Rh Negative

The blood that flows through your veins contains your life force, and your blood type can affect your life in surprising ways - Tau Tia L Douglass

Rh Negative
Rh Negative

image by: Supernatural Tendencies Podcast

HWN Suggests

7 Traits of Rh negatives you might not already know about

Being Rh negative is pretty special within itself, but do you have these magick powers too?

1, Empathy - You walk into a room and you instantly pick up on the vibes. You will know when someone has been laughing, crying, arguing, or is sad. It doesn't matter if someone denies they are sad or upset about something, you will know the truth. You can tune into their feelings so well that if you are not careful you take on the other persons emotions too. We need to learn to hold back a little, otherwise we are no use to those who need us most.

2, Psychic - Yes, you did know that was going to happen didn't you? How often to find yourself  'just knowing' something is going to…

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 7 Traits of Rh negatives you might not already know about

Being Rh negative is pretty special within itself, but do you have these magic powers too?

Rhesus Negative

Where two negatives make a negative.

Rh Negative Blood Type Secrets

How does the blood flowing through your veins affect your life?

Rhesus Negative and DNA Correlations

History of the Red Haired People...

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