
The art of conversation is the art of hearing as well as of being heard - William Hazlitt, Selected Essays, 1778-1830


image by: Hearing Sense

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Hearing Too Much in a Noisy World

Our sense of home is intimately bound up with our sense of hearing. I know that I am home if I can hear the silvery soloing of robins or the soulful whistling of blackbirds. I’m not alone in this attachment. Tennyson’s favourite line, among all his many thousands, recorded hearing a blackbird – “The mellow ouzel fluted in the elm” – and during the civil-rights era Paul McCartney discovered a deathless optimism in a blackbird singing in the dead of night.

Birdsong – beautiful, ubiquitous, worthy of anybody’s attention – is only one gift of hearing and one way that it connects us to the world. Hearing is a sense we cannot switch off. We can’t shut our ears. They are always open, allowing…

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 Hearing Too Much in a Noisy World

The hearing brain is vast. It engages how we think, feel, move, and interpret our other senses. Not only does it shape our health, but it is deeply involved in forming memories and contributes in no small way to making us who we are.

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