responsible for it now or very soon. Sexual healthcare is a kind of care that people often don't want parents or guardians involved in, so it may be that seeking out sexual healthcare is where you find you first need to navigate your healthcare on your own.
The Mix
The Mix is the UK’s leading support service for young people. We are here to help you take on any challenge you’re facing - from mental health to money, from homelessness to finding a job, from break-ups to drugs. Talk to us via online, social or our free, confidential helpline.
We're not here to criticize your choices, or tell you not to smoke. We're here to arm everyone – smokers and non-smokers – with the tools to make change.
Connect with Kids Network
Connect with Kids Education Network (CWK) is an instructional media company that produces documentary-style videos and evidence-based curricula designed to improve student behavior, health and wellness. Using the power of storytelling and peer-to-peer learning, Connect with Kids programs spark emotional connection and inspire positive behavior and cultural change.
DanceSafe has two fundamental operating principles: harm reduction and peer-based, popular education. Combining these two principles has enabled us to create successful, peer-based educational programs to reduce drug misuse and empower young people to make healthy, informed lifestyle choices. We are known for bringing adulterant screening (a.k.a., “pill testing,” “drug checking”) to the rave and nightlife community in the U.S., and for distributing unbiased educational literature describing the effects and risks associated with the use of various drugs.
We at DrinkSavvy hold the crazy belief that your evenings should be spent having fun. That's why we are developing trendy new DrinkSavvy cups, glasses, and straws/stirrers that look and function normally, except they will immediately change color to warn you when someone slips a date rape drug into your drink.
Embarrassing Bodies
The Embarrassing Bodies doctors offer an innovative way to raise health awareness and de-stigmatise 'embarrassing' body parts and medical conditions.
This site was created to help girls (ages 10-16) learn about health, growing up, and issues they may face. It focuses on health topics that girls are concerned about and helps motivate them to choose healthy behaviors by using positive, supportive, and non-threatening messages.
HealthCorps is a national non-profit organization that gives teens tools to improve physical and mental health so they can learn to live more productive and happier lives. HealthCorps students exercise more, eat better and practice positive thought.
It's Your Sex Life
Since 1997, the Kaiser Family Foundation and MTV have partnered on an extensive, Emmy and Peabody Award-winning public information campaign to support young people in making responsible decisions about their sexual health. A focus is on preventing the spread of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and reducing unintended pregnancy.
Sex, Etc.
Sex, Etc. is on a mission to improve teen sexual health across the country! Each year, seven million young people visit Sexetc.org, and thousands read our national magazine to get honest and accurate sexual health information.
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine
Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine offers these resources for adolescent health practitioners in search of health information on some of the most pressing topics facing teens and young adults. The resources provided include relevant web links and research articles.
Statistics, links, resources and data as it applies to adolescent health.
Center for Young Women's Health
The mission of our website is to help teen girls, their parents, educators, and health care providers improve their understanding of normal health and development, as well as of specific diseases and conditions. We want to empower teen girls and young women around the world to take an active role in their own health care.
Car accidents, unintentional physical injury, homicide and suicide are the top killers of teenagers and young adults. Cancer and heart disease can also affect you at this age. Unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases (including HIV and AIDS) can cause you social and personal problems, in addition to harming your health.
Your body is changing; your moods may be unpredictable and sometimes hard to explain. Don't worry. These changes are normal. Our guide to teen health is designed to help you understand the common physical and emotional changes you are going through, and deal responsibly with new personal and social situations you may encounter.
Journal of Adolescent and Family Health
An interdisciplinary journal publishing a range of articles from the biological and behavioral to social and applied sciences, intended to improve the lives of adolescents and families.
Planet Science
Planet Science exists to offer young scientists of school age the inspiration and excitement that will support their study of science at school and beyond. Planet Science is there to support classrooms, curriculum, textbooks and teachers - but not by going over the same ground as they cover. Instead, our mission is to tickle your curiosity, excite your interest, and unleash your passions in science.
For nearly 100 years, we’ve worked to improve women’s health and safety, prevent unintended pregnancies, and advance the right and ability of individuals and families to make informed and responsible choices.
Introducing Stitches!
Your Path to Meaningful Connections in the World of Health and Medicine
Connect, Collaborate, and Engage!
Coming Soon - Stitches, the innovative chat app from the creators of HWN. Join meaningful conversations on health and medical topics. Share text, images, and videos seamlessly. Connect directly within HWN's topic pages and articles.