Vaginal Bleeding
Pregnancy spotting is usually nothing to freak out about. But it’s good to know what’s normal and what’s not - Korin Miller

image by: Fertility and Pregnancy Health
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Bleeding during pregnancy
In early pregnancy you might get some light bleeding, called 'spotting', when the fetus plants itself in the wall of your womb. This is also known as 'implantation bleeding' and often happens around the time that your first period after conception would have been due...
During the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can be a sign of miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy (when the fetus implants outside the womb, often in the fallopian tube). However, many women who bleed at this stage of pregnancy go on to have normal and successful pregnancies.
In the later stages of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can have many different causes...
Bleeding During Pregnancy – What‘s Normal?
Vaginal bleeding can happen from conception to delivery. Spotting is a type of light bleeding. You may see just a few drops of blood in your underwear. Heavy bleeding is more noticeable. It will require a sanitary pad to protect your clothing.
Bleeding in Early Pregnancy and Threatened Miscarriage
Bleeding in early pregnancy is a common presentation to the ED and is a source of stress and concern for the newly expecting family.
Vaginal Bleeding in Early Pregnancy
What is the value of the pelvic examination in stable patients with vaginal bleeding in early pregnancy? If ultrasound findings are available and reassuring, our experts suggest a pelvic exam may be deferred.
Asynchrony EM: First Trimester Bleeding and Complications of Abortion
Should the emergency physician obtain a pelvic ultrasound in a clinically stable pregnant patient who presents to the emergency department with abdominal pain and/or vaginal bleeding and a β-human chorionic gonadotropin (β-hCG) level below a discriminatory threshold? (My short answer: yes.)
Bleeding During Pregnancy
Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy has many causes. Some are serious and others are not. Bleeding can occur early or later in pregnancy. Bleeding in early pregnancy is common. In many cases, it does not signal a major problem. Bleeding later in pregnancy can be more serious.
Clinical Concept: Managing first trimester vaginal bleeding in the ED
The vast majority of 1st trimester bleeding, however, falls into a spectrum of “it’s too early to tell.” The differential of early bleeding with an undetermined pregnancy location ranges from completed abortions to benign subchorionic hemorrhages, with multiple options in between. This degree of uncertainty is often emotionally difficult to absorb for both patients and clinicians.
CRACKCast E034 – Vaginal Bleeding
This chapter covers a complaint that ranges from mostly benign to life threatening, and covers causes and management.
Early Pregnancy – First Trimester Bleeding
The rate of first trimester bleeding is fairly common – around 25% so it is imperative that patients know that it is common, but that it does have some slight correlation with miscarriage. Close observation of symptoms and clear return instructions for what to expect (e.g. If bleeding gets worse, please return to ED) and arranging follow-up as possible.
Vaginal Bleeding in Pregnancy
Throughout pregnancy, vaginal bleeding can cause adverse maternal, fetal, and neonatal outcomes. Although vaginal bleeding is more common in early pregnancy, during the latter half it complicates approximately 5” of pregnancies. Vaginal bleeding is a common presenting complaint to emergency departments.
Vaginal Bleeding in the Pregnant Patient
Many acute complications of pregnancy are accompanied by vaginal bleeding, and this month’s article uses a case-based approach to explore some of the more life-threatening.
What Is Implantation Bleeding?
Not every pregnant person will experience this symptom, but for some people, a fertilized egg attaching to the lining of the uterus can cause a small amount of bleeding, which is referred to as implantation bleeding. Implantation bleeding tends to occur one to two weeks after fertilization, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG).
Bleeding during pregnancy
Bleeding during pregnancy is relatively common and doesn’t always mean there is a problem.
3 Times When Spotting During Pregnancy Could Signal a Problem
Spotting happens in many pregnancies. Here's how to tell the difference between normal bleeding and something else.

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